Power System 1 Ch2

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Generating Stations

Chapter 2

 In this modern world, the dependence on electricity is so much that

it has become a part of our life.
 This is achieved with the help of suitable power producing units,
known as Power plants or Electric power generating stations.
 The design of a power plant should incorporate two important
Firstly, the selection and placing of necessary power-generating equipment
should be such so that a maximum of return will result from a minimum of
expenditure over the working life of the plant.
Secondly, the operation of the plant should be such so as to provide cheap,
reliable and continuous service.
 Bulk electric power is produced by special plants known as generating stations or
power plants.
 A generating station essentially employs prime mover coupled to an alternator for
the production of electric power.
 The prime mover (e.g., steam turbine, water turbine etc.) converts energy from
some other form into mechanical energy. The alternator converts mechanical
energy of the prime mover into electrical energy.
 The electrical energy produced by the generating station is transmitted and
distributed with the help of conductors to various consumers.
 the form of energy converted into electrical energy, the generating stations are
classified as under :
 Steam power stations
 Hydroelectric power stations
 Diesel power stations
 Nuclear power stations
steam power
station(thermal station)

 A generating station which converts heat energy of coal combustion into electrical
energy is known as a steam power station.
 A steam power station basically works on the Rankine cycle.
 Steam is produced in the boiler by utilizing the heat of coal combustion.
 The steam is then expanded in the prime mover (i.e., steam turbine) and is
condensed in a condenser to be fed into the boiler again.
 The steam turbine drives the alternator which converts mechanical energy of the
turbine into electrical energy.
 This type of power station is suitable where coal and water are available in
abundance and a large amount of electric power is to be generated.
 Advantages
1. The fuel (i.e., coal) used is quite cheap.
2. Less initial cost as compared to other generating stations.
3. It can be installed at any place irrespective of the existence of coal. The coal
can be transported to the site of the plant by rail or road.
4. It requires less space as compared to the hydroelectric power station.
5. The cost of generation is lesser than that of the diesel power station.
 Disadvantages
1. It pollutes the atmosphere due to the production of large amount of
smoke and fumes.
2. It is costlier in running cost as compared to hydroelectric plant
Arrangement of
Steam Power Station
The schematic arrangement of a modern steam power
station is shown in Fig. 2.1. The whole arrangement can be
divided into the following stages for the sake of simplicity :
1. Coal and ash handling arrangement
2. Steam generating plant
3. Steam turbine
4. Alternator
5. Feed water
6. Cooling arrangement
1. Coal and ash
• The coal is transported to the power station by road or rail and is stored in the
coal storage plant.

• Storage of coal is primarily a matter of protection against coal strikes, failure of

transportation system and general coal shortages.

• The coal is burnt in the boiler and the ash produced after the complete
combustion of coal is removed to the ash handling plant and then delivered to
the ash storage plant for disposal.

• The removal of the ash from the boiler furnace is necessary for proper burning
of coal.
2. Steam
generating plant.
• The steam generating plant consists of a boiler for the production of
steam and other auxiliary equipment for the utilization of flue gases.

(i) Boiler. The heat of combustion of coal in the boiler is utilized to

convert water into steam at high temperature and pressure. The flue
gases from the boiler make their journey through superheater,
economizer, air pre-heater and are finally exhausted to atmosphere
through the chimney.

(ii) Superheater. The steam produced in the boiler is wet

and is passed through a superheater where it is dried and
superheated (i.e., steam temperature increased above that
of boiling point of water) by the flue gases on their way to
chimney. Superheating provides two principal benefits.
• Firstly, the overall efficiency is increased.
• Secondly, too much condensation in the last stages of
turbine (which would cause blade corrosion) is avoided.
• The superheated steam from the superheater is fed to
steam turbine through the main valve.

•(iii) Economiser.
•is essentially a feed water heater and derives
heat from the flue gases for this purpose.

•The feed water is fed to the economiser

before supplying to the boiler.
•The economiser extracts a part of heat of flue
gases to increase the feed water temperature.
•(iv) Air preheater. An air preheater increases the
temperature of the air supplied for coal burning by deriving
heat from flue gases. Air is drawn from the atmosphere by
a forced draught fan and is passed through air preheater
before supplying to the boiler furnace.

