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Hydroelectric Power Stations

(for BEE)
Lecture Slides
Muhammad Faizan Munir
Hydroelectric Power Stations
“Hydroelectric Power Generation is based on utilizing energy of flowing water.”

Flowing water has Kinetic Energy & Potential Energy

Natural Sources of Flowing Water

a. Water Falls: water flowing from the height
b. Streams: fall into river
c. Rivers: fall into sea
Hydroelectric Power Stations
Hierarchy of Flow of Energy in Hydroelectric Power Station

“Flowing water has K.E + P.E”

“Energy of flowing water is captured and converted into mechanical energy by
water wheel”

“Water wheel is coupled with Alternator”

Alternator converts mechanical energy into Electrical Energy

Water Wheel ?
“Water wheel is generic name for any structure which rotates by the virtue of
water energy”
Water Turbine : a water wheel used for electric power generation.
• Characteristics of water turbines are specially related with the terms of
electric energy. Water wheel may be designed by anyone with unspecified
characteristics, while water turbines is designed by engineer having defined
speed vs. water flow vs. power output specifications.
• Example: a water wheels made for grinding corn/thrashing rice etc.
• Water turbine efficiently captures energy of flowing water.
Location of Water Turbine?
“Water turbine is not placed directly under the naturally flowing water, there is
some channel (water path) to converge water onto the turbine blades”
Water is channelized and driven to a convenient location where turbine is
placed. as shown

What is the need of doing all this? (more head: more energy)
Need for water reservoir/Dam
• Water flow in natural streams and rivers is variable. It depends on amount of
rain falls/ snow melting/ day & night variations/ seasonal variations e.t.c.
• Dams are built to store water for
a. Agriculture
b. Floods Prevention
c. Power Generation
Dams help efficient utilization of water according to our needs instead of
loosing water all the time into sea
Dams made the water available during decreased rainfalls
Need for Head
• Water is first stored in a reservoir and then made to fall onto the turbine from
a specific height.
“The height of water level in the reservoir above the level of turbine is known as
Need for Head
• It is mainly the head and the quantity of water flowing into the turbine which
determine the work done, and consequently the power output.
• Pipeline = (water channel)

Why a sloped pipeline/water channel is required?

Why not vertical?
Need for Head
• It is mainly the head and the quantity of water flowing into the turbine which
determine the work done, and consequently the power output.
• Pipeline = (water channel)

Why a sloped pipeline/water channel is required?

Why not vertical?
To capture more quantity of water, and
attain more amount of K.E, we build a slopped channel.
Catchment Area
• For any river, there is a catchment area.
• The area over which the rainfall flows down to a particular river is known as catchment
• Expressed in square kilometers.

Like for the river Indus, there is some specific catchment area. Rainfalls/Snow melting over
that area provides water into river Indus.
Run off
• The entire rainfall over the catchment area does not reach the river. It is assumed that
about 30% of the rainfall is lost into soil, evaporation e.t.c. only 70% reaches the river. This
70% rain water reached in the river is known as run-off.
• Run-off of Air University
• Run-off of Sector E-9
Stages in a Hydroelectric Power Station
Hydroelectric power station comprises of the following:
a) Dam: The dam creates a reservoir upstream, obstructing the natural water course.
Incidentally, it also creates a Head, increasing the energy potential.
b) Inlet water way: The path for water from water reservoir (dam) to the turbine is known as
inlet water way. It is also known as Pen Stock or Power Chanel. It may comprise of an
open concrete channel or steel pipes.

c) Water Turbine and auxiliaries.

