Unit I

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Module 1
Information Technology and Modern Gadgets: Introduction, Utilization of Various
Gadgets, Advantages of modern gadgets, Disadvantages of modern gadgets, Top 10
gadgets in India with small description.
Obsolete Technologies


■ Modern technology has paved the way for multi-functional devices like
the smartwatch and the smartphone. Computers are increasingly faster,
more portable, and higher-powered than ever before. With all of these
revolutions, technology has also made our lives easier, faster, better, and
more fun.
What is communication technology?

■ Communication technology refers to all the tools used to send, receive, and process
information. In today’s fast climate, efficiency and convenience are the keys to
successful communication technology.
Types of communication technology
■ The telephone revolutionized verbal communication. People can talk to each other from any place in the world,
strengthening relationships and eliminating the worries of long-distance communication. Speaking with someone
across the country can be done just as easily as speaking with someone down the street.

■ As technology advanced, the device upgraded from “telephone” to “mobile phone.” What used to be a heavy piece
of equipment can now easily fit in your pocket. Not only is the modern telephone portable, but the features and
capabilities are also advanced.

■ As the telephone progressed, it adopted new types of visual and written communication. Today, text messages and
electronic versions of photos are regularly sent using mobile phones, increasing the possible amount of information
being shared using phones.

■ The telephone introduced a brand new approach to verbal, written, and visual communication, and exciting new
features continue to change the communication technology game.
Types of communication technology
About twenty years after the telephone, communicating using the radio came into play.
Another innovation in the realm of verbal communication, radio is used to reach sizable
audiences, as opposed to just one person on the other end of a phone.

The radio’s ability to reach a large audience at a low cost continues to motivate a lot of
communicators to take full advantage of the tool. Information providers, such as advertisers
and newscasters, spend substantial amounts of time communicating with their massive
audiences using radio technology.

Radio technology transformed the way information is delivered to large audiences and
continues to strengthen mass communication.
Types of communication technology
Television is another way to reach extensive audiences, but it brought a new perk to the
table: visual communication.

Some information is hard to describe using just words. Television provides audiences with
the best of both worlds: information and visuals to accompany it. This advantage caused the
television to replace the radio as the leading tool for mass communication.

Today, there are thousands of television channels that communicate information on almost
any topic: history, sports, news, science, fiction, and so on. Whether it be for entertainment
or cold hard facts, people are constantly turning to television for information.
Types of communication technology
The internet removes the need for communicators to have a separate device for each different
type of communication technology. With the Internet, you can do it all in one place.

As the queen bee of interaction, the internet successfully combines all types of communication
technology and houses them in one place. It provides the largest array of information and
communication sources known to man.

The tools available on the internet make any type of communication effortless. Verbal and
nonverbal communication can be accomplished with video conferencing software. Written
messages can be sent through email. Electronic versions of pictures can be sent to and from
any internet device.

■ A small device or machine with a particular purpose.

■ A gadget is a small technological object (such as a device or an appliance) that has a
particular function but is often thought of as a novelty.
■ Gadgets are invariably considered to be more unusually or cleverly designed than
normal technological objects at the time of their invention.
Classification of Gadgets

■ Mechanical Gadgets
■ Electronic Gadgets
■ Programmable Gadgets
■ Application Gadgets
■ Domestic Gadgets
Classification of Gadgets

■ Mechanical Gadgets
– Clocks, bicycles, and thermometers are amongst the very large number of gadgets
that are mechanical and also very popular. The invention of mechanical gadgets
though is based more on innovation of the inventor rather than education.
■ Electronic Gadgets
– Electronic gadgets are based on transistors and integrated circuits. Unlike the
mechanical gadgets one needs a source of electric power to use it. The most
common electronic gadgets include transistor radio, television, cell phones and the
quartz watch
Classification of Gadgets

■ Programable Gadgets
– Most of the modern gadgets belong to this category.

■ Application Gadgets
– Computer programs that provide services without needing an independent application to
be launched for each one, but instead run in an environment that manages multiple
gadgets. There are several implementations based on existing software development
techniques, like JavaScript, form input, and various image formats.

■ Domestic Gadgets
– Domestic Gadgets are gadgets that are used for household needs, beginning with washing
machines, fridges, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners to electronic toothbrushes and shavers.
The Importance of Gadgets in Our Lives:

■ 1. Gadgets increase our efficiency.