•The air preheater extracts heat from flue gases and

increases the temperature of air used for coal combustion.
The principal benefits of preheating the air are : increased
thermal efficiency and increased steam capacity per square
metre of boiler surface.
3. Steam Turbine
• The dry and superheated steam from the superheater is fed to the steam
turbine through main valve.

• The heat energy of steam when passing over the blades of turbine is
converted into mechanical energy. After giving heat energy to the
turbine, the steam is exhausted to the condenser which condenses the
exhausted steam by means of cold water circulation.
4. Alternator
• The steam turbine is coupled to an alternator. The alternator converts
mechanical energy of turbine into electrical energy.
• The electrical output from the alternator is delivered to the bus bars
through transformer, circuit breakers and isolators.
5. Feed water.
• The condensate from the condenser is used as feed water to the
boiler. Some water may be lost in the cycle which is suitably made up
from external source.
• The feed water on its way to the boiler is heated by water heaters
and economiser.
• This helps in raising the overall efficiency of the plant.
6. Cooling
 In order to improve the efficiency of the plant, the steam exhausted from the
turbine is condensed by means of a condenser.
 Water is drawn from a natural source of supply such as a river, canal or lake
and is circulated through the condenser.
 The circulating water takes up the heat of the exhausted steam and itself
becomes hot. This hot water coming out from the condenser is discharged at
a suitable location down the river. In case the availability of water from the
source of supply is not assured throughout the year, cooling towers are used.
 During the scarcity of water in the river, hot water from the condenser is
passed on to the cooling towers where it is cooled. The cold water from the
cooling tower is reused in the condenser
Choice of Site for
Steam Power

• In order to achieve overall economy, the following points should

be considered while selecting a site for a steam power station :
• (i) Supply of fuel. The steam power station should be located near
the coal mines so that transportation cost of fuel is minimum.
However, if such a plant is to be installed at a place.
• where coal is not available, then care should be taken that
adequate facilities exist for the transportation of coal.
• (ii) Availability of water. As huge amount of water is
required for the condenser, therefore, such a plant should
be located at the bank of a river or near a canal to ensure
the continuous supply of water.
• (iii) Transportation facilities. A modern steam power
station often requires the transportation of material and
machinery. Therefore, adequate transportation facilities
must exist i.e., the plant should be well connected to
other parts of the country by rail, road. etc.
• (iv) Cost and type of land. The steam power station should be located at a
place where land is cheap and further extension, if necessary, is possible.
Moreover, the bearing capacity of the ground should be adequate so that
heavy equipment could be installed.
• (v) Nearness to load centres.
• In order to reduce the transmission cost, the plant should be
located near the centre of the load.
• This is particularly important if d.c. supply system is adopted.
However, if a.c. supply system is adopted, this factor becomes
relatively less important.
• It is because a.c. power can be transmitted at high voltages
with consequent reduced transmission cost.
• Therefore, it is possible to install the plant away from the load
centres, provided other conditions are favourable
• (vi) Distance from populated area.
• As huge amount of coal is burnt in a steam power station, therefore,
smoke and fumes pollute the surrounding area.
• This necessitates that the plant should be located at a considerable
distance from the populated areas.

• It is clear that all the above factors cannot be favorable at one


• However, keeping in view the fact that now-a-days the supply

system is a.c. and more importance is being given to generation
than transmission, a site away from the towns may be selected.
• In particular, a site by river side where sufficient water is
available, no pollution of atmosphere occurs and fuel can be
transported economically, may perhaps be an ideal choice
Hydro-electric Power Station
• Hydro-electric power station:
• A generating station which utilizes the potential energy of water at a high
level for the generation of electrical energy.
• Hydro-electric power stations are generally located in hilly areas where
dams can be built conveniently and large water reservoirs can be

• turbine captures the energy in the falling water and changes the hydraulic
energy (i.e., product of head and flow of water) into mechanical energy at
the turbine shaft.
On the basis of availability of head of water:
1. Low head plant: Operating head < 15m
2. Medium head plant: Operating head 15 to 50m
3. High head plant: Operating >50m
The process
• Flowing water is directed toward and used to spin giant turbines
• Mechanical energy is generated
• The mechanical energy is converted to electrical using alternator
• The electrical energy flow to the power lines, and frame there to
consumers as needed
Schematic Arrangement of Hydro-
electric Power Station
• It is a barrier across a waterway to control
the flow or raise the level of water.

