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Chapter 6:

Reproduction in
Flowering Plants
6.3 Pollination and Fertilisation
6.3 Pollination and Fertilisation
• process in which pollen grains are transferred from the anther to the
• is assisted by pollinating agents such as insects, mammals, birds,
water or wind
• The presence of pollen grains on the stigma triggers the process of
• The wall of anther from mature pollen will
dry, shrink dan split.
• Pollen grains in the pollen sac are released.

• The released pollen grains are transferred to

the stigma of the same flower or different
flowers by pollinating agent
• A sugary solution is secreted by the stigma to
stimulate pollen grain to geminate
and form a pollen tube.
• The pollen tube grows down towards the
ovule through the style.

• The tube nucleus in the pollen grain moves to

the tip of the pollen tube
• The tube nucleus controls the direction of the
growth of the pollen tube towards the ovule

• The generative nucleus will move along the

pollen tube towards the ovule.
• At the same time, the generative nucleus will
divide by mitosis to form two male gametes
The end of the pollen tube will secrete an
enzyme to digest the tissues of the style.

When it reaches the embryo sac, the pollen tube

will penetrate the ovule through the micropyle.
The tube nucleus will degenerate and both
male gametes enter the embryo sac.
Double Fertilisation in the
Formation of Diploid Zygote and
Triploid Nucleus
When it reaches the embryo
sac, the pollen tube will
penetrate the ovule through
the micropyle. The tube
nucleus will degenerate and
both male gametes enter the
embryo sac.
Double Fertilisation

A male nucleus fuses with an egg A male nucleus fuses with two
cell polar nuclei

Diploid Zygote Triploid endosperm nucleus

Develops into Develops into

Embryo Endosperm tissue (3n) –

Stores food and nutrients
Consist of in monocots

Plumule – Grows into Cotyledon (1 or 2) – Stores

shoot Radicle – Grows into root food and nutrients in
Terengganu 2014
Selangor 2014
Kelantan 2020
Importance of Double
Fertilisation for the Survival of
Flowering Plants
Importance of Double Fertilisation for the
Survival of Flowering Plants
1. The fusion of one of the male
gametes with the egg cell
produces a zygote.
• Genetic information is passed
down from one generation to the
• Restores haploid condition in
gametes with the formation of the
diploid zygote.
Importance of Double Fertilisation for the
Survival of Flowering Plants
2. The fusion of another male gamete
with two polar nuclei produces
endosperm tissue.
• This tissue is used for the development of an
embryo for the survival of plant species.
• In eudicots such as legumes, mangoes and
mustard, the endosperm is fully utilised by the
embryo to develop before the seed matures.
• In most monocots such as coconut, wheat, barley
and corn, only a part of the endosperm is utilised
for the development of an embryo. Some of them
are stored in the cotyledon to be utilised during
the germination of the seed.
• The endosperm tissue enables the embryo to
survive in the seed for a long time if conditions
are not favourable for germination to occur.
Chapter 6:
Reproduction in
Flowering Plants
6.4 Development of Seeds
and Fruits
Stamen Stil Carpel
(male (female reproductive
reproductive organ) organ)
Filament Ovary

Double Fertilisation and Development of
Seeds and Fruits
• After double fertilisation occurs,
the triploid endosperm nucleus
divides by mitosis and form the
endosperm tissue.
• endosperm tissue is the food
storing tissue which surrounds
and supplies nutrients to the
Double Fertilisation and Development of
Seeds and Fruits
• zygote divides by mitosis to
form two cells, a larger cell
and a smaller cell.
• The larger cell develops into
a suspensor that anchors the
embryo to the wall of the
embryo sac.
• The smaller cell will become
an embryo that consists of
plumule, radicle and
Double Fertilisation and
Development of
Seeds and Fruits
• ovule develops to become the seed in the fruit.
• integument becomes two layers of seed coat that
serves to protect the embryo.
• ovary develops into a fruit.
• Other flower parts such as the stigma and style
degenerate and leave a scar on the ovary wall
• The ovary wall becomes the pericarp of the fruit
which consists of the exocarp, mesocarp and
Types of fruits
• Fruits can be grouped into 4 main types depending on the number
and arrangement of the ovary in the flower
• Four main types of fruit:
• Simple fruit
• Aggregate fruit
• Multiple fruit
• Accessory fruit
a) Simple Fruit
Fruit that develops from a single carpel
(single ovary) on a single flower