■ 2. A gadget brings joy to the family
■ 3. Gadgets make things compact
■ 4. They help in saving space
■ 5. Gadgets are fun!
■ 6. Gadgets are encouraged to innovation and creativity
Advantages of technologies and gadgets:

■ 1. Higher profit: New technologies can benefit your business in a number of ways. You
can get higher profits as new technologies increase work efficiency, which in turn,
increases productivity. Moreover, fewer work forces are needed as new technologies can
automate the work thus reducing the costs more.
■ 2. Fast access to information: You can get quick access to information with the help of
computer and internet, two of the most popular technology and gadget in the present
times. The ‘search engines’ on the internet help you find information on any topic that
you’re looking for.
Advantages of technologies and gadgets:

■ 3. Increases communication: Gone are those days when you had to write letters in order
to communicate with people staying far away. Nowadays, you can send e-mails and you
get the reply within minutes. Moreover, you can also take help of ‘chat rooms’ to meet
new people as well as to stay in touch with your old friends.

■ 4. Speed up work: There are so many gadgets that help to speed up work. Right from
household chores to office work, there are gadgets with the help of which you can
increase your work efficiency. It helps you to do quite a number of things in relatively
less time.
Disadvantages of technologies and
■ 1. Online fraud: When you use internet for online transactions, there is always a
possibility of being a victim of online fraud. As for example, impostors may steal your
credit card information and use them for their own monetary gain.

■ 2. Dependency on gadgets: People are becoming mechanical as they are getting more
and dependent on gadgets. Nowadays, human beings cannot do a simple work without
taking help of a gadget.
Disadvantages of technologies and
■ 3. Integrating new technology: It is often difficult to take a business-related
decision about whether to buy the latest technology or wait for some invention.
Moreover, implementing new technology in a business can be quite expensive;
therefore, you need to decide whether you need it. Above all, integrating a new
technology in a business is quite a difficult task in itself.

■ 4. Technology related diseases: Human beings are becoming addicted to the

new technologies and gadgets, especially, internet and computers. Moreover,
young people are getting more and more addicted to mobile phones. Many
scientists believe that radiation from mobile phones may cause blurring vision,
headaches and earaches and may be the reason of cancer, too.
Top 10 gadgets in India

■ Internet of Things
■ Smart Phones
■ Portable Computers(Laptops)
■ Voice Assistance Devices (Like Alexa)
■ Wireless Technology ( Bluetooth Headset, Wi-Fi enabled devices)
■ Smart Watch
■ Portable Charging Units (PowerBanks)
■ Gaming Stations (Xbox or PlayStation)
■ Tablets (Like iPad or Yoga Tab)
■ Smart Cards( WI-FI enabled Chip Based Debit or Credit cards)
Internet of Things

■ The Internet of Things is actually a pretty simple concept, it means taking all the
physical places and things in the world and connecting them to the internet.
■ When something is connected to the internet, that means that it can send information or
receive information, or both. This ability to send and/or receive information makes
things “smart.“
■ In the Internet of Things, all the things that are being connected to the internet can be
put into three categories:
– Things that collect information and then send it.
– Things that receive information and then act on it.
– Things that do both.
Internet of Things