 Before the construction of the Dam

• After the construction of the Dam

Intake structure
• Intake structure are used for collecting water from the surface source such as
river, lake and reservoir
• The level of water surface in the reservoir is called Head water level.
• Note: continuous availability of water is basic necessity for a Hydro-electric
power plant.
• Spillway is used to dispose off excess water in reservoir.
• Spillways ensure that the water does not overflow and
damage or destroy the dam
• The water flow of from dam towards turbine with the help of
• It convert the potential energy of water into kinetic energy
• It is made up of cost iron or concrete material
Surge Tank

• It is connected in between dam and

power house
• This sequence is follow to avoid or to
prevent the turbines against Water
Hammer effect.
• Due to high pressure penstock may
damage. This effect is known as
“Water hammer effect”
Turbine or Prime Mover

• It main faction is take water from dam at

high pressure and start to rotate.
• It converts kinetic energy of water into
mechanical energy.

• Types of Turbine:
Francis, • Impulse turbine (Used in high head
plant) e.g. Peloton Wheel

• Reaction Turbine (used in low and

medium head plants) e.g. Francis, Kaplan

Draft tube
• It is used in hydro-electric power plant near the turbine.
• It allows the turbine to be set above tail water level,
without loss of head.
• It is used to convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy.
For that purpose the turbine and generator are mechanically
• Is the area where the water leaves the station after generation and it
returns to the river.
• Tail race is designed is such a way that water hammer is minimizes
when water leaves the draft tube.
Power House
• Power house contains the electric mechanical equipment i.e.
Hydro power turban generator, excitation system,
transformers , switchyard and etc.

1. No fuel requires
2. No air pollution.
3. The life of the plant is longest
4. Renewable energy.
5. Generation cost per unit (KWH) is lowest
6. Can easily work during high peak daily load
7. In addition to the generation of electrical energy, help in irrigation
and controlling floods.

1. It involves high capital cost due to construction of dam.

2. There is uncertainty about the availability of huge amount of water
due to dependence on weather conditions.
3. Skilled and experienced hands are required to build the plant.
4. It requires high cost of transmission lines as the plant is located in
hilly areas which are quite away from the consumers.

•2.6. to 2.13
Diesel Power Station

Diesel power plants produce power in the range of 2 to 50


They are used as standby sets for continuity of supply such

as hospitals, telephone exchanges, radio stations, cinema
theatres and industries.
1.Diesel engine…
The fuel burns and the burnt gases expand to do work on the moving part
inside the cylinder called piston.
This movement of the piston rotates a flywheel and the engine is directly
coupled to electric generator.

2. Fuel supply system:

 Fuel from the storage tank is pumped through a filter into a smaller tank
called all day tank. This tank supplies the daily requirements of the diesel
 The all day tank is placed high so that the fuel flows to the engine under
gravity with sufficient pressure.
3. Air intake system :
The air required for the combustion of fuel inside the diesel engine cylinder is
drawn through the air filter. The purpose of the filter is to remove dust from the
incoming air.
The dry filter may be made of
felt, wood or cloth.
In wet filter, oil bath is used.
In this the air passes over a
bath of oil where the dust
particles get coated on the oil.
4. Exhaust system:
The exhaust gases coming out of the engine is very noisy. In order to reduce the
noise a silencer(muffler) is used.

5. Cooling system:
 The temperature of the burning fuel inside the engine cylinder is in the order of
15000C to 20000C. In order to lower this temperature water is circulated around
the engine.
 The water envelopes(water jacket) the engine. The heat from the cylinder,
piston, combustion chamber etc., is carried by the circulating water.
 The hot water leaving the jacket is passed through the heat exchanger
 The heat from the heat exchanger is carried away by the raw water circulated
through the heat exchanger and is cooled in the cooling tower.
6. Lubricating system:
This circuit includes lubricating oil tank, oil pump and oil cooler.
The purpose of the lubrication system is to reduce the wear of the engine
moving parts. Part of the cylinder such as piston, shafts, valves must be
Lubrication also helps to cool the engine.
In the lubrication system the oil is pumped from the lubricating oil tank
through the oil cooler where the oil is cooled by the cold water entering the
The hot oil after cooling the moving parts return to the lubricating oil
Advantages of Diesel power plant :

 It can respond to varying loads without any difficulty.

