How Scouting Creates Leaders

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How Scouting Creates Leaders?

Tomás Franklin Castillo

Scoutreach Committee Chair
Occoneechee Council, BSA

Annual Report to the Nation Team, 2009

The True Face of Scouting

Presentation Format

• Definition of a true leader

• Learning those skills
• Applying those skills
• Continuing on Life’s Journey…Successfully!
• Resources for further inquiry

What is a leader?
Wikipedia defines a “leader…

as one person, who through a process of

social influence, can enlist the aid and
support of others in the accomplishment
of a common task.”

The US Marine Corps attributes the following
personality traits to a true leader:

• Justice • Enthusiasm
• Judgment • Bearing
• Dependability • Unselfishness
• Initiative • Courage
• Decisiveness • Knowledge
• Tact • Loyalty
• Integrity • Endurance

What is a true leader?
• The Scout Motto: "Be Prepared”
• The Scout Oath (or Promise):
On my honor I will do my best,
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
• The 12 points of the Scout Law: A Scout is…
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind,
Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
What is a leader?

Other famous Eagle Scouts 9

Learning those skills
• “Begin the Adventure” videoclip

Learning those skills

Scout  Tenderfoot  Second  First  Star  Life  Eagle

Class Class

Skills of a Leader
• Merit Badges…a total of 125 can be earned
-topics vary from American Business to Woodwork

Putting Leader Skills into Practice
If you get invited to join….there’s the
Order of the Arrow (Scouting’s Honor Society)
-focuses on service, activities, adventures, and
training for youth and adults

Applying those Skills
• Boy Scout Troops consist of Patrols, which are boy led; PL/APL have limited
tenure to give others a chance to lead.

Resources: Troop Program Features, volume I

Continuing on Life’s Journeys…Successfully!

• National Eagle Scout Association (NESA)

• National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
• BSA High Adventure Bases
• PADI Scholarship Program

BSA’s Hispanic Initiatives
• Hispanic Initiatives videoclip

Resources for further inquiry



"There are two ways of climbing a mountain. One man goes steadily
Conclusion upward, following the track that has been made by others or has been
pointed out by the guide book; he keeps his eyes fixed on that track so
that he may not miss it; his one determination is to be successful in
getting to the top.
In the words of Scouting’s Founder, The other climber is equally anxious to reach the top, but he looks wider. He
looks ahead and higher and sees where the former track may now,
Sir Robert Baden Powell: owing to wash-outs, etc., be improved upon, and he varies his course
accordingly. Occasionally he pauses to look around him and to realize
the glorious view that is opening and unfolding itself at every step; thus
he gains the spirit of exhilaration that lightens his task and gives him
fresh encouragement to press on. Then, too, he looks back and realizes
that the foot-hills through which he has laboured are mere mole-hills
now, and he is in a position whence he can wave encouragement and
direction to others, who are still struggling through the early part of
their climb. Thus he pursues his way in cheery exaltation rather than
with the stern laborious doggedness of the other climber.
So in our work - indeed, in any work of life - we should look forward, well
forward, with high aims and hope; look around with joy and goodwill;
look back with thankfulness at what has been accomplished and then
press on with renewed vigour, with helpful initiative, and with
broadened outlook, towards the highest goal, not forgetting to give a
helping hand to others as we go.
But when you look - look WIDE; and even when you think you are looking


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