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Arab Spring

By: Alexa, Ashley, Colleen

and Tara
What is the Arab Spring?
• The revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests that
have been taking place in the Middle East and North Africa
• The protests have shared techniques of civil resistance
involving, strikes, demonstrations, marches and rallies, as
well as the use of social media sights such as Facebook,
Youtube, and Twitter.
Arab Spring Timeline
• Arab Spring Timeline
• The On December 17, 2011: •Protests, which sometimes turned
Mohamed Bouazizi lit himself on into violent riots, quickly spread to
fire in protest of his treatment by other areas and the capital, Tunis. The
local authorities this sparked the Tunisian government responded first
current unrest sweeping the Middle with repression, unleashing state
East. security forces on the demonstrators,
arresting activists, and shutting down
the internet.
• For 23 years Tunisia was
ruled by corrupt Ben Ali,
who imprisone anyone who
spoke out against him
• January 14: Ben Ali declares
a state of emergency and
fires the country’s
government amid violent
clashes between protestor
sand security forces
• Since Ben Ali’s departure,
Tunisia’s transitional government
has taken a number of steps
towards representative
– It has dissolved Ben Ali’s
monarchical ruling party,
– It has allowed political
parties to organize
– And, elections have been
scheduled for July, over 50
political parties have
registered for this election
• Protests started on Tuesday,
January 25, inspired by the
successful revolution in
• Thousands began taking to
the streets to protest
poverty, unemployment,
government corruption and
autocratic governance of
President Hosni Mubarak,
who has ruled the country for
30 years.
• Egyptian protesters
were focused on legal
and political issues
including police
brutality, state of
emergency laws, lack
of free elections and
freedom of speech,
corruption, and
economic issues
Egypt & Tunisia
• Just as Tunisia’s • After the Success of
overthrow of Ben Ali the Egyptian
sparked uprising Revolution which
across the Arab country do you think
world, do you think will fall next?
its success in moving – Algeria
toward a stable – Iran
democracy could – Jordan
send a strong
symbol to its
• Leader: Colonel Moammar
Gadhafi, a man of ruthless
intent & reputation for
getting his way regardless of
the cost
• Revolution Cause: 
– 3 days after the fall of the
Egyptian President peaceful
demonstration started against
the Libyan dictator who has
ruled for over 4 decades.
• According to witnesses, more
than 2,000 people
demonstrated overnight in
the city of Benghazi,
• The clashes between anti-
and pro-government forces in
Benghazi and Zentan, south
of Tripoli, caused as many as
40 injuries and ignited a
flame of revolt that Gadhafi’s
regime has been violently
attempting to suppress.
• Despite Gadhafi's violent
attempts to quell the
protesters, they have
proven themselves a
resilient force.
• On Monday, February
21, protesters took to
the streets to celebrate
and declare their victory
of Benghazi.
• As protesters were excited by their
historic takeover of Benghazi, new
and larger protests erupted
throughout the capital in Tripoli,
which as expected has enraged
• In addition to external pressure,
Gadhafi is losing support from
within his own government.
• On March 19th the United Nations
Security Council declared a “No Fly
Zone” over Libya.  Colonel Gadhafi
responded to this by declaring a
• Bashar Al Assad
– Government: no ideology,
beleaguered state,
internet censorship, travel
– Criticized by west for
supporting terrorist
groups and isolated self
from other Arab countries
– One of the most
repressive regimes
• Triggered by Tunisia
• March 2011
– Protests started in Dar’a
• Police involved with many
• Assad’s cabinet decides
to resign to take the
streets of Damascus for a
pro democracy
• 200 young protestors
demand reform
• April 2011
• Assad sent security
forces to kill dozens. He
arrested his government
opponents and others
were reported missing
• White House
establishes few
sanctions against
• May 2011
• Obama imposes
sanctions on Assad and
six other officials
• Recently, protesters are
gathered but no violent
actions have occurred
• Uprisings show
weakness of
Libya & Syria
• Why do you think it took •Do you think Assad
so long for the UN to will step down from
declare a No Fly Zone rule, still lead a
over Libya? repressive regime, or
• Colonel Gadhafi has try to make changes
been the dictator of to satisfy the Syrian
Libya for over 40 years, people?
why do you think it has
taken so long for Libya
to rebel?

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