 It occupies less space.
 For the same capacity diesel power plant is compact and smaller than a thermal power
 Diesel power plants are more efficient than steam power plants in the range of 150 MW
Disadvantages of Diesel power plant :

 High operating cost.

 High maintenance and lubrication cost.
 The capacity of a diesel plant is limited. They cannot be constructed in
large sizes.
 In a diesel plant noise is a serious problem.
 Diesel power plants cannot supply over loads continuously where as steam
power plants can work under 25% overload continuously.

• 2.14-2.16
Nuclear Power Station


 Nuclear fuel is any material that can be consumed to derive nuclear

energy. The most common type of nuclear fuel is fissile elements that
can be made to undergo nuclear fission chain reactions in a nuclear
 The most common nuclear fuels are 235U and 239Pu. Not all nuclear

fuels are used in fission chain reactions


 When a neutron strikes an atom of uranium, the uranium splits into two

lighter atoms and releases heat simultaneously.

 Fission of heavy elements is an exothermic reaction which can release

large amounts of energy both as electromagnetic radiation and as kinetic

energy of the fragments

 A chain reaction refers to a process in which neutrons released in fission

produce an additional fission in at least one further nucleus. This

nucleus in turn produces neutrons, and the process repeats. If the
process is controlled it is used for nuclear power or if uncontrolled it is
used for nuclear weapons
Energy releases from fission
 U235 + n → fission + 2 or 3 n + 200 MeV

 If each neutron releases two more neutrons, then the number of fissions

doubles each generation. In that case, in 10 generations there are 1,024

fissions and in 80 generations about 6 x 10 23 (a mole) fissions.
schematic Arrangement of Nuclear Power
• (i) Nuclear reactor
• (ii) Heat exchanger
• (iii) Steam turbine
• (iv) Alternator.

 A nuclear reactor is a device in which nuclear chain reactions are

initiated, controlled, and sustained at a steady rate, as opposed to a

nuclear bomb, in which the chain reaction occurs in a fraction of a
second and is uncontrolled causing an explosion.
Selection of Site for Nuclear Power
• (I) Availability of water.
• (ii) Disposal of waste.
• (iii) Distance from populated areas.
• (iv) Transportation facilities.

• 2.17.-2.18
Gas Turbine Power Plant
Gas Turbine Power Plant
Working principle :
 Air is compressed(squeezed) to high pressure by a fan-like device called
the compressor.
 Then fuel and compressed air are mixed in a combustion chamber and
 Hot gases are given off, which spin the turbine wheels.
 Most of the turbine’s power runs the compressor. Part of it drives the
Schematic Arrangement of Gas
Turbine Power Plant
i. Compressor
ii. Regenerator
iii. Combustion chamber
iv. Gas turbine
v. Alternator
vi. Starting motor
i. Compressor: used in the plant is generally of rotatory type.
ii. Regenerator: is a device which recovers heat from the exhaust gases
of the turbine.
iii. Combustion chamber: heat is added to the air by burning oil
iv. Gas turbine: a mixture of gases at high temperature and pressure are
passed to the gas turbine, blades expand and thus do the mechanical
v. Alternator: The alternator converts mechanical energy of the turbine
into electrical energy
vi. Starting motor: Before starting the turbine, compressor has to be
started. For this purpose, an electric motor is mounted on the same
shaft as that of the turbine. The motor is energized by the batteries.

 Gas turbines burn fuels such as oil, nature gas and pulverised(powdered)
 Instead of using the heat to produce steam, as in steam turbines, gas
turbines use the hot gases directly to turn the turbine blades.

 Gas turbines have three main parts:

Air compressor
Combustion chamber
Air compressor:
 The air compressor and turbine are mounted at either end on a common
horizontal axle(shaft), with the combustion chamber between them.

 Gas turbines are not self starting. A starting motor initially drives the
compressor till the first combustion of fuel takes place, later, part of the
turbine’s power runs the compressor.