d) Tail Race or Outlet water way:

from the power house back to the river.
Selecting a site for Hydroelectric Power Station
Key points for site selection:
A hydroelectric power station is built along side a dam.
Ariel photography and contour maps of the terrain are needed for deciding the location.
Sufficient head must be available for a substantial power potential.
Rainfall records of last twenty years for the catchment area of that river are studied.
*Q.(Can power be generated from Rawal Dam, Islamabad, Pakistan? No. Because sufficient
head is not available. Rainfall records for River Swan is not good.)
*Q(Can you build a dam specially for power generation along River Ravi, Punjab, Pakistan?:
No. Because its catchment area is located in india, and india is building dams along that river,
hence blocking water of Pakistan)
*Q(Neelum-Jehlum Power Project: No Dam is made, just a small reservoir, because Water
flow is quite large, and mostly throughout the year. Sufficient head is available.)
Selecting a site for Hydroelectric Power Station
Key points for site selection:
Following explorations are mandatory for site selection of a Dam accompanied by a
hydroelectric power station:
1. Metrological (Water availability)
2. Geological (Terrain gradient)
3. Geophysical (Soil Strength)

Rawal Dam is for water storage.

Locations for “Tarbela”, “Mangla” and “Kala Bagh” Dams are best suited for Hydroelectric
Power Generation and Floods Prevention.
Typical Layout of Hydroelectric station
Layout of Turbine coupled with Generator
Water Hammer and the need for Surge Tank
Water Hammer and the need for Surge Tank
• It the velocity of a liquid in a pipeline is abruptly decreased by a valve
movement, the phenomenon encountered is called water hammer.
• This is very important problem in case of hydroelectric plants, where the
flow of water must be rapidly varied in proportion to the load changes on
the turbine.
• This results in the pressing of the liquid against the valve by the rest of the
liquid column.
• Walls of the pipe are also stretched due to the pressure being applied.
• Water hammer can burst large penstocks, causing great damage to
hydraulic and power generating facilities, in addition to loss of life.
Broken Pen Stock
Types of Hydropower plants
There are three types of hydropower facilities:

1. Impoundment hydropower facility.

2. Diversion hydropower facility.
3. Pumped storage hydropower facility.

Hydropower plants range in size from small systems for a home or village to large projects
producing electricity for utilities.
Types of Hydropower plants
1. Impoundment hydropower facility
The most common type of hydroelectric power plant is an impoundment facility. An
impoundment facility, typically a large hydropower system, uses a dam to store river water in
a reservoir. Water released from the reservoir flows through a turbine, spinning it, which in
turn activates a generator to produce electricity. The water may be released either to meet
changing electricity needs or to maintain a constant reservoir level.
Types of Hydropower plants
2. Diversion hydropower facility
A diversion, sometimes called run-of-river facility, channels a portion of a river through a
canal or penstock. It may not require the use of a dam.
Types of Hydropower plants
Another type of hydropower called pumped storage works like a battery, storing the
electricity generated by other power sources like solar, wind, and nuclear for later use. It
stores energy by pumping water uphill to a reservoir at higher elevation from a second
reservoir at a lower elevation. When the demand for electricity is low, a pumped storage
facility stores energy by pumping water from a lower reservoir to an upper reservoir. During
periods of high electrical demand, the water is released back to the lower reservoir and turns
a turbine, generating electricity. 
Pumped storage: Reusing water for peak electricity demand
• Demand for electricity is not "flat" and constant.
• Demand goes up and down during the day, and overnight there is less need for electricity in
homes, businesses, and other facilities.
• For example, here in Atlanta, Georgia at 5:00 PM on a hot August weekend day, you can
bet there is a huge demand for electricity to run millions of air conditioners! But, 12 hours
later at 5:00 AM .... not so much.
• Hydroelectric plants are more efficient at providing for peak power demands during short
periods than are fossil-fuel and nuclear power plants, and one way of doing that is by using
"pumped storage", which reuses the same water more than once.
Pumped storage: Reusing water for peak electricity demand
• Pumped storage is a method of keeping water in reserve for peak period power demands
by pumping water that has already flowed through the turbines back up a storage pool
above the power plant at a time when customer demand for energy is low, such as during
the middle of the night.
• The water is then allowed to flow back through the turbine-generators at times when
demand is high and a heavy load is placed on the system.

