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• A phrase which has a meaning that is
commonly understood by speakers of the
language, but whose meaning is often different
from the normal meaning of the words.
• An idiom is a phrase where the words together
have a meaning that is different from the
dictionary definitions of the individual words.
You will hear:
M: Look what you´ve done!
W: Wait a minute! Jane had a hand in this mess, too!
Q: What does the woman say about Jane?

You will read:

a) Jane´s job is messy
b) Jane is partly responsible for the situation.
c) Jane put her hand in the dirt
d) Jane applauded
• To hit the nail on the head
• To look on the bright side
• On the side
• On the whole
• Can of worms
• To get off the ground
• Ball of fire
• To be short
• To be tied up
• To pull someone´s leg………
Understanding idiomatic expressions: A litteral definition and an idiomatic meaning
are given for each expression. Read all the expressions. Circle the letter of the
phrase listed below that is the idiomatic meaning of the expression.

1. To hit the nail on the head

a) To pound the nail on its top
b) To be right about something

2. To look on the bright side

c) To see the side that is bright or lit by the sun
d) To be optimistic

3. On the side
e) In addition to a main thing
f) Beside or next to
5. Can of worms a) To leave the earth
a) Container full of worms
b) Complex problem 7. Ball of fire
b) Person with great energy
6. To get off the ground c) Globe of flames
c) To make a successful
9. To be tied up
a) To be busy
b) To be secured with a rope

10. To blow the whistle

c) To breathe heavily into a whistle until it makes a loud
d) To tell secret information about

11. To pull someone´s leg

e) To grab someone´s leg
f) to tease someone
Sentences can use idiomatic or literal
expressions. Practice is necessary to be able to
identify which the case is. Example:

1) The govermental dealing with the narco

consists in a can of worms.

2) There is a can of worms in the garden, IACK!

Idiomatic or literal expression. Put an I in front of each sentence
wich uses an expression as an idiom. Put an L on the line infront
of each sentence that uses an expression literally.

1. The president hit the nail on the head with his analysis of our
budget problem
2. Jane always seems happy. She really knows how to look on
the bright side of things
3. There was a big scratch on the side of his new car
4. On th whole, Clark has done well in school.
5. The young boy gathered up his fishing pole and his can of
worms and headed off to the lake.
6. The airplane couldn´t get off the ground because of the bad
7. Peter is a real ball of fire.
8. The police officer blew the whistle to stop the cars.
9. Grace is short three cups of sugar, so she can´t bake
the cake.
10. The horse was tied up at the corral so he wouldn´t
run away.
11. I thought Jake was serious, but he was only pulling
my leg.
1. She bought her cat before she bought her dog.
2. As she talks, she writes on the blackboaard.
3. After lunch, call your mother.
4. Once Anne arrives, we can begin the meeting.
5. They used to enjoy dancing, but now they prefer
watching other people dance.
6. She can´t move until she finds a job.
7. Fred is moving to New Jersey once this semester
is over.
8. She phoned after she received my message.
9. He didn´t write to her until she wrote to him.
10. While I was watching the movie, the lights went out.
11. Since I moved to New York, I have made several
good friends.
12. Mary read the letter and gave it to John.
13. I used to drink coffee every morning, but now I drink
14. As they are moving out, we´ll be moving in.
15. By the time we called, they had already taken her to
the hospital.
16. We listen to music while we´re working.
1. We´ve been waiting for the bus for over an hour.
2. Once you get your paper done, let´s go out to a
3. Nancy got married and quit her job.
4. We were asked to bring our pictures to the party
next week.
5. Marsha got her class schedule a few days ago.
6. Before he eats, he should finish his homework.
7. I used to know all the scenes in that movie.
8. I sent them the information before they
requested it.
9. She´s moving into the dormitory on the first of
the month.
10.Every weekend she does her laundry at Joan´s.
11.Irene used to be a professor, but now she sells
real state.

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