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Smart College

Campus Using IoT

D S A I K U M A R - 1 D S 1 8 E C 1 1 6

M S A I V I S H A L R E D D Y - 1 D S 1 8 E C 1 2 7

M C H A I T A N Y A - 1 D S 1 8 E C 1 2 8

S S R I H A R S H A P H A N I - 1 D S 1 8 E C 1 5 1

• The Internet of Things (IoT) is a recent communicati on paradigm that envisions a near future, in
which the objects of everyday life will be equipped with microcontrollers, transceivers for digital
communicati on, and suitable protocol stacks that will make them able to communicate with one
another and with the users, be coming an integral part of the Internet. By working in this way
access and communicati on with the diff erent variety of gadgets and devices like camera, audio
recorder, smart watches, Google glass, Digital broad displays, sensors…etc. the IoT will nurture
the improvement of learning circumstance that make use of the huge subject data.

• Daily thousands of students, teachers and visitors are present in the campus, every ti me
monitoring their details or reporti ng all irregulariti es observed, illegal parking , electric power
management, unatt ended garbage, the tree fall, fi re, raging , miss behavior of students inside the
campus etc., it ’s very diffi cult to put the manpower for monitoring.

20XX 2
What is a smart campus?

Similar to smart citi es, a smart campus uti lizes smart technologies to create new experiences
and services. These smart technologies, which are connected to the Internet and AI-driven –
can improve various aspects of the student and faculty experience on campus such as

•Enhancing the fi nancial aid process

•Improving student ser vices

•Reducing wait ti mes

•Miti gati ng compliance mistakes

•Reducing human errors

•Automati ng workfl ows

•Conserving energy and resources

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Topic one

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What is a smart campus?

• GSM BASED ALRE TS: We get alerts if any unauthorized persons enters the e-campus or in labs any
security viol ati ons gets occurred.

e_x0002_campus many ti mes we see that the garbage bins or dustbins placed at campus pl aces are
overfl owing. It creates unhygieni c conditi ons for people. Al so it creates ugli ness to t hat place. At
the same ti me bad smell is also spread.

• CAMPUS GARDEN AUTOMATION WATER FLOW: The innovati ve campus GARDENA Water fl ow meter
allows targeted irrigati on that is measured and mi ndful. At a gl ance based on moisture conditi on in
soil . The consumed water quanti ty can be read at any ti me on the l arge display and thereby
control led. Unti l now, i rrigati on has been a matt er of personal judgment and one's form on the day.

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• Each pi ece of equipment or component (CPU, Printer, scanner, copi er etc.) can have an associated bar
code which represents inventor y number and a QR tag

• Using a device connected to the internet wit h a barcode reader this equipment can be identi fi ed with
a barcode reader this equipment can be identi fi ed & i t can be able to display all associated
informati on

• These devices collect usef ul data with the hel p of various existi ng technologies and then
autonomously fl ow the data between other devices

• Current market examples include home automati on (also known as smart home devices) such as the
control and automati on of lighti ng, heati ng (li ke smart thermostat), venti l ati on, air conditi oning
(HVAC) systems that are printer, computers & other devices in l ab’s use Wi -Fi for remote monitoring.

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The new Smart Parking sensor – part of Libelium’s Smart e-

campus soluti on – is designed to be buried in parking spaces and
to detect the arrival and departure of vehicles
The Smart Parking platform will allow system integrators to offer
comprehensive parking management soluti ons to city councils.
By providing accurate informati on on available parking spaces,
motorists save ti me and fuel and citi es reduce atmospheric
polluti on and congesti on.
A signifi cant contributi on to congesti on arises from motorists
searching for available parking spaces - often

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L E Ds are m aki ng great he adway senso rs, cont rol s, and con ne cted bul bs are h itti ng th e m ar ket; and the re are a
l ot of Io T ven dors th at can add esse nti al an aly ti cs and p rogram m a bl e i nte l li gen ce l ayers. Prov i de bett er l ighti ng
i n m o re pl ace s wi th e asy, fl ex i bl e i nstal l ati on t hat re qui re s m i ni m al t rai ni ng. H osted soft ware an d a pl ug- and -
p lay m o dul e get you u p an d r unni ng qui ckl y. Se e op erati o nal statu s of your l ights at a gl ance an d d epl oy o nl y
w h ere ne ed ed to redu ce t r uck rol l s. An d wit h the Vantage Poi nt so ft ware, asset m a nage m e nt has never b ee n
e asi er. Pl us yo u can pro acti vel y pred ict powe r o utages and st re et l ight repl ace m e nt nee ds for i m pro ve d fi el d
effi c i en cy.
S m ar t c l assroom col le cted i nfor m ati o n, stor in g as di gitali zed data i n a m e m or y of e - cam p us pl atf or m .

