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Mechanical engineering

Semester : 6
Subject : Renewable Energy
Energy Resources

•Energy means power derived from the utilization of physical or

chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to
work machines.
•A resource is anything we can use to help us live and work
•Oil, coal, gas, trees, soil, wind, waves, sun, people, the
countryside, water, rocks etc
What is a resource

•Things that humans can use.

•Fuel supplies already discovered that can be used in the future.
•Recovery of waste products to convert into materials that can be
used again.

•Population Increase
• Increase in Technology
•Increase in disposable income.
There is likely to be a big increase in the use of energy

• Because there will be more people in the world so they will

need more energy.

• There is likely to be a big increase in the use of energy

because the worlds’ population will have increased meaning
that there will be higher energy requirements. More people
will have things like fridges and have to cook food or keep
warm, which means more energy used.
• Also, as countries develop they use more energy because they are able
to afford labour saving devices, tools and gadgets which we take for
granted in the developed world, like TVs, computers, cars etc. Energy
is required not only in running these devices but also in their
• As countries become more developed there is a greater demand for
energy because people get more materialistic and buy more products
which use energy both in their manufacture as well as in their use. For
example, people will buy labour saving devices like cars and
Types of Energy Resources



Renewable Energy Resources

► Resources that can be replenished naturally in the

course of time are called Renewable Resources.
► These energy sources are continuously replenished
at a constant rate and we can use it again and

► Examples of Renewable Resources 

1. Solar power
2. Hydro power
3. Wind energy
4. Tidal energy
5. Geothermal energy
6. Biogas
Non Renewable energy Resources

► Resources that exist in limited supply and can not be

replaced if they are used up are called Non- renewable
► These energy sources are Exhaustible

► Examples of Non-renewable Resources

1. Oil
2. Natural gas
3. Coal
4. Nuclear fuels
Cyclic Energy Resources

► The resources which can be used again and again

after passing through some processes are known as
cyclic resources. 

► For example, water used in industry and domestic

ways can be cleaned and used again for similar or
other purpose. Such resources are given the name
of Cyclic Resources.
Alternative Energy sources

• The numerous existing energy sources can be classified in

different ways.
• Primary sources
• Secondary sources
• Tertiary energy sources
• Primary sources can be used directly, as they appear in the naturaly like oil, natural
gas and wood, nuclear fuels (uranium), the sun, the wind, tides, mountain lakes, the
rivers (from which hydroelectric energy can be obtained) and the Earth heat that
supplies geothermal energy.
• Secondary sources derive from the transformation of primary energy sources: for
example petrol, that derives from the treatment of crude oil and electric energy,
obtained from the conversion of mechanical energy (hydroelectric plants, Aeolian
plants), chemical plants (thermoelectric), or nuclear (nuclear plants). Electric energy
is produced by electric plants, i.e. suitable installations that can transform primary
energy (non-transformed) into electric energy.
• Tertiary energy sources are directly or indirectly not related to solar radiation e.g.,
the heat that comes from the inner side of our planet, i.e., from the superhot core.
The outer side is rather cold and solid, but at several instances the hot content
reaches to the earth surface via active volcanoes as red-hot lava or hot water.
Icelanders exploit this glowing hot water (geysers) as energy source.Energy has also
been generated from tide-differences of coastal water, that arise due to lunar gravity
exerted on our globe
Solar Energy

• Sun is a primary source of energy. Temperature of the core

of sun is estimated between 8*106 K to 40*106 K .
• Due to thermonuclear fusion reaction Sun continuously
generates heat .

• Energy
Solar radiation

 All substance, solids, liquids, and gases at temperature above zero emit energy in form of
electromagnetic waves.
 This energy is called radiation. Radiation is a process by which heat flows from a body at a
higher temperature to a body at a lower temperature .
 Radiation is the mode of heat transfer by which the sun transfer energy to the earth.
 Radiation energy emitted from surface of sun,
Q = σA𝑻𝟒;
σ =Stefan Boltzman Constant;
= 56.7 * 10−9 W/𝒎𝟐 𝑲𝟒
A= heat Transfer surface area of the body; T = Absolute Temperature
of body;
Solar thermal systems

• The basic principle of solar thermal heating is to utilize the sun’s energy and convert
it into heat which is then transferred into your home or business heating system in
the form of hot water and space heating.
Classification of solar thermal systems
Solar Water Heating System
Solar Collector
• Solar collectors is a device which collect solar radiation and
transfer to a fluid passing in contact with it.
• A solar collector is a device that collects and/or concentrates solar
radiation from the Sun.
• These devices are primarily used for active solar heating and allow for
the heating of water for personal use
Types of Solar Dryers
Flat Plate Collector
• A Flat Plate Collector is a heat exchanger that converts the radiant solar
energy from the sun into heat energy using the well known greenhouse
• It collects, or captures, solar energy and uses that energy to heat water in
the home for bathing, washing and heating, and can even be used to heat
outdoor swimming pools and hot tubs.
Components of Flat Plate Collector