Two concepts: a) Storing Solar Energy into water Potential

b) Storing Surplus Energy into water Potential
Pumped storage: Reusing water for peak electricity demand
• The reservoir acts much like a battery, storing power in the form of water when demands
are low and producing maximum power during daily and seasonal peak periods.
• An advantage of pumped storage is that hydroelectric generating units are able to start up
quickly and make rapid adjustments in output. They operate efficiently when used for one
hour or several hours. Because pumped storage reservoirs are relatively small, construction
costs are generally low compared with conventional hydropower facilities.
Pumped storage: Reusing water for peak electricity demand
Concept # A
Facilities range in size from large power plants that supply many consumers
with electricity to small and micro plants that individuals operate for their
own energy needs.
1. Large Hydropower: Although definitions vary, US standards define large
hydropower as facilities that have a capacity of more than 30 megawatts
2. Small Hydropower: Although definitions vary, US standards define small
hydropower as projects that generate 10 MW or less of power.
3. Micro Hydropower: A micro hydropower plant has a capacity of up to 100
kilowatts. A small or micro-hydroelectric power system can produce
enough electricity for a home, farm, ranch, or village.
There are two main types of hydro turbines: “impulse and reaction”. The type
of hydropower turbine selected for a project is based on the height of
standing water—referred to as "head"—and the flow, or volume of water, at
the site. Other deciding factors include how deep the turbine must be set,
efficiency, and cost.

*Hydropower turbines are also named as Hydraulic Turbine. The term of “water turbine” is rarely used.
What is the difference between runner and shaft in hydraulic
• In hydraulic turbines, the set of blades is also called as runner which rotates
when the fluid flows in the casing and comes in contact with it. While shaft
is connecting medium between the blades and the generator which rotates
when the blade is in motion thus in turn producing electricity.
The impulse turbine generally uses the velocity of the water to move the
Water is discharged to atmospheric pressure.
The water stream hits each bucket on the runner.
There is no suction on the down side of the turbine, and the water flows out
the bottom of the turbine housing after hitting the runner.
An impulse turbine is generally suitable for high head, low flow applications.
A reaction turbine develops power from the combined action of pressure and
moving water.
The runner is placed directly in the water stream flowing over the blades
rather than striking each individually.
Reaction turbines are generally used for sites with lower head and higher
flows than compared with the impulse turbines.
1.) IMPULSE TURBINE has following types
a. Pelton turbine
b. Cross-Flow turbine

2.) REACTION TURBINE has following types

a) Kaplan turbine
b) Propeller turbine
i) Bulb turbine
ii) Straflo turbine
iii)Tube turbine
c) Francis Turbine
d) Kinetic turbine
Most Commonly used Hydropower Turbines
a. Pelton Turbine


a. Kaplan Turbine
b. Francis Turbine
c. Propeller Turbine
Impulse Turbine (Type: Pelton)
Impulse Turbine (Type: Pelton)
Impulse Turbine (Type: Pelton)
For “high head (meters)” and “low discharge (cubic meter/second)”
head: 250m or above, tangential flow of water with respect to runner blades,
water jet deflects at angle of 170 to 180 degree with respect to blades,
specific speed 8 to 30 rpm
Reaction Turbine (Type: Francis)
For “medium head (meters)” and “medium discharge (cubic meter/second)”
head: 60m to 250m, radial flow of water with respect to runner blades,
specific speed 75 to 305 rpm,
velocity & pressure of water jet at outlet is different (reduced) from velocity
and pressure of water jet at the inlet of the turbine
Scroll Casing: distributes water properly in the turbine
Reaction Turbine (Type: Francis)
“Pumped Storage Facility” uses Francis Turbine. Francis Turbine can also be
used to move water up stream by using Generator as a motor.
Reaction Turbine (Type: Kaplan)
For “low head (meters)” and “heavy discharge (cubic meter/second)”
head: below 60m, axial flow of water with respect to runner blades, specific
speed 380 to 950 rpm,
Reaction Turbine (Type: Propeller)
Difference between Propeller and Kaplan : Blades are stationary in propeller
turbine, while in Kaplan, they are adjustable. Hence, during decreased water
discharge, Kaplan turbine still works effectively, making full use of available
Reaction Turbine (Type: Kaplan)
Blades of Kaplan and Propeller turbines are identical to the propeller of a Air
Reaction Turbine (Type: Kaplan and Propeller)
Axial Flow of Water
Reaction Turbine (Type: Kaplan or Propeller)
Line Diagram
Reaction Turbine (Type: Kaplan or Propeller)
Installed (low head)
Reaction Turbine (Francis)
Reaction Turbine (Francis)
Reaction Turbine (Francis)
Reaction Turbine (Francis)
Guide Vanes for controlling Flow (Discharge rate)
Stay Vanes avoid swirls of water inside of the turbine
Reaction Turbine (Francis)
Water Flow (Radial)
Reaction Turbine (Francis)
Water Path
Reaction Turbine (Francis)
Water Path
Calculations of Available Power
• Flowing water has K.E + P.E.
• K.E; because the water is moving. P.E; because the water always flows from higher potential
towards lower potential.
• Construction of a Dam along side a river provides sufficient Head to the flowing water.
• Large Head => More Potential Energy => More power in the water.
• More energy in the water => Large pressure in the pen stock.
• Mass of the water discharged per second is important while calculating available power
from water.
Rain Gauge
• 1mm=1 liter per square meter
After rainfall, If rain gauge is showing 5mm, it means you
have received 5 liters of water per meter square in the
form of rainfall.