L e arn i ng ap proach can be cho sen base d on our cur i osi ty way i n whi ch we are kee n to l e ar n. I t create s i m pact o n
o ur m em o r y whi l e l ear ni n g the n recal l i ng seve ral . IOT te chnol ogy he l ps o n creati ng pl atf or m for fasci nati ng
l e ar ni ng by m e ans o f sm ar t cl assroo m sur roun di ngs & secur i ty for e ntre e- cam pu s as sh own in use case di agram .

Presentation title 20XX 11

Smart Classroom in E-Campus

• T h e c o n c e p t o f S m a r t Cl a s s r o o m i s d e fi n e d l i ke a s m a l l w o r l d w h e r e s e n s o r- e n a b l e d a n d n e t w o r k
d e vi c es w o r k c o n t i n u o u s l y a n d c o l l a b o ra t i v e l y t o m a ke h u m a n s m o r e co m f o r t .

• S m a r t Le a r n i n g E nv i r o n m e n t s (S LE ) c o m p r i s e , i n a co n s ci o u s a n d s t ra t e g i c way, t h e u s e o f
t e c h n o l o g i e s w i t h i n l e a r n i n g e nvi ro n m e n t s t o a l l o w a p o s i t i v e i m p a c t o n t h e s t u d e n t s ’ l e a r n i n g
e xp e r i e n c es .

• T h i s l e a d s t o t h e a d o p t i o n o f a va r i e ty o f s m a r t s o l u t i o n s i n ca m p us e nvi ro n m e n t s t o e n h a n ce t h e
q u a l i ty o f l i f e a n d t o i m p r ov e t h e p e r f o r m a n c e s o f b o t h t e a ch e r s a n d s t u d e n t s .

In smar t Cl assroom we can implement these features.

1. Attenda nce mon itori ng thro ugh face reco gni tio n.

2. Intimati ng the parents about the absent status of the stu dent.

3. C la ssroo m co ndi ti ons mo nito ri ng through the devi ce control.

4. L i brar y management so f tware system wi th al l the basic as wel l as some i nnova ti ve features
fo r managing a li brar y.

Presentation title 20XX 12

Smart Classroom in E-Campus

Presentation title 20XX 14

Smart campus technology examples at
Universities and Colleges

• The test sites are used to ensure smart city projects work as intended. It ’s really
about experimenti ng with smart technologies before they are deployed throughout a
• At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, they are preparing for an autonomous
vehicle testi ng zone which will include sensors on traffi c lights throughout the 32-
acre site. 
• At the University of Texas at Austi n, it ’s 20,000,000-sq. Ft. campus – complete with
150 buildings – is run by the largest microgrid in America. The microgrid manages and
provides all the electricity, heat, and cooling on campus.  There isn’t any questi on
that both WIFI and IoT technologies have accelerated greatly and now provide bett er
security and safety for campuses in the form of digitalized lighti ng systems,
networked security cameras, geofencing, and more .

Presentation title 20XX 15

Smart campus technology examples at
Universities and Colleges

•  Arizona State University ’s football stadium has undergone a $300 million renovati on
which includes smart, concession sales, and even noise levels.
• In the same state, Northern Arizona University (NAU) is already in the process of
transiti oning to a smart campus. In fact, the university has created a lab designed to
study towns, citi es, and campuses and how they use AI, roboti cs, IoT, and more.
• In 2019, Portland State University created the Digital City Testbed Centre (DCTC),
which is also part of a network of testi ng sites including the  University of Briti sh
Columbia. PSU is also partnering with the city of Portland for these smart technology
tests and is working with Portland’s Bureau of Planning along with the Portland
Bureau of Transportati on. Much of the focus is around air quality sensors and traffi c
sensors (200 sensors computi ng real-ti me data on bike, pedestrian, and vehicle
traffi c).

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Smart campus technology examples at
Universities and Colleges

• Over in Cleveland, both Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland State

University work have joined forces to work on the Internet of Things of Collaborati ve.
The focus is on how smart technologies can improve the city ’s urban and industrial
• Not too far away, Boston University has already worked on their Smart-city Cloud-
based Open Platf orm and Ecosystem SCOPE  for fi ve years. The objecti ve is to test
sensor networking throughout innovati ve environments.  
•  At the University of Michigan, Mechanical Engineering professor Huei Peng serves as
the director of Mcity which is a public-private partnership between the university and
the city of Ann Arbor. The purpose of Mcity is to develop smart, automated
technologies to power transportati on such as driverless vehicles. Within Mcity,
parti cipants can test theories and collect data.

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Thank you

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