These are the main components of a typical flat-plate solar collector:

• Black surface - absorbent of the incident solar energy

• Glazing cover - a transparent layer that transmits radiation to the absorber, but
prevents radiative and convective heat loss from the surface
• Tubes containing heating fluid to transfer the heat from the collector
• Support structure to protect the components and hold them in place
• Insulation covering sides and bottom of the collector to reduce heat losses
Diagram of Flat Plate Collector
Construction of Flat Plate Collector
• A solar flat plate collector typically consists of a large heat absorbing plate, usually a
large sheet of copper or aluminium as they are both good conductors of heat, which
is painted or chemically etched black to absorb as much solar radiation as possible
for maximum efficiency.
• This blackened heat absorbing surface has several parallel copper pipes or tubes
called risers, running length ways across the plate which contain the heat transfer
fluid, typically water.
• These copper pipes are bonded, soldered or brazed directly to the absorber plate to
ensure maximum surface contact and heat transfer.
• Sunlight heats the absorbing surface which increases in temperature. As the plate
gets hotter this heat is conducted through the risers and absorbed by the fluid flowing
inside the copper pipes which is then used by the household.
• The pipes and absorber plate are enclosed in an insulated metal or wooden box with
a sheet of glazing material, either glass or plastic on the front to protect the enclosed
absorber plate and create an insulating air space.
• This glazing material does not absorb the suns thermal energy to any significant
extent and therefore most of the incoming radiation is received by the blackened
• As the absorber plate warms up, it transfers heat to the fluid within the collector but
it also loses heat to its surroundings. To minimize this loss of heat, the bottom and
sides of a flat plate collector are insulated with high temperature rigid foam or
aluminium foil insulation as shown.
Principle of Flat Plate Collector
• The principal behind a flat collector is simple. If a metal sheet is exposed to solar radiation, the
temperature will rise until the rate at which energy is received is equal to the rate at which heat is lost
from the plate; this temperature is termed as the ‘equilibrium’ temperature.

• A black painted plate absorbs the incoming sunlight. Whene the temperature of a black plate
increases, it emits an increment of thermal heat in the form of infra red light.

• The black absorber has the properties of a black body; idael black bodies have not only the highest
absorption rate but also the highest emission coefficient for all wavelengths of light.

• Emission increases with temperature, following the T4 law. This is expressed by the Wiens law, which
may ebe written as:
• λmax. T= Constant= 2989 μm Kelvin

• T= Temperature of the black body and

• λmax= wavelength at which light emission reaches the maximum
Advantages of Flat Plate Collector

Some advantages of the flat-plate collectors are that they are:

• Easy to manufacture
• Low cost
• Collect both beam and diffuse radiation
• Permanently fixed (no sophisticated positioning or tracking equipment is required)
• Little maintenance
Application of Flat Plate Collector

• space heating, water heating and other many

• heat water in the home for bathing, washing and heating,
and can even be used to heat outdoor swimming pools
and hot tubs.
Parabolic Collector

• The shape of concentrating solar collectors must be specifically designed so that all
the incoming sunlight reflects off the surface of the collector and arrives at the same
focal point
• Parabolic Trough Reflectors or PTR, are made by
simply bending a sheet of reflective or highly
polished material into a parabolic shape called
a parabola.
• Since solar light waves essentially travel parallel
to each other, this type of solar collector can be pointed
directly into the sun and still achieve a total focal output
from all parts of the trough shaped reflector as shown.
Parabolic Collector

• The parabolic trough reflector is a solar thermal energy collector

designed to capture the sun’s direct solar radiation over a large surface
area and focus, or more generally “concentrate it” onto a small focal
point area increasing the solar energy received

• The parabolic trough reflector can generate much high temperatures

more efficiently than a single flat plate collector.
Parabolic trough System
Parabolic trough System
Parabolic trough System

• A parabolic trough consists of a linear parabolic reflector that concentrates light

onto a receiver positioned along the reflector's focal line.
• The receiver is a tube positioned directly above the middle of the parabolic
mirror and filled with a working fluid.
• The reflector follows the sun during the daylight hours by tracking along a single
• A working fluid (e.g. molten salt) is heated to 150–350 °C (423–623 K (302–662
°F)) as it flows through the receiver and is then used as a heat source for a power
generation system.
• The overall efficiency from collector to grid, i.e. (Electrical Output Power) is
about 25%.
Concentrated solar power systems

