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Name Roll no.
Bhavikkumar Chaudhari (199)
Shivam Bhave (200)
Rutik Patel (201)
Rajat Gohil (202)
Akash Khajuria (….)

Subject: Quality control in production

 There are three aspects in designing for quality which are mentioned below:

1. Concurrent Engineering
2. Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
3. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
 It is the simultaneous performance of product design and process design
 Typically, it involves the formation of cross-functional teams
 This allows engineers and managers of different disciplines to work together simultaneously in
developing product and process design
 Concurrent engineering methodologies permit the separate tasks of the product development
process to be carried out simultaneously rather than sequential
 For example product design, testing, manufacturing and process planning through logistics are
done side-by-side and interactively. The potential problems in fabrication, assembly, support
and quality are identified and resolved early in the design process
1. Dramatic improvements in time to market and costs
2. Improvements to product quality and performance
3. Do more with less input
 Concurrent Engineering consists of following four C's as its elements:

1. Commitment, Planning and Leadership

2. Concurrent Product Realization
3. Communication and Collaboration
4. Continuous Improvement
1. Commitment, Planning and Leadership
 As it is known fact that most important element for any successful project on the commitment from
the top management and subsequently all depends on the members of team.
 Top management has to provide funding and resources for team for accomplishing the target. Also,
top management needs to incorporate changes which are essential for functioning of the team
 As a second element, planning is very necessary for carrying out the project to reach the goal by a
leader having good leadership quality.
2. Concurrent Product Realization
 There is no easy way to build a superb concurrent engineering environment. It usually goes
through small steps, needs refinement and requires time to change organizations' culture and actual
 All process activities of concurrent engineering needs to be carried out simultaneously and
overlapping, so product development cycle time is significantly reduced.
3. Communication and Collaboration
 Concurrent engineering involves cross functional teams, in which product developers from
different functions work together and in parallel with the target to reduce the cycle time.
 To achieve effective output, communication and collaboration among cross functional teams is
very essential.
 Effective communication and collaboration can be enhanced by establishment of necessary
technological infrastructure.
4. Continuous Improvement
 Concurrent Engineering is not some method that can be directly implemented, it varies from
products to products and organization to organizations .
 Concurrent Engineering must be designed to fit the as per the requirement of the project company
 Detailed implementation plan is required to be developed and followed by continuous monitoring
for refining the engineering, i.e., constant improvement flows a path of planning, implementing,
reviewing and revising.
 Reduces time from design concept by 25% or more.
 Reduces Capital investment by 20% or more.
 Continuous improvement of product quality.
 Increases Product Life Cycle Profitability.
 Organizations are established with the aim to serve customers satisfactorily in the market
compared to existing ones and QFD is the one of the planning tool (not quality tool) which
enables the organization's aim.
 Each term of QFD can be understood as follows:

Quality - To meet the customers' requirements

Function - What must be done?
Deployment Who will do it and when will be done.
 QFD is the tool to transform the voice of the customer through the innovation by the engineer. 
 QFD is a systematic approach which aims to translate and plan the "voice of the customer"
through each stage of the product development and production processes. 
 The "voice of the customer" includes basic needs of the customers, satisfying needs, some
delighting requirements and avoidance of dissatisfying features at the most.
 To identify the true voice of the customer.
 To use that voice to develop customer specific products.
 Build and deliver a quality product or service by focusing everybody toward customer
 QFD is a team based management tool. QFD is driven by customer expectations for product
development process.
 Each of the four phases in a QFD process uses a matrix to translate customer requirements
from initial planning stages through production control.