1. Collecting and Sending Information

■ Sensors could be temperature sensors, motion sensors, moisture sensors, air quality sensors, light
sensors, you name it. These sensors, along with a connection, allow us to automatically collect
information from the environment which, in turn, allows us to make more intelligent decisions.
2. Receiving and Acting on Information
■ We’re all very familiar with machines getting information and then acting. Your printer receives a
document and it prints it. Your car receives a signal from your car keys and the doors open. The
examples are endless.
3. Doing Both: The Goal of an IoT System
■ Let’s quickly go back to the farming example. The sensors can collect information about the soil
moisture to tell the farmer how much to water the crops, but you don’t actually need the farmer.
Instead, the irrigation system can automatically turn on as needed, based on how much moisture
is in the soil.
Smartphones are mobile devices that do a lot more than just make calls and send texts. They have cameras;
they play music & videos; they send and receive email; they browse the web; they have GPS satellite
navigation. They also have QWERTY keyboards (real, virtual onscreen or both) and perhaps most important of
all, they run apps.
A smartphone can:
■ Make voice calls (of course!)
■ Make video calls
■ Access the internet and browse the web
■ Take photos, and upload them to the web
■ Navigate with GPS if the phone has GPS built-in
■ Play back music and video stored on the phone (and connect to a PC to copy media to it)
■ Manage your contacts and appointments
■ Send emails
■ Play in-built games
■ Run new applications and games downloaded for the internet.
There are three major operating systems on phones:
1. Google Android
– It is the most popular operating system on mobile phones, and there are hundreds
of phone models from dozens of manufacturers that use it. It looks and works very
similar to the iPhone OS (iOS).
– Android phones are similar to each other, but not identical. Different models of
phone also come with different applications pre-installed.
2. Apple iOS
It comes on the Apple iPhone, and is the same system that is used on the Apple iPad.
It’s a very simple system – you just touch an icon to launch a particular phone feature
or app.
3. Windows Phone
It is made by Microsoft and it looks a lot like the new Windows 8 interface. Touching
one of the onscreen blocks starts up different applications and phone features.
Portable Computers(Laptops)

■ A laptop is a personal computer that can be easily moved and used in a variety of
locations. Most laptops are designed to have all of the functionality of a desktop computer,
which means they can generally run the same software and open the same types of files.
However, laptops also tend to be more expensive than comparable desktop computers.
■ Here are the main differences you can expect with a laptop.
– Touchpad: A touchpad—also called a trackpad—is a touch-sensitive pad that lets
you control the pointer by making a drawing motion with your finger.
– Battery: Every laptop has a battery, which allows you to use the laptop when it's not
plugged in. Whenever you plug in the laptop, the battery recharges. Another benefit
of having a battery is that it can provide backup power to the laptop if the power
goes out.
Portable Computers(Laptops)

– AC adapter: A laptop usually has a specialized power cable called an AC adapter,
which is designed to be used with that specific type of laptop.
– Ports: Most laptops have the same types of ports found on desktop computers
(such as USB), although they usually have fewer ports to save space. However,
some ports may be different, and you may need an adapter in order to use them.
– Price: Generally speaking, laptops tend to be more expensive than a desktop
computer with the same internal components. While you may find that some basic
laptops cost less than desktop computers, these are usually much less powerful
Voice Assistance Devices

■ A virtual assistant is a technology based on artificial intelligence. The software uses a

device’s microphone to receive voice requests while the voice output takes place at the
speaker. But the most exciting thing happens between these two actions.
■ It is a combination of several different technologies: voice recognition, voice analysis and
language processing.
■ Alexa from Amazon
– The system can be expanded with one of the 15 000 skills.
– Skills are special extensions that offer more functionality. For example, there are many
translators of the most common languages, assistants for television programs, but also
news and weather skills. Skills that read audio books from Amazon Kindle are also very
Voice Assistance Devices

■ Siri from Apple

– Siri also has her talents, especially when it comes to networking and collaboration
between Apple’s numerous devices.
– Voice recognition works with the same precision on older gadgets, which are still
allowed to receive updates, and on completely new ones. The personal assistant is
even integrated into the Apple TV remote control and offers numerous options.
– Apple offers 21 languages for 36 different countries.
Voice Assistance Devices

■ Cortana from Microsoft

– Cortana from Microsoft is available on every platform and can be used under
MacOS and iOS, as well as on Android, Windows 10 and even Xbox One.
– Important meetings, reminders and notes are available on all devices. Due to its
Windows 10 integration , Cortana is most widely used on desktop PCs and
notebooks and offers good support for Office or Outlook.
Voice Assistance Devices

Smart Speakers: the extension of intelligent assistance

■ Amazon succeeded in taking an important step towards the development of an entire
infrastructure for virtual assistance in 2014 as the company introduced Echo, the first
Smart Speaker.
■ Later, Google and Microsoft created their intelligent loudspeakers – Google Home and
Harman Kardon. Apple entered the race with its Apple Homepod only in 2018.
Wireless Technology Devices

■ Wireless brings together a diverse range of wireless technologies to form our range of high performance wireless
communication products. Our team excels at technical innovation to create ground-breaking & disruptive
products. These include:

■ 4G & 5G LTE Technology

■ E-Band Millimeter Wave
■ 60GHz V-band MMW
■ Microwave
■ Bluetooth
■ Free Space Optics
■ WiFi

■ A smartwatch is a portable device that's designed to be worn on a wrist. Smartwatches

—like smartphones—use touchscreens, offer apps, and often record your heart rate and
other vital signs.
■ The Apple Watch and Wear OS (formerly Android Wear) models prompted more
consumers to appreciate the usefulness of wearing a mini computer on their wrists. In
addition, specialty smartwatches for outdoor activities often supplement other, bulkier
devices in an adventurer's tool kit.