 The air compressor sucks in air and compresses it, thereby increasing its
Combustion chamber:
 In the combustion chamber, the compressed air combines with fuel and
the resulting mixture is burnt.

 The greater the pressure of air, the better the fuel air mixture burns.

 Modern gas turbines usually use liquid fuel, but they may also use
gaseous fuel, natural gas or gas produced artificially by gasification of a
solid fuel.
Note :
The combination of air compressor and combustion chamber is called as
gas generator.
 The burning gases expand rapidly and rush into the turbine, where they
cause the turbine wheels to rotate.

 Hot gases move through a multistage gas turbine.

Like in steam turbine, the gas turbine also has fixed(stationary) and
moving(rotor) blades.
The stationary blades guide the moving gases to the rotor blades and
adjust its velocity.
The shaft of the turbine is coupled to a generator or machinery to
drive it.
Applications of gas turbine:
 Gas turbines are used to drive pumps, compressors and high speed cars.
 Used in aircraft and ships for their propulsion. They are not suitable for
automobiles because of their very high speeds.
 Power generation (used for peak load and as stand-by unit).

Note :
 Gas turbines run at even higher temperatures than steam turbines, the
temperature may be as high as 1100 – 1260 0C.
 The thermal efficiency of gas turbine made of metal components do not exceed
 Research is underway to use ceramic components at turbine inlet temperature
of 13500C or more, and reach thermal efficiencies over 40% in a 300 kW unit.
Layout of gas turbine power plant…
Starting motor:
 Gas turbines are not self starting. They require a starting motor to first bring
the turbine to the minimum speed called coming–in speed, for this purpose a
starting motor is required.

 Low pressure compressor(LPC):

The purpose of the compressor is to compress the air. Air from the atmosphere is drawn
into the LPC and is compressed.

 Intercooler:
 The air after compression in the LPC is hot. It is cooled by the
intercooler. The intercooler is circulated with cooling water.
 High pressure compressor(HPC):
The air from the intercooler enters the HPC where it is further
compressed to a high pressure. The compressed air passes through a

 Regenerator(Heat exchanger):
The air entering the combustion chamber(CC) for combustion must
be hot. The heat from the exhaust gases is picked up by the
compressed air entering the combustion chamber.
 Combustion chamber:
The fuel(natural gas, pulverized coal, kerosene or gasoline) is injected
into the combustion chamber.
The fuel gets ignited because of the compressed air.
The fuel along with the compressed air is ignited sometimes with a
spark plug
 High pressure turbine (HPT):
In the beginning the starting motor runs the compressor shaft.
The hot gases(products of combustion) expands through the high
pressure turbine.
It is important to note that when the HPT shaft rotates it infact drives
the compressor shaft which is coupled to it. Now the HPT runs the
compressor and the starting motor is stopped.

Note :
About 66% of the power developed by the gas turbine power plant is used
to run the compressor.

Only 34% of the power developed by the plant is used to generate electric
 Low pressure turbine (LPT):
The purpose of the LPT is to produce electric power.
The shaft of the LPT is directly coupled with the generator for
producing electricity.
The hot gases(products of combustion) after leaving the HPT is again
sent to a combustion chamber where it further undergoes combustion.
The exhaust gases after leaving the LPT passes through the
regenerator before being exhausted through the chimney into the
The heat from the hot gases is used to preheat the air entering the
combustion chamber. This preheating of the air improves the
efficiency of the combustion chamber.
Advantages of gas turbine power plant :

Storage of fuel requires less area and handling is easy.

The cost of maintenance is less.
It is simple in construction. There is no need for boiler,
condenser and other accessories as in the case of steam
power plants.
Cheaper fuel such as kerosene , paraffin, benzene and
powdered coal can be used which are cheaper than
petrol and diesel.
Gas turbine plants can be used in water scarcity areas.
Less pollution and less water is required.
Disadvantages of gas turbine power plant :

66% of the power developed is used to drive the

compressor. Therefore the gas turbine unit has a low
thermal efficiency.
The running speed of gas turbine is in the range of
(40,000 to 100,000 rpm) and the operating
temperature is as high as 1100 – 12600C. For this
reason special metals and alloys have to be used for
the various parts of the turbine.
High frequency noise from the compressor is

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