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History Of Basketball: The

Sport and Skill of Dribbling

Unit Topic: Basketball Dribbling
Mr. Ayala
Physical Education – 7th Grade
Lecture Objectives/Content Standards
 Objectives:
 Students will learn the history of the sport of basketball/dribbling history
within the sport
 Students will learn how basketball was created
 Students will learn how dribbling became a skill within the sport
 Students will learn how the 5 dribbling skills they have learned were
 Content Standards:
 1.1 Demonstrate mature techniques for the following patterns: overhand,
sidearm, and underhand throwing; catching; kicking/punting; striking;
trapping; dribbling (hand and foot); and volleying.
 1.3 Combine manipulative, locomotor, and nonlocomotor skills into
movement patterns.
 2.1 Identify and describe key elements in the mature performance of
overhand, sidearm, and underhand throwing; catching; kicking/punting;
striking; trapping; dribbling (hand and foot); and volleying.
 2.2 Analyze movement patterns and correct errors.​
 5.2 Accept responsibility for individual improvement.
Have you ever wondered how
the sport of basketball came to

It all started...
James Naismith

 Was created in 1891 at the at the International YMCA

Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts
 James Naismith created the original rule book for
 Founded the University of Kansas’s basketball
 Throughout the years, many rule changes would
occur from natural growth of the sport…
The New Addition of Dribbling

 Dribbling in basketball was not a skill required in the early

years of the sport
 Players would have to pass the ball around to make
forward progress
 Dribbling was introduced to the sport in 1897
 A college program introduced the skill of dribbling
 At first, only one dribble was allowed before having to pass
 4 years later, the full skill of dribbling we know today was
fully established
Now Lets Review!

 When was the sport of basketball created?

 When was the rule of dribbling added to the sport?

 When was the dribbling that we know today fully

established in the sport?
Video: The History of Basketball

Write down some interesting facts from the video as

you watch it!
Now you Discuss!

With your classmates, discuss the interesting facts you

wrote down from the video and what you thought
about the video in general!

Rule Changes Over the Years

 Originally, There was no set number of players on each team

 5 players didn’t get established till 1897 and has remained the
same since
 Substitutions within a game were allowed but players
couldn’t re-enter a game if out
 In 1920 = one re-entry was allowed, 1934 = two re-entry, 1945 =
unlimited amount of re-entry
 The point system over time changed to modern point system
 Baskets were only worth 1 point, then became 2 points, and in
the late 1900’s, the 3 point basket became about
More Rule Changes

 An out of bounds boundary was not set in the early years of the sport
 In 1904, boundaries were set using a straight line
 Over the years, out of bounds boundaries became the boundaries we know
 Passing was a huge part of the game from early on to modern times
 Passing was the only thing allowed to move the ball before the addition of
 The basketball used in the early stages was completely different
 Early balls didn’t allow for players to dribble because of the material used for
the ball
 Over the years, Spalding created the basketballs we know today which allow
players to do one skill greatly…… DRIBBLING.
Chart Example of the Effect of Rule
Creation of the Crossover Dribble

 Crossover- rapidly switching the ball from one hand to

the other and changing direction of travel.
 The “Crossover” wasn’t a popularized move to the
sport of basketball till the 1960s
 Originally popularized by Oscar Robertson (NBA Player)
 Tim Hardaway (NBA Player) in the 1990s popularized the
move to what we know today by being famous for his
Creation of the Behind the Back

 Behind the Back - dribbling the ball behind their back

from one hand to another.
 Stanford legend Hank Luisetti was the first player to
dribble the ball behind the back in a game
 Considered one of the great innovators of the sport
 It has become a staple move within todays modern
basketball play
 Can be done either in a stationary position, or while in
motion with the ball
Creation of the Through the Legs

 Between the Legs – Pushing the ball between the gap

of your legs from one hand to the other
 There is no set creator for the between the legs
 It was seen to have been done in the early 1960s in
street ball
 became a popular move throughout the years for
professional players
Creation of the Basic Dribbling Skill

 Basic right/left hand dribbling: Pushing the ball down

to the floor in a repeated motion up and down with
either hand
 Dribbling was introduced to the sport in 1897 by a
college program
 The basic dribbling we know today was fully established
within the sport a few years later
 Only 1 dribble was allowed in the beginning stages of
the sport
Chart Example of the Effects of Dribbling
for Players Shooting Percentage
Now Lets Review!

 What are the 4 dribbling skills we have discussed?

 What were a few rule changes that have occurred

over the years?

 Which brand created the basketballs we use today

which have supported dribbling for players?
Modern Basketball Today

 All the rule changes that have occurred have affected the
sport we know today
 Todays game has a 3 point line, new dribbling moves, free
throws, and many more things that never occurred before
 The sport of basketball has made its way across many
countries and is now a sport shared across the globe
 Many international teams exist in the sport of basketball
 Many international skills have been brought to the U.S.
including many new dribbling skills used greatly today!
A Chart of the Effect International
Players have on the Game Today
Culminating Activity/Question

With a group, discuss how has the skill of dribbling

evolved within the sport overtime.

Discuss the most interesting things you learned from

this lecture about the History of basketball/ Skill of

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