1. Phase 1:  Production planning – Building the house of quality

 Phase 1 (or product planning) is by the marketing department, is also called "The House of
 It documents a structured list of a product's customer requirements described in their own words
(i.e. voice of customer).
 This information is usually gathered through conversations with customers (surveys) in which they
are encouraged to describe their needs and problems.
2. Phase 2 : Product design
 This phase is led by the engineering department.
 Product concepts are created during this phase and part specifications are documented.
 Parts that are determined to be most important to meeting customer needs are then deployed into
process planning or phase 3.
3. Phase 3: Process Planning
 Process planning comes next and is led by manufacturing engineering.
 During process planning, manufacturing processes are flowcharted and process parameters (or
target values) are documented.
4. Phase 4: Process Control
 And finally, in production planning, performance indicators are created to monitor the production
process, maintenance schedules, and skills training for operators.
 The quality assurance department in concert with manufacturing leads Phase 4.
 It translates the voice of the customer into design requirements that meet specific target values
and matches those against how an organization will meet those requirements.
1. Customer requirements (What):
The steps involved in identifying customer requirements:
 Identify customers
 Determine customer requirements/constraints
 Prioritize customer requirements
 Put them in house of quality
2. Technical Requirements(How):
 After the WHATS have been finalized, the QFD team has to identify how these requirements that
will facilitate satisfying one or more customer requirements identified.
3. Inter relationship matrix between WHAT’s and HOW’s:
 Illustrates the QFD teams perceptions of inter relationships between customer requirements and
technical requirements.
4. Technical correlation Matrix:
 Used to identify where technical requirements support each other in the product or service design.
 Each technical requirement should be compared with every other technical requirement.
5. Planning matrix
 Illustrates relative importance of customer requirements, customer perception of company and
competitor performance in meeting customer requirements.
6. Develop prioritized customer requirements
 The prioritized customer requirements make up a block of columns corresponding to each
customer requirements in the house of quality to the right hand side of the customer competitive

House of quality matrix

 promotes better understanding of customer needs
 Improve customer satisfaction
 Promotes team work
 Facilitates better understanding of design interactions.
 Concentrates on design efforts.
 Introduce new design to the market faster .
 Breaks down barriers between functions and departments.
 FMEA stands for Failure Mode & Effects Analysis.
  FMEA is a structured approach to:
 Identifying the ways in which a product or process can fail
 Estimating risk associated with specific causes
 Prioritizing the actions that should be taken to reduce risk.
 Evaluating design validation plan (design FMEA) or current control plan (process FMEA)
 To identify the equipment or subsystem, mode of operation and the equipment
 To identify potential failure modes and their causes
 To evaluate the effects on the system of each failure mode
 To identify measures for eliminating or reducing the risks associated with each failure mode
 To identify trials and testing necessary to prove the conclusions
 To provide information to the operators and maintainers so that they understand the
capabilities and limitations of the system to achieve best performance
1. Identifying the possible failures
 The first step is to identify the functions which may fail frequently. Further analysis is carried out
on that functions.
 From that possible failure modes are identified for that functions. Also, further investigation is
carried out to find the root cause of those failure.
2. Risk quantification
 The next step is to identify the severity of the failures and their probability of failures.
  Use risk priority number (RPN) to quantify the risk.
 Risk quantification helps in identifying the risk level from which the control measures to prevent
the causes identified.
3. Corrective action on causes of high risks
 From those evaluated preventive actions, ranking is done for the preventive actions. Based on that
best preventive action is selected for implementation.
 Once this action is selected its action plan is prepared.
 Also for that action plan, responsibility of each member is decided and check points are decided.
4. Relook at the Risk Priority Number (RPN)
 Again the whole procedure of repeated for calculating the RPN.
 Improves the quality of the product.
 Improves the reliability of the products.
 Reduces the risk of failures.
  Increases the customer satisfaction.
 Improves company reputation and competitiveness
 Early identification and elimination of potential product/ process failure modes.
 Design of Experiment (DOE) is a powerful statistical technique for improving product/process
designs and solving process / production problems.
 DOE makes controlled changes to input variables in order to gain maximum amounts of
information on cause and effect relationships with a minimum sample size.
 Design of Experiments (DOE) is also referred to as Designed Experiments or Experimental
 Reduce time to design/develop new products & processes
 Improve performance of existing processes
 Improve reliability and performance of products
 Achieve product & process robustness
 Perform evaluation of materials, design alternatives, setting component & system tolerances.
 Following are different methods of DOE considering the objective and number of factors:
1. One Factor Designs
 This method of DOE is adopted when only one factor is under investigation, and the objective is to
determine the response at different factor levels.
 The factor may be qualitative or quantitative.
 In the case of qualitative factors such as different suppliers, different materials, etc., only the effect
of the factor on the response can be determined but no predictions can be performed outside the
tested levels.
 On the other hand, where the factor is quantitative( e.g. temperature, voltage, load, etc.) response at
different factor levels can be investigated.
2. Factorial Designs
 In factorial designs, multiple factors are investigated simultaneously during the test.
 The objective of these DoE is to identify the factors that have a significant effect on the response,
as well as investigate the effect of interactions (depending on the experiment design used).
 Factorial designs are further classified as follows:
a) General Full Factorial Designs
b) Two Level Full Factorial Designs
c) Two Level Fractional Factorial Designs
d) Plackett-Burman Designs
e) Taguchi’s Orthogonal Arrays
 Quality can be defined in many ways such as; "being within specifications," "zero defects," or
"customer satisfaction." However, these definitions do not offer a method of obtaining quality
or a means of relating quality to cost.
 Dr. Genichi Taguchi proposes a holistic view of quality which relates quality to cost, not just
to the manufacturer (at the time of production), but to the customer and society as a whole. 
 Taguchi defines quality as, "The quality of a product is the (minimum) loss imparted by the
product to the society from the time product is shipped".
 When any critical quality characteristic deviates from its target value, it starts to develop a
loss. Quality simply means no variation or very little variability from target performance.
 Variability can be reduced through high quality design level since design has a great impact on
life cycle cost and quality.
 The three steps of quality by design are concept design, parameter design, and tolerance
1. Concept design
 Concept design involves the development of a system to function under an initial set of nominal
2. Parameter design
 The objective here is to select the optimum levels for the controllable system parameters such that
the product is functional, exhibits a high level of performance under a wide range of conditions,
and is robust against noise factors that cause variability.
3. Tolerance design
 When parameter design is not sufficient for reducing the output variation, the last phase is
tolerance design.
 Narrower tolerance ranges must be specified for those design factors whose variation imparts a
large negative influence on the output variation.
 To meet these tighter specifications, better and more expensive components and processes are
usually needed. Because of this, tolerance design increases production and operations costs.
 Low variability is universally recognized as a key to reliability and productivity improvement.
 There are many approaches to reducing the variability, each one having its place in the product
development cycle.
 The robustness strategy is to prevent problems through optimizing product designs and
manufacturing process designs.