• Catchment Area of rain gauge is around 25 sq. km

Rain Gauge
• Catchment Area of rain gauge is around 25 sq. km
Large City (Area) more than one rain gauges
Rain Gauge
• Catchment Area of rain gauge is around 25 sq. km
Large City (Area) more than one rain gauges

• Q) On 23 July 2001, Rainfall in Islamabad was 620mm.

How much water it received on that day?
Catchment Area of Islamabad=907

//This term 620mm is an average value of more than one

rain gauges placed in Islamabad city
Hydro Power Calculations
• Q) If your roof top has following dimensions: 3m*5m; and on a specific day
the rain gauge shows rainfall of 20mm, then how much water you have
received in the form of rainfall on your roof top?
• Q) If on a specific day, Islamabad received average rain fall of 50mm. Your
open reservoir located in Islamabad has area of 1.5 sq. kilometers, then
how much amount of water your reservoir has received directly from the
• Q) If your house is located in Rawalpindi, on a specific day it rained 20mm
in your area, and your roof top is 30 feet by 50 feet. How much water you
have received in the form of rainfall.
Hydro Power Calculations : Reading the data
• for 25 years
Hydro Power Calculations
• Q) what should be the dimensions of a reservoir to store 50,000 liters of water?

*1000 liters=1 cubic meter

*1 cubic meter=35.315 cubic feet
*Water has a volume, water is occupies 3D space.
* Water reservoir may of any shape but measurable/known volume.
Hydro Power Calculations
• Q) what is the volume of a 1.5 liter cold drink bottle in cubic meter and cubic feet?

*1000 liters=1 cubic meter

*1 cubic meter=35.315 cubic feet
*Water has a volume, water is occupies 3D space.
* Water reservoir may of any shape but measurable/known volume.
Hydro Power Calculations
*1 meter= 3.281 foot
*1 mile= 1.609 km
*1 meter=100 cm
*1foot=12 inch
*1 inch=0.0254 meters
*1 cubic meter=35.315 cubic feet
Hydro Power Calculations
How water is measured? How flow rate of water is represented? What is discharge rate?
*Water is measured by volumetric scale (liters of cubic meter or any scale of volume)
Flow rate of water is represented by its volume flown per time from a specific
Example= 1 liter/second : The flow rate of water : “Also the discharge of water”
Hydro Power Calculations
cusecs and cumets
The discharge of water in a canal or river is usually expressed by one of these units.
cusecs= cubic feet per second
cumets= cubic meter per second

How flowing water is measured? Many methods.

“Measuring the flow of a stream: Float Method”
Hydro Power Calculations
cusecs and cumets
The discharge of water in a canal or river is usually expressed by one of these units.
cusecs= cubic feet per second
cumets= cubic meter per second

How flowing water is measured? Many methods.

