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X-Treme Makeover


NU 713

Table of Content
Introduction/Learning Outcomes
Miscommunication in the Workplace
Cafeteria Conversations
Reflect and Re-Write
Change the Story
Introduction and Learning Outcomes

In this section discuss the purpose of your presentation and what your audience will learn when you have concluded the
presentation. You may want to briefly discuss your organizational mission, vision and values, share future organizational goals
and aspirations, and challenges you perceive which may influence the attainment of these goals. Use this information to
transition into what you intend for your audience to learn from your presentation.
Use bullet points
Do NOT read directly from your slide!
Use in text citations throughout!
Tell/Recount the Story:
Miscommunication in the Workplace
Identify an example of miscommunication or poor communication in your past or current work
Provide clear details regarding the event
Elaborate on how the miscommunication occurred
Identify and elaborate on variables which influenced the situation
(Again, use bullets to capture the attention of your audience. Do not clutter slides with narration and please do not read directly from
your slide).
Lunch/Cafeteria Conversations
What were the themes of the conversations?
What might these conversations tell you about the culture of your organization?
Share clear examples and relate the examples to specific concepts from your assigned readings including:
Organization as conversation (This should be a different slide)
Patterns of relating (This should be a separate slide too)
Patterns of meaning (This should be a separate slide)
Ways of talking, listening and being (Yep, probably a different slide)
Other concepts and ideas that emerge for you
(Don’t be afraid to use multiple slides. Don’t cram too much into one slide. Use in-text citations)
Reflect and Re-Write
How might you “change the story” within your work unit/organization or group?
Think about how you could purposefully use patterns of relating, patterns of meaning and new language to
introduce ways of being (for the better!)

Again, don’t be afraid to use multiple slides to get your

point across. Just do not talk too long about one single topic

leaving no time for the other topics and rushing at the end.

Always put in-text citations within your PPT or in the

notes section (depending on the type of slide layout
you choose).
Reflect and Re-Write
You are specifically asked to re-write the story in a way that is aspirational and moves the
organization toward its preferred future (using new language and setting new patterns of
meaning in motion).
Reflect and Re-Write
Again, integrate the concepts from your reading from this module:
 organization as conversation
 patterns of relating
 patterns of meaning
 ways of talking, listening and being
 innovation
Other concepts and ideas that emerge for you
Use of Effective Technology
Use the instructions listed in this module for creating a voice-narrated power-point. You have
done this in other classes. Contact your instructor or Dr. Chris Inman if you have any
problems. You must post a link in the submission area to your voice narrated PowerPoint.
Please ensure this link work prior to submitting for grading.
NOTE: This is an informational slide and does not need to be included in your submitted work!
Don’t forget your reference list. Use 6th edition APA format. Remember, you must use in text
citations throughout the presentation for scholarly support of ideas, etc.

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