May be fleshy or dry

Peach, mango, pea, orange or tomatoes

are simple fruits that develop from a
single ovary with one or more ovules
b) Aggregate Fruit
• Fruits develops from a single
flower with numerous separate
carpels (several ovaries)
• Fruit is formed from several
ovaries of one flower that
produces many tiny fruits
(fruitlets) clustered tightly
• Examples: Raspberry, strawberry
c) Multiple Fruit
• Fruit that is formed from the fusion
of the ovaries of many different
flowers which develop closely
together to form one bigger fruit
• It is developed from a cluster of
flowers (called inflorescence)
• Each flower produces a fruit, but
the fruits fuse together to form a
single mass of fruit
• Examples: pineapple, fig, mulberry,
d) Accessory Fruit
• Type of fruit in which some of the
flesh is derived from the floral ovary
but from some adjacent tissue
outside the carpel
• Some of all of the edible part of the
accessory fruit is not generated by
the ovary
• Can be simple aggregate, or multiple
which has the edible part formed
from some other parts of the flower
• Examples: apple, and pear
Chapter 6:
Reproduction in
Flowering Plants
6.5 Importance of Seeds for Survival
Pahang 2015
Organ pembiakan jantan: stamen
Organ pembiakan betina: pistil/ karpel
Permukaan debunga yang kasar (Mana-mana 1)

P1 – (debunga yang melekat pada stigma) merangsang tiub debunga bercambah

P2 – membentuk tiub debunga
P3 – hujung tiub debunga akan merembeskan enzim yang mencerna tisu stil
P4 – supaya tiub debunga memanjang ke arah ovul
[mana-mana 2P]
P1 – Q ialah nukleus penjana
P2 – Q membahagi secara mitosis
P3 – membentuk dua nukleus/ gamet jantan
[Mana-mana 2P]
P1 – (percantuman satu gamet jantan dengan dua nukleus kutub ) menghasilkan (tisu)
P2 – endosperma berkembang menjadi tisu penyimpan
P3 – membolehkan biji benih bercambah
P4 – menjamin kejayaan biji benih menjadi anak tumbuhan
[Mana-mana 3P]
P1 – ovul berkembang menjadi biji benih
P2 – integumen berkembang menjadi kulit biji benih/ testa
Pulau Pinang 2019
P1: Produces 8 identical nuclei
Menghasilkan 8 nuclei yang sama
P2: Haploid nuclei
Nuclei haploid
[mana-mana 2P]
Structure Q / Struktur Q
P1: Pollen grain reaches the stigma, sugars in
the stigma
Debunga melekat pada stigma, gula pada
P2: stimulate it to germinate / form the pollen
merangsangkan debunga bercambah /
membentuk tiub debunga
P3: end of pollen tube reaches the ovary and
release enzyme /
hujung tiub debunga yang sampai pada ovari
akan merembeskan enzim
P4: to penetrates the ovule through the
yang mencerna tisu stil / supaya tiub debunga
memanjang ke arah ovul
Any 3P / mana-mana 3P
•P1 : Q is the generative nucleus
Q ialah nukleus penjana
•P2 : Q divide through mitosis
Q membahagi secara mitosis
•P3 : to form 2 nucleus / male gametes membentuk dua nukleus / gamet jantan
Any 2P / mana-mana 2P
•P1: One of the male nuclei fuses with egg cell nucleus
Salah satu gamet jantan bergabung dengan nukleus sel telur
•P2: to form a diploid zygote (2n)
membentuk zigot diploid (2n)
•P3: The other male nucleus fuses with the two polar nuclei
Satu lagi nucleus gamet jantan bergabung dengan 2 nukleus polar
•P4: to form a triploid nucleus (3n)
kutub membentuk nukleus triploid (3n)
•P5: This triploid nucleus divides to form the endosperm
Nukleus triploid akan membahagi membentuk endosperma
•P6: that will provide food to the embryo
yang akan membekalkan makanan kepada embrio
Any 3P / mana-mana 3P
Kelantan 2021
Tiub debunga

•P1: memanjang dan tumbuh ke arah ovul

•P2: (hujung tiub debunga )merembeskan enzim untuk mencernakan tisu stil
•P3: menembusi ovul (menembusi mikropil)
•P4: membenarkan pergerakan/ kemasukan gamet jantan ke dalam pundi embrio
[mana-mana 2P]
•P1: Nucleus penjana akan bermitosis
•P2: membentuk 2 gamet jantan yang haploid/ n
•P3: Gamet jantan yang pertama akan bersenyawa dengan sel telur
•P4: membentuk zigot diploid / 2n
•P5: Zigot bermitosis membentuk plumul dan radikel
Mana-mana 2
•P1 : simpan pada tempat yang kering
•P2 : biji benih memerlukan air untuk percambahan
•P3: simpan dalam bekas yang kedap udara
•P4: biji benih memerlukan oksigen untuk percambahan
•P5: simpan dalam suhu yang tinggi /rendah
•P6 : biji benih memerlukan suhu yang optimum / ( 25°C-35°C )untuk percambahan
Mana-mana 2
•P1: Kotiledon sebagai sumber nutrien
•P2: membekalkan tenaga untuk percambahan /pertumbuhan
•P3: Testa yang keras/kalis air/kuat
•P4: mengelakkan kerosakan biji
•P5: Mengandungi embrio
•P6: bermitosis membentuk anak benih/plumul/ radikel
Any 2P / mana-mana 2P

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