“Measuring the flow of a stream: Float Method”
Practical Task:-
Measure discharge in any water stream in your area/village.
Hydro Power Calculations
If stats show that the river has the flow of 20 cusecs, then what is the flow in liters per
If it is told that the discharge from a dam is 10 cusecs, then how much water in liters is being
discharged from the dam each second? If the discharge continues for 1 hour, how much
liters will flow out of the dam?
Hydro Power Calculations
Water Coming in the Reservoir/Dam
The catchment area the DAM which is 500sq. km, receives 100cm rainfall on a specific day.
How much cubic meters of water is expected to reach the dam assuming run off to be 70%.
Hydro Power Calculations
Average Rainfall
Rainfall data can be represented in many ways. It is very important to use the correct form of
Rainfall can be told as
Rainfall on a specific day in mm.
Average monthly rainfall i.e. Average rainfall in January. (total rainfall in January): See Graph
Average annual rainfall. (total rainfall in the year): See Graph

Power Engineer has to extract proper information.

Hydro Power Calculations : Under Stand the Concept
Continuous Water Discharge or Average Water Discharge
A small reservoir for a micro-hydro power project is built across the river. Catchment area
(100 sq. km) of that river receives 0.05mm of rainfall on an average per day(throughout the
year). Assuming that the reservoir is filled up to its maximum limit. How much average
discharge in cusecs is available from that reservoir? (Average discharge means the maximum
amount of water available 24 hours 7 days a week throughout the year). Run Off 80%.

Reservoir is filled, no water being stored.
Total water coming per day=0.05*100*(1000)^2*0.7 liters
 Convert liters into cubic meter and then into cubic feet
Divide cubic feet by total number of seconds in a day.
=______ cusecs (40.5 liters per second)
Hydro Power Calculations : Under Stand the Concept
Continuous Water Discharge or Average Water Discharge
A DAM for a hydro power project is built across the river. Catchment area (100 sq. km) of that
river receives 10mm of rainfall on an average per day(throughout the year). Assuming that
the reservoir is filled up to its maximum limit. How much average discharge in cusecs is
available from that reservoir? (Average discharge means the maximum amount of water
available 24 hours 7 days a week throughout the year). Run Off 80%.

Reservoir is filled, no water being stored.
Total water coming per day=10*100*(1000)^2*0.7 liters
 Convert liters into cubic meter and then into cubic feet
Divide cubic feet by total number of seconds in a day.
=286.11 cusecs (8101.85 liters per second)
Hydro Power Calculations : Under Stand the Concept

Solve it.
Hydro Power Calculations : Under Stand the Concept

• Annual Rainfall on the average means= Total rainfall in the year=1250mm
• Water to be stored in the reservoir= 500*(1000)^2*1250*0.7 liters = 437.5*10^6 cubic
Here water stored is what stored in a year and then continues until average rainfall varies
upon global warming
• Maximum Discharge Available (all the time) is =
“Total water stored in reservoir/(365*24*60*60)” [13.873 cumets]
Hydro Power Calculations : Under Stand the Concept

• Maximum Discharge Available (all the time) is = 13.873 cumets i.e. 13.873 cubic meters each second
round the clock

• Formula for available power=9.8*Q*H*efficiency (Q in cumets, H in meters)

Q is discharge, H is available head.
• Available power=34.668 MW round the clock (Maximum Possible Value) i.e. continuous available
• 1Unit=kWh
• Total Units Produced per year can also be calculated hence.
Proposal for Hydroelectric Power Station
Assignment #1 :-
Locate any water flow channel/stream/river in Islamabad or in the place you are living. Use
Google maps (detailed) and Meteorological statistics to find out the possibilities of
hydroelectric power generation project for a power generation company. Make a Project

Hints: water and power , Sale Price of Each Unit=Rs.8/kWh

(Group of 5 Students per Assignment)
Group Entry=Each 5 consecutive students in a row.

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