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Chương 3: Lý thuyết triển

vọng, mẫu hình và tính toán

bất hợp lý
Trong chương này:
• Lý thuyết triển vọng (Prospect theory)
• Mẫu hình (Framing)
• Tính toán bất hợp lý (Mentual Accounting)
Lý thuyết triển vọng (Prospect theory)
• Kahneman and Tverksy (1979) developed these insights
to construct their own alternative to expected utility
theory (EUT) – the standard approach to risky choices
embedded within the standard economic model of risk
• Kahneman và Tverksy (1979) developed these insights to
construct their own alternative to expected utility theory
(EUT) – the standard approach to risky choices
embedded within the standard economic model of risk
Title and Content Layout with Chart

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Picture with
Caption Layout
Two Content Layout with Table
• First bullet point here Class Group A Group B
• Second bullet point here
Class 1 82 95
• Third bullet point here
Class 2 76 88

Class 3 84 90
Two Content Layout with SmartArt
• First bullet point here
• Second bullet point here
• Third bullet point here Group Group

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