 P-Diagram is a must for every

development project.
 Consider an example, in designing the
cooling system for a room the thermostat
setting is the signal and the resulting room
temperature is the response.
 First we identify the signal (input) and
response (output) associated with the
design concept.

P design
 Next, identify noise factors and control factors. 
 The parameters which are beyond control of designer is termed as noise factors whereas the
parameters which are in control of designer is termed as process factor.
 Outside temperature, opening/closing of windows, and number of occupants are examples of
noise factors while, number of registers, their locations, size of the air conditioning unit,
insulation are examples of control factors.
 Ideally, the resulting room temperature should be equal to the set point temperature.
 The job of the designer is to select appropriate control factors and their settings so that the
deviation from the ideal is minimum at a low cost. Such a design is called a minimum
sensitivity design or a robust design.
 It can be achieved by exploiting nonlinearity of the products/systems.
 The Robust Design method prescribes a systematic procedure for minimizing design
sensitivity and it is called Parameter Design.
Robust parameter design has 4 main steps:
1. Problem Formulation
 This step consists of identifying the main function, developing the P diagram, defining the ideal
function and S/N ratio, and planning the experiments.
  The experiments involve changing the control, noise and signal factors systematically using
orthogonal arrays.
2. Data Collection/Simulation
 The experiments may be conducted in hardware or through simulation.
 It is not necessary to have a full-scale model of the product for the purpose of experimentation.   
 It is sufficient and more desirable to have an essential model of the product that adequately
captures the design concept. Thus, the experiments can be done more economically
3. Factor Effects Analysis
 The effects of the control factors are calculated in this step and the results are analyzed to select
optimum setting of the control factors.
4. Prediction/Confirmation
 In order to validate the optimum conditions we predict the performance of the product design under
baseline and optimum settings of the control factors.
 Then we perform confirmation experiments under these conditions and compare the results with the
 If the results of confirmation experiments agree with the predictions, then we implement the results.
Otherwise the above steps must be iterated.
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