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Team Members:
Project Supervisor
Mudasir Ahmad Khan
 Mr. Shah Idrees Afzal Roll No: CSE-18-25
 Professor
 Department of CSE Lateef Ahmad Baba
 Islamic University of Science & Roll No: CSE-18-18

Suhaib Manzoor
Roll No: CSE-18-58
Presentation Outline
1. Introduction
2. Literature survey
3. Problem statement
4. Objectives
5. Methodology
6. Facilities required
7. Project milestones
8. Bibliography

This system is designed in favor of the hostel management which helps them to save the records of the students
about their rooms and other things. It helps them from the manual work from which it is very difficult to find the record
of the students and the mess bills of the students, and the information of about the those ones who had left the hostel
three years before. This system will also be enhanced to scan the students in future entering the room and will do
automatic attendance. By enhancing this system parents can also watch the movements of their children by logging
the web application, students sometimes leave the hostel illegally and are trapped in various evils. They will be
scanned while entering the room or hostel main gate. This module will be research type work which will be completed
till our last semester. We will maintain the data so that our hostel admins will know in advance the number of students
checked in and checked out at any time.

We design this system on the request of the hostel management, through this they cannot require so efficient person
to handle and calculate the things. This system automatically calculates all the bills and issued the notifications for
those students who are against some rules.
Literature survey
2.1 INTRODUCTION In this section we are going to analyze the existing system and provide solutions to
errors or build a new system all together.


 The existing system is manual based
 apply for the hostels online but the allotment processes are done manually.
 It may lead to corruptions in the allocation process as well as hostel fee calculation.
 The existing system does not deals with mess calculation and complaint registration.


 This project is aimed at developing a system for keeping records and showing information about a hostel.
 This system will help the hostel officer to be able to manage the affairs of the hostel.
 This system will provide full information about a student in the hostel.
 It will show rooms available or not and number of people in a particular room.
 This will also provide information on students who have paid in full or are still owing
 provide a report on the summary detail regarding fees and bills students are owing.
 It Also included is a user module for employees or the hostel officer.
There are a lot of drawbacks in keeping and maintaining a hostel. Especially with a manual system. Since most
hostels are being run by only one hostel manager, the number of students in a room are sometimes not known by
the officer. He has to go room by room to ensure that a room is occupied or not. Sometime s people may be owing
in the hostel and they are saved on papers or huge notebooks, and sometimes receipts. If the books should go
missing or stolen, one would never be able to know if a student is owing or not. Room allocation also becomes a
problem as the officer might not know which rooms are available or not. And some hostels have a lot of rooms or
have mare storey,s and it would be very tedious to go through all storey,s in search of a free room for an applicant.
Also the officer might not know the number of students in a room or know if a room is full or not
 Provides the searching facilities based on various factors. Such as Hostel, Bed, Student, Student Registration
 Hostel Management System also manage the Facility details online for student details, Student Registration
details. Hostel.
 It tracks all the information of Room, Facility, Student etc Shows the information and description of the Hostel,
 To increase efficiency of managing the Hostel, Room
 It deals with monitoring the information and transactions of Student.
 Manage the information if Hostel
 Editing, adding and updating of Records is improved which results in proper resource management of Hostel
 Manage the information of Students
 Integration of all records of Student Registration.
Hostel Management System starts with login where the user is asked to enter the username and password. The
system logs the user into the system and opens the main system from where the user can perform different tasks
available in the system.


Users:- This help the administrator that he/she only crates new user by providing login details

Change password:- Allows the user the change the password

Forget Password:- On entering the correct user id and hint answer, User will be able to regain his password.

Registration:- Allows to add the details of students regarding personal information, Academic information, room details
etc. Student details can also be modified and deleted.

Room Details:- Allows the user to add details of rooms. Also possible to view the status of rooms such as occupied,
vacant. Room details can also be modified and deleted.

Fees:- Allows to enter the Fees details of the student. Student Fees details can also be modified and deleted.
Visitors:- Allows to add the visitors details. Also able to view the visitors depending on various search criteria.

Employee:- Allows to add the details of Employees. Employee Details could be modified and deleted Viewing the
Employees as well as searching also could be done.

Status:- Displays the details of the students staying in rooms. Depending on the room number student details will be

Reports:- Student Report and visitors report could be generated.

Hardware requirements
 A machine with Intel core i3 processor or above versions
 2GB hard free drive space

Software Requirements
 Language used :php
 Database: mysql
 User interface : Html Css java script,bootstrap
 Web browser: chrome or Mozilla
 Software:Wamp or Xampp server, sublime text or any other text editor.

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01/05/2022 02/05/2022
1. Tutorials point website for HTML,CSS,JAVA Script.
2. Microsoft docs for SQL Server

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