■ What Do Smartwatches Do?

– Notifications: Smartphones display notifications to alert you of important events or
activities. The types of notifications differ; devices connected to a smartphone may
simply mirror the phone's notifications on your wrist, but other smartwatches
display notifications that only a wearable could provide.
– Apps: Beyond displaying notifications from your phone, a smartwatch is only as
good as the apps it supports. App ecosystems vary, and they're tied to either Apple's
or Google's environments.
– Media management: Most smartwatches paired with smartphones can manage
media playback for you. For example, when you're listening to music on an iPhone
using Apple's AirPods, you can use your Apple Watch to change volume and tracks.

■ What Do Smartwatches Do?

– Answer messages by voice: Modern smartwatches running either the watchOS or
Wear OS operating systems support voice dictation.
– Fitness tracking: If you’re a hard-core athlete, a dedicated fitness band is likely a
better choice than a smartwatch. Still, many smartwatches include a heart rate
monitor and a pedometer to help track your workouts.
– GPS: Most smartwatches include a GPS for tracking your location or receiving
location-specific alerts.

■ Types of Smartwatches
– Apple Watch: Designed and sold by Apple
– Wear OS watches: Designed and sold by many vendors, using Google's Wear OS
operating system
– Tizen watches: Proprietary operating system designed by Samsung for its popular
Galaxy line of smartwatches
Portable Charging Units

■ A lightweight power bank or mobile battery pack that you can carry anywhere.
■ They go under different names: battery packs, power banks, portable chargers,
fuel banks, pocket power cells and back-up charging devices to name just a
■ Things to look for
– Start by choosing the size of your battery
– Number of devices to charge
– Types of USB Supported
– Number of USB Ports
– Cables supported
– Charging Indicators
– Warranty
Gaming Stations

■ Game consoles today, like an Xbox, Nintendo Wii, or Sony PlayStation, are all basically
computers: they contain a hard drive just like a computer, and they operate using an
operating system, just like a computer.
■ The player interacts with the game through a controller, a hand-held device with buttons
and joysticks or pads. Video and sound are received by the gamer though a television.
■ The first video game console, called the Magnavox Odyssey, was developed by Ralph
H. Baer and his team at Sanders Associates and released by Magnavox in September
Tablet computers

■ Like laptops, tablet computers are designed to be portable. However, they provide a
different computing experience. The most obvious difference is that tablet computers
don't have keyboards or touchpads. Instead, the entire screen is touch-sensitive,
allowing you to type on a virtual keyboard and use your finger as a mouse pointer.
■ Tablet computers can't necessarily do everything traditional computers can do. For
many people, a traditional computer like a desktop or laptop is still needed in order to
use some programs. However, the convenience of a tablet computer means it may be
ideal as a second computer.
Tablet computers

■ E-readers
– E-book readers—also called e-readers—are similar to tablet computers, except
they are mainly designed for reading e-books (digital, downloadable books).
Notable examples include the Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, and Kobo.
Smart Cards

■ A smart card is a device that includes an embedded integrated circuit chip (ICC) that can be
either a secure microcontroller or equivalent intelligence with internal memory or a memory
chip alone. The card connects to a reader with direct physical contact or with a remote
contactless radio frequency interface.
■ Smart cards are used in many applications worldwide, including:
– Secure identity applications – employee ID badges, citizen ID documents, electronic
passports, driver’s licenses, online authentication devices
– Healthcare applications – citizen health ID cards, physician ID cards, portable medical
records cards
– Payment applications – contact and contactless credit/debit cards, transit payment cards
– Telecommunications applications – GSM Subscriber Identity Modules, pay telephone
payment cards

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