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John G.

Borden Middle School

8th Grade
Flag Football Unit

David Melick, Nick Tannacore, Joshua Selitto, Joe Mack


➢ Grade Level Outcomes

➢ Pre and Post Assessment
○ Trustworthiness
➢ Results
➢ Grading
➢ Conclusion
➢ Questions
Grade Level Outcomes
S2.M2.8 Executes at least 3 of the following offensive tactics to create open space: moves to
create open space on and off the ball; uses a variety of passes, fakes and pathways; give and go.

S2.M9.8 Varies the speed, force and trajectory of the shot based on location of the object in
relation to the target.

S4.M6.8 Applies rules and etiquette by acting as an official for modified physical activities and
games and creating dance routines within a given set of parameters.
Pre & Post Assessment
6. A touchdown in football is worth how many points?

A. 2 points

B. 3 points

C. 6 points

1. ___ When throwing a football, you want your elbows down low. D. 7 points

True or False

2. ___ Which of the following is a cue for throwing a football? 8. ___ What is it called when the defense catches a pass from the quarterback
1. Follow Through
2. Elbows Up A. Touchback
3. Step in Opposition
4. All of the Above B. Incomplete
3. ___ When catching a football, you should catch with your hands.
C. Interception

True or False
D. Fumble

4. ___ It is a penalty if the receiver is hit before the ball is caught.

True or False

5. ___ When throwing a football you should throw and step with the same side. 9. ___ What does the term YAC mean?

True or False A. Yards After Catch

B. Yards And Carry

6. ___ How many yards is it to get a first down?
1. 2 yards
C. Touchdown
2. 4 yards
3. 8 yards D. The animal Yac
4. 10 yards
7. A touchdown in football is worth how many points?

A. 2 points 10. ___ Which of the following are different types of drop backs a quarterback can make? Choose all that
B. 3 points
A. Inside run
B. 5 step drop
C. 6 points
C. Roll out
D. Pitch
D. 7 points E. 3 step drop
F. Play action

Reliability- This assessment was reliable because it was consistent and matched up well with the material that was taught.
The test was administered in the same environment for the pre and post test. Lastly, the assessment exhibited test-retest
reliability. Test-retest reliability asks the question, “Will the same result be found if I assess performance now and then again

Valid- The goal of this cognitive assessment was to measure students’ knowledge of rules, etiquette, and basic techniques of
flag football. The questions within our assessment were accurate compared to the information that was taught. The
assessment measured what we wanted to measure and the assessment was being used as intended.

Objective- This assessment can be administered by anyone and the same results can be found for each, minimizing bias. The
questions within the assessment all had one definitive answer, and there were not any short answer questions. There were
no open ended questions where a variety of different answers could be given.

Practical- This assessment is quick and effective for students to answer the questions. Also, it was a very simple test for the
teachers to administer and record grades.

Authentic- This test that we created is authentic. We developed the test and the questions using our own knowledge of
football and decided which questions would be best to help test the cognitive domain of our students. The cognitive
assessment asked questions related to different aspects of the game of football making it authentic.

Pre Test - in our pre test we had a couple of students struggle with a couple questions. Most of our students got 9
out of 10 questions correct. This means that we needed to look over our test and make sure it was trustworthy. We
decided that our test was trustworthy and we had to focus on the couple of questions our students got incorrect,
so when they took the post test they could get a higher grade.

Post Test: In our post test, two students scored 8 out of 10, two scored 9 out of 10, and ten students scored a 10
out of 10.

Results: Based on the data provided from the pre and post test, our post showed a tremendous improvement
among the students. For example, in the pre assessment, out of 14 students who participated in the test, only 5
received a 10 out 0f 10 compared to the post assessment where 10 out of 14 students scored a 10 out of 10.

● The unit grade for each student will be determined by numerous different assessments like the one
shown earlier in the presentations.
● Some examples of this are teacher observation, exit slips, and different types of cognitive tests.
● Our pre and post assessments are great examples of this because they are cognitive tests that show
the students knowledge and understanding of the sport.
Grading the Different Domains
There are a few minor changes that could be made within the assessment to help enhance student learning.
Everything we do is for the students, so it is important as educators to assess ourselves as well to see what can be
improved on.

● Teacher Adjustments - Focus more on the material that students had a difficult time understanding.on the pre-
assessment, demonstrate skills in more game-like situations, allow students for more practice time before
administering assessments.

● Assessment Adjustments - Incorporate more open-ended questions so students can elaborate on their
thought process, and demonstrate their understanding of the information. This gives students a chance to
show their knowledge, rather than multiple-choice questions that students have a chance to guess and get
Now we will take any questions that anyone in the audience has about our presentation .

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