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Submitted By

Under the Esteemed Guidance of


Assistant Professor


Devineni Venkata Ramana & Dr. Hima Sekhar

MIC College of Technology

 Kanchikacherla-521180, Krishna Dist., A.P, India.  

ACADEMIC YEAR: 2020-2021

04/17/2022 DVR & Dr.HS MIC college of Technology 1


• Introduction

• Objective

• Existing system

• Proposed system

• Block Diagram

• Result

• Advantages & Applications

• Conclusion

• Future Scope

• References
DVR & Dr.HS MIC college of Technology 2

Fingerprints are commonly used tools to understand the individuality of a person so as to reveal his or her
identity. Fingerprint images are direction-oriented pattern fashioned using ridges and valleys . With the
development of computer technology and image processing software, fingerprint image forgery has been
increasingly easy to perform. However, fingerprint images are a popular source of information, and the
reliability of fingerprint images is thus becoming an important issue. In recent years, more and more researchers
have began to focus on the problem of fingerprint image tampering. In order to overcome this “Fingerprint
forgery detection technique” has introduced . The fingerprint image is applied as an input and two techniques are
applied to detect the forgery regions of fingerprint.

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• The main objective of this project is to detect the tampered region in the finger print images.

• To avoid the loss of data during the detection.

• To improve the segmentation accuracy.

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Existing System

• According to the Existing methods, the forgery detection can be categorized into two categories block-
based algorithms, key point-based algorithms .
• In block -based algorithm the image is divide into overlapping and regular blocks then, the tampered
region can be obtained by matching blocks of image pixels or transform coefficients.
• In key point based forgery detection methods , where image key points are extracted and matched over
the whole image to resist some image transformations.

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Existing System(Cont’d)

The main drawbacks are:

• The host image is divided into over-lapping rectangular blocks, which would be computationally expensive as
the size of the image increases.

• The methods cannot address significant geometrical transformations of the forgery regions.

• Their recall rate is low because their blocking method is a regular shape.

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Proposed System

• Proposed a fingerprint forgery detection scheme using adaptive over Segmentation and feature point

• Proposed an image-blocking method called the Adaptive Over-Segmentation algorithm to divide the host
image into non-overlapping and irregular blocks adaptively.

• The feature points are extracted from each image block as block features.

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Block Diagram

Fingerprint Adaptive Block Forged

Resize Block feature Performanc
Image over feature region
(300x300) matching e measures
segmentation extraction identification

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Adaptive Over-Segmentation

• Adaptive Over-segmentation method, which can segment the host image into non-overlapping regions of
irregular shape as image blocks.

• Simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) algorithm to segment the host image into meaningful irregular super
pixels, as individual blocks.

• The SLIC algorithm adapts a k-means clustering approach to efficiently generate the super pixels, and it
adheres to the boundaries very well.

• Adaptive Over-Segmentation method that can determine the initial size of the super pixels adaptively based
on the texture of the host image.

• The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is employed to analyze the frequency distribution of the host image.

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Flow Chart(Adaptive Over Segmentation)

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Block Feature Extraction

• Here we are using a SIFT algorithm to extract the block feature points from each image block.

• The feature points are extracted from each block as block features.

• The SIFT algorithm is a feature detection algorithm to detect and describe local features in image .

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Block Feature Matching

• After we have obtained the block features , we must locate the matched blocks through the block features.

• Here Block Feature matching is used to locate those matched blocks.

• In this algorithm, matched feature points are calculated and correlation coefficients are generated and compare
with the block matching threshold to locate the matched block pairs.

• The labeled feature points are obtained from the matched block pairs.

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Flow Chart( Block Feature Matching)

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Forgery Region Detection

• Load the Labeled Feature Points (LFP), apply the SLIC algorithm with the initial size S to the host image
to segment it into small super pixels as feature blocks, and replace each labeled feature point with its
corresponding feature block, thus generating the Suspected Regions .

• Measure the local color feature of the super pixels neighbor to the SR, called neighbor blocks; when their
color feature is similar to that of the suspected regions, we merge the neighbor blocks into the corresponding
SR, therefore creating the merged regions (MR).

• Apply the morphological close operation into merged region to finally generate the detected forgery regions.

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Flow Chart(Forgery Region Detection)

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Input Image Resized Image Segmented Image

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Extracted Features Image Tampered Region Detected in Binary Image Tampered Region Detected Image

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GUI Image

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Advantages & Applications


• Lower Computational Cost

• Robustness against various postprocessing operations over Forged region

• Recall rate is more.


• Banking
• Crime Investigation
• Forensic centers

Sunday, April 17, 2022 DVR & Dr. HS MIC College of Technology 19

Here we detect the forgery region in the image . For the detection we extract SIFT features from the images.
The input images were over segmented based on the SLIC algorithm. The feature extracted were then employed
for the matching of blocks and the Local feature points identified were matched resulting in the identified
similar portions in the images with the help of the identified forensics in the images. The performance of the
process is calculation with the help of the performance measures like precision, recall and F-measure.

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Future Scope

As the database increases, the computational time of offline FingerPrint Forgery Detection increases and the
dynamic information is lost using this method. Dynamic information is much more efficient than the static
information. Hence as a future work we can design a system which is a combination of static and dynamic
information i.e., the combination of offline and online Forgery Detection systems .

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1. R.M. Haralik, K. Shanmugam, and I. Dinstein, “Texture features for image classification,” IEEE Trans. on
Systems, Man, and Cybertics, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 610-621, 1973.

2. T. Randen, and J.H. Husy, “Filtering for texture classification: a comparative study,” IEEE Trans. on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 291-310, 1999.

3. R.L. Kashyap, and A. Khotanzed, “A model-based method for rotation invariant texture classification,”
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 472-481, 1986.

4. J.L. Chen, and A. Kundu, “Rotation and gray scale transform invariant texture identification using wavelet
decomposition and hidden Markov model,” IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.
16, no. 2, pp. 208-214, 1994.

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