• All concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies use a mirror configuration to

concentrate the sun’s light energy onto a receiver and convert it into heat. The heat
can then be used to create steam to drive a turbine to produce electrical power or
used as industrial process heat.
• Concentrating solar power plants can integrate thermal energy storage systems to use
to generate electricity during cloudy periods or for hours after sunset or before
sunrise.This ability to store solar energy makes concentrating solar power a flexible
and dispatchable source of renewable energy.
• Concentrated Solar Power is a technology which produces electricity by
concentrating solar energy in a single focal point. 
• This concentrated energy is then used to heat up a fluid , produce steam and activate
turbines that produce electricity.

Concentrated Solar Thermal Generation
Thermal energy storage (TES)

• Just like battery is used to store chemical energy, Thermal energy storage stores the
Thermal Energy.
• Molten salt can be used to store Thermal Energy so that during the conditions of bad
weather or during night time, this stored Thermal energy can be used to generate
steam which in turn rotates the turbines and generates electrical energy.
• CSP plant with thermal storage was first evidence operating in Granada, Spain, in
2008; which is a 50 MW plant with seven hours of thermal storage.
• Molten salt is mixture of 60% sodium nitrate and 40% potassium nitrate.
Basic Working Principle

• Mirrors reflect and concentrate sunlight.

• Receivers collect that solar energy and convert it into heat energy.
• A generator can then be used to produce electricity from this heat energy
Types of concentrated solar systems:
• (based on the arrangement of reflector and receiver)
1) Parabolic Trough
2) Solar Power Tower
3) Solar dish
Solar Power Tower
Solar power tower systems

• Power towers (also known as 'central tower' power plants or 'heliostat' power plants).
• These designs capture and focus the sun's thermal energy with thousands of tracking
mirrors (called heliostats) in roughly a two square mile field.
• A tower resides in the center of the heliostat field. The heliostats focus concentrated
sunlight on a receiver which sits on top of the tower.
• Within the receiver the concentrated sunlight heats molten salt to over 1,000 °F (538
• The heated molten salt then flows into a thermal storage tank where it is stored,
maintaining 98% thermal efficiency, and eventually pumped to a steam generator.
• The steam drives a standard turbine to generate electricity
Solar dish

Solar dish

• Uses a mirrored dish similar to a very large satellite dish.

• The system consists of a stand-alone parabolic reflector that concentrates light onto a
receiver positioned at the reflector's focal point.
• The working fluid(hydrogen or helium) in the receiver is heated to 250–700 °C (523–
973 K (482–1,292 °F)) and then used by a Stirling engine to generate power.
• Parabolic-dish systems have the highest efficiency of all solar technologies provide
solar-to-electric efficiency between 31–32%.
• Each dish produces around 25kW of electricity

Stirling Engine 
Domestic water heating system

• Solar water heating system is a device

that uses solar energy to heat water for
domestic, commercial, and industrial
• Heating of water is the most common
application of solar energy in the
Parts of the Solar Water Heating System

• A solar water heating system consists

of a flat plate solar collector, a storage
tank kept at a height behind the
collector, and connecting pipes.
• The collector usually comprises copper
tubes welded to copper sheets (both
coated with a highly absorbing black
coating) with a toughened glass sheet
on top and insulating material at the
back. The entire assembly is placed in
a flat box.
Working of a solar water heater
• A typical domestic solar water heater consists of a hot water storage tank
and one or more flat plate collectors.
• The collectors are glazed on the sun facing side to allow solar radiation
to come in.
• A black absorbing surface (absorber) inside the flat plate collectors
absorbs solar radiation and transfers the energy to water flowing through
• Heated water is collected in the tank which is insulated to prevent heat
• Circulation of water from the tank through the collectors and back to the tank
continues automatically due to densitydifference between hot and cold water
(thermosyphon effect).
Benefits of Using Solar Water Heater for Commercial Use

major benefits of using commercial solar water heater in India especially.

• Solar products are grabbing a large share of the current market. Because of its end
number of benefits. Therefore, if you are using it, you are keeping yourself updated
with the industry.
• One of the major benefits which will be easily visual to you is the electricity cost
reduction. Because you will be using solar energy for the different industrial
• Reduction in the pollution content will be the consequences of using commercial
solar water heaters. You will be able to contribute to the environmental protection
• You will be using the most renewable energy resource and will be able to use
according to the need.
Solar Dryer

• Solar dryers are devices that use solar energy to dry substances,
especially food.
• In a solar dryer, air enters the drying chamber through the process of
natural convection or through an external source like fan, pump,
suction device, etc.
• Air gets heated as it passes through the chamber and then partially
cools as it absorbs moisture from the food product placed in the
chamber. Then, the humid air is removed by an exhaust fan or
Advantages of solar drying

• The rate of drying increases with higher temperature and movement of air in the chamber.

