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Welcome to my Presentation on

Women’s Participation in Bangladesh

Civil Service
Presenter Information

Pranto Bala Sumon

Roll No: 643

Exam Roll No: 150922

Registration No: 40083

Session – 2014-15
Women’s Participation in Civil Service

 The participation of female executives has increased globally over the half

 The Wide disparity between male and female representative is very

common in most of the third world countries. Women got a very little access
to public services.
Women’s Participation in Bangladesh Civil Service

 Since the independence of Bangladesh, the Government has been trying to gain
development. But development requires equal participation of man and women.

 Women face sheer disparity in allocation of resources, in enjoying their rights and
opportunities and in exercising control over decision-making despite the fact that
they constitute half of the total population of the country.

 Gender mainstreaming in BCS has already been found a place in policy agenda of
Bangladesh. However, women participation in bureaucracy is still very low.
Historical Overview of Comparative Study of Women’s
Participation in Bangladesh Civil Service
 Bangladesh Civil service is the direct inheritor of the British colonial administration.

 Bangladesh civil Service derived from the Indian civil service through Pakistan civil
Service. Till 1935 there was no woman serving in the Indian Civil Service (Begum and
Ahmed, 2002).

 Situation did not change much in Pakistan Civil Service, only few cadres like audit and
accounts, income tax and postal service were open for women; yet they had to resign from
the post if they got married or remarried.
Historical Overview of Comparative Study of Women’s Participation
in Bangladesh Civil Service (continues…)

 After liberation in 1971 Bangladesh civil service was born. In 1980 reform, there were 14
cadres and 22 sub-cadres. It was changed into 30 cadres in 1987 and very recently it is
rearranged as 28 cadres. It opened the service for the women.

 But till 1980 there was no woman in administration, judicial, postal and communication
cadre; only 1 woman was in revenue department of finance division, 4 women were in the
Foreign Service and 6 women were in information department but by 1986 it reached at
1417 (Haque and Bala, 1988).
Historical Overview of Comparative Study of Women’s Participation
in Bangladesh Civil Service (continues…)

 Data from 1994 to 2002 shows that there were only 2 Joint Secretaries, 8 Deputy
Secretaries in the civil service (Mahtab, 2007).

 Women have been regularly recruited in all cadres of the Bangladesh Civil Service since
1982. The quota system was fully operationalized since1980s (Kabir, 2008). Initially, 10% of
entry level positions were reserved for women; this was later increased to 15%.

 However, the participation of women in Bangladesh civil service is still very poor. Only
6.44% women are working in the civil service (Mahtab, 2007).
Historical Overview of Comparative Study of Women’s Participation
in Bangladesh Civil Service (continues…)

Table-1: Representation of Women at Different Levels of Civil Service in 2007

Position Male (%) Female (%)
Secretary 100 0
Additional Secretary 99.08 0.92
Joint Secretary 93.26 6.74
Deputy Secretary 88.39 11.61
Senior Assistant Secretary 84.43 15.57
Assistant Secretary 77.23 22.77
Historical Overview of Comparative Study of Women’s Participation
in Bangladesh Civil Service (continues…)
Present Scenario and Trends of Women’s Participation in
Bangladesh Civil Service
 Since independence Bangladesh government has given importance on women participation
and taken many necessary measures to encourage women to participate in public sector.

 The government has recently increased the maternity leave for female employees up to six
months from the previous four months. It is really an appreciable deed. It is a further step
towards promoting women in public service.

 In order to enhance representation of women in the civil service of Bangladesh, 10 per cent
posts have been reserved for the women.
Present Scenario and Trends of Women’s Participation in
Bangladesh Civil Service (continues…)
Table-2: Representation of Women at Different Levels of Civil Service in 2009
Position Male Female Male (%) Female (%)
Secretary 52 2 96.3 3.7
Additional Secretary 162 13 92.6 7.4
Joint Secretary 995 35 96.6 3.4
Deputy Secretary 1245 169 88.0 12.0
Senior Assistant Secretary 1210 268 81.9 18.1
Assistant Secretary 716 249 74.2 25.8
Total 4380 736 85.6 14.4
Problems Behind Low Participation of Women in BCS
 Apprehension of getting posted in remote areas and transferable nature of jobs

 Family Responsibilities

 Non-cooperation and negative attitudes of male colleagues and family members

Superiority complexes and negative attitudes of the male colleagues

 Societal backwardness

 Women Failing Behind Men in the Examination

 Government should ensure taking necessary initiative for improving working conditions for
women to attract women in the civil service.

 Effective measures should be taken to ensure posting and transfer women as per existing
policies of government.

 At least one third of Members of the PSC should be appointed from competitive and qualified

There should be a comprehensive policy in the civil service to remove the obstacles that hinder
the performance of women and to address their special needs for better functioning
Women's employment in the country's economic and social progress plays a
significant role. In Bangladesh the employment status of women is still lower
than the expected level.

Women’s equal participation in the civil service, will help them empower
more economically and status also.
Thank You

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