• Food is enclosed in the dryer and therefore protected from dust, insects, birds, and animals.

• Higher temperature prevents insect infestation and the faster drying rate reduces the risk of spoilage
by microorganisms.

• The dryers are waterproof, therefore, the food does not need to be moved during the rainy season.

• A dryer can be constructed from locally available materials at a relatively low cost.

• Solar dryers last longer. A typical dryer can last 15-20 years and will need minimum maintenance.
Limitations with solar drying

• Can be only used during day time when an adequate amount of solar
energy is present.

• Lack of skilled personnel for operation and maintenance.

• Takes longer as compared to the modern type of electric dryers.

• A backup heating system is necessary for products requiring continuous

Direct type

Direct solar dryers expose the substance to be dehydrated to direct sunlight. They have a
black absorbing surface which collects the light and converts it to heat; the substance to be
dried is placed directly on this surface. These driers may have enclosures, glass covers and/or
vents to in order to increase efficiency. Key processes
Heat transfer from the heating source to the target product
Mass transfer of moisture from the product to the air
Indirect type

• In indirect solar dryers, the black

surface heats incoming air rather than
directly heating the substance to be
• This heated air is then passed over the
substance to be dried and exits upwards
often through a chimney, taking
moisture released from the substance
with it.
Application of solar dryer

Agricultural Food Fish and Dairy Textile

crop drying processing meat industries industries
industries drying
Installations of solar heater system

1. Mounting solar collectors on the roof

• The first step that you need to follow for
installing solar water heater at home is to
mount solar collectors on the roof.
• You may first need too Locate the rafters or
stand which will be attached to the collectors.
• The collectors should be installed as close in
proximity as possible to the storage tank.
• The collectors should be mounted in an area
with a full solar window.
• All roof penetrations should be sealed.
Solar Water Heater
2. Install storage tank
• The next step to follow is to install the
storage tank. For this, you need to first
place the solar storage tank near the
conventional water heater.
• 3. Install the piping and pump
• Now the next step for installing solar water heater is to install the piping and the
pump. Now you need to install the water piping and for this you need to plumb the
cold water energy in the house to the inlet of the solar storage tank.
• Also connect the outlet of the solar storage tank to the inlet of the conventional water
4. Install the controls
• After this you must install the controls. The differential controller must be installed
so as the sense the temperature difference between the top of water and the water at
the bottom of the solar storage tank.
• Bypass valve: Run a pipe between the water pipe entering and leaving the water
heater. You need to install the bypass valve in this pipe.
• 5. Insulation of pipes
• All exterior pipe insulation should be protected from UV radiation and

• The final and last step is to insulate water and the glycol lines. This can
be done by using standard foam pipe insulation. Duct tape can be used
for all the joints.
Solar Water Heater Maintenance

• Solar thermal water heaters typically require minimal maintenance. However, it is

important to inspect your solar water heater at least once a year to make sure all
components are in good condition and to keep the system working optimally.
• Some of the components that should be monitored include:
• Solar collectors: Collectors should remain unshaded. It’s quite common for panels that
were in full sun when they were installed to receive shading due to tree growth. It may be
necessary to trim or remove vegetation.
• Dust and dirt can also hamper collector performance. In dry, dusty weather the panels may
need periodic cleaning.
• The collectors themselves should be inspected for cracks or yellowing, and the seals
checked to be sure they are still in good condition.
• Look for cracks in the collector glazing, and check to see if seals are in good condition.
Plastic glazing, if excessively yellowed, may need to be replaced.
• Roof and support: Roof penetrations should be inspected annually to be sure there
are no problems with water leakage. Nuts and bolts on racking systems should be
inspected for tightness, and the racks themselves checked for signs of stress.
• Plumbing, pipes and valves: All pipes and valves should be checked for drips and
leaks, and repaired or replaced if necessary.
• Pump: It is very important that the pump remain in good condition, because pump
failure can cause the system to overheat. High-pitched noises, burning smells and
cold supply and return pipes are all signs that a pump has failed or is in danger of
failing. Compromised pumps should be repaired or replaced immediately.
• Sensors and controllers: These components are part of the control system of your
water heater, so it’s important that they function properly.
• Hot water storage tank: This should be checked periodically for cracks, leaks
and/or corrosion.

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