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© 2007 Thomson South-Western

Public Goods and Common Resources

• “The best things in life are free. . .”
– Free goods provide a special challenge for economic
– Here we show that Government/Organizational
intervention is necessary to ensure that public goods such
as forests are not over-used by private bodies.
– Most goods in our economy are allocated in markets…

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

Public Goods and Common Resources
• When goods are available free of charge, the
market forces that normally allocate resources
in our economy are absent.
• When a good does not have a price attached
to it, private markets cannot ensure that the
good is produced and consumed in the proper

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

Public Goods and Common Resources
• In such cases, government policy can
potentially remedy the market failure that
results, and raise economic well-being.

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

• When thinking about the various goods in the
economy, it is useful to group them according
to two characteristics:
– Is the good excludable?
– Is the good rival?

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

• Excludability
– refers to the property of a good whereby a person
can be prevented from using it.
• Rivalry in consumption
– refers to the property of a good whereby one
person’s use diminishes other people’s use.

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

• Four Types of Goods
– Private Goods
• Goods that are both excludable and rival in consumption
– Public Goods
• Goods that are neither excludable nor rival in consumption
– Common Resources
• Goods that are rival in consumption but not excludable
– Natural Monopolies
• Goods that are excludable but not rival in consumption

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

Figure 1 Four Types of Goods

Yes No
Private Goods Natural Monopolies

Yes • Ice-cream cones • Fire protection

• Clothing • Cable TV
• Congested toll roads • Uncongested toll roads
Common Resources Public Goods

No • Fish in the ocean • Tornado siren

• The environment • National defense
• Congested nontoll roads • Uncongested nontoll roads

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

• A free-rider is a person who receives the
benefit of a good but avoids paying for it.

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

The Free-Rider Problem

• Since people cannot be excluded from enjoying

the benefits of a public good, individuals may
withhold paying for the good hoping that others
will pay for it.
• The free-rider problem prevents private markets
from supplying public goods.
• Who will free ride? Sequentiality important:
First/Last Mover’s advantage

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

The Free-Rider Problem

• Solving the Free-Rider Problem

• Suppose a road needs to be built in a village. A
canal needs to be constructed to address the water
scarcity in a village. Who will pay for it?
• The government can decide to provide the public
good if the total benefits exceed the costs.
• The government can make everyone better off by
providing the public good and paying for it with tax

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

Some Important Public Goods

• National Defense
• Basic Research
• Fighting Poverty

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

CASE STUDY: Are Lighthouses Public
• Benefit is neither excludable nor rival in consumption
for ship captains
• Because of free-rider problem, private
• markets generally don’t provide lighthouses
• 19th century England, lighthouse owners
charged local port
• If port didn’t pay, light turned off
• Ships avoided that port

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

The Difficult Job of Cost-Benefit Analysis

• Cost-benefit analysis refers to a study that

compares the costs and benefits to society of
providing a public good.
• In order to decide whether to provide a public
good or not, the total benefits of all those who
use the good must be compared to the costs of
providing and maintaining the public good.

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

The Difficult Job of Cost-Benefit Analysis

• A cost-benefit analysis would be used to

estimate the total costs and benefits of the
project to society as a whole.
• It is difficult to do because of the absence of prices
needed to estimate social benefits and resource
• Without accurate prices, it is difficult to assess
attributes like…
• the value of life
• the value of consumers’ time, and
• the aesthetics of public good projects.

© 2007 Thomson South-Western


• Common resources, like public goods, are not

excludable. They are available free of charge
to anyone who wishes to use them.
• Common resources are rival goods because
one person’s use of the common resource
reduces other people’s use.

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

Tragedy of the Commons

• The Tragedy of the Commons is a parable that

illustrates why common resources get used
more than is desirable from the standpoint of
society as a whole.
• Common resources tend to be used excessively
when individuals are not charged for their usage.
• This is similar to a negative externality.

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

Some Important Common Resources

• Clean air and water

• Congested roads
• Fish, whales, and other wildlife

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

IN THE NEWS: A Solution to City
• Motorists driving into central London on
weekdays between 7:00 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. pay a
daily tax of about $9.50.
• Cameras record license plate numbers and
nonpayers are charged stiff penalties.
• Congestion in central London has decreased by
• 50,000 fewer cars enter the eight square mile
“restricted area” each day.
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
CASE STUDY: Why the Cow Is Not Extinct

• What will protect me?

Ownership and
the Profit

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

IN THE NEWS: Should Yellowstone
Charge as Much as Disney World?
• National parks can be viewed as either public
goods or common resources.
• If park congestion is light, visits are not rival in
• As congestion increases, park entrance fees
could be raised.
• The likely increase in revenues…
• could be used to improve national parks, and
• would encourage others to develop new parks.
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
• The market fails to allocate resources efficiently
when property rights are not well-established
(i.e. some item of value does not have an owner
with the legal authority to control it).
• When the absence of property rights causes a
market failure, the government can potentially
solve the problem.

© 2007 Thomson South-Western


• Goods differ in whether they are excludable

and whether they are rival.
– A good is excludable if it is possible to prevent
someone from using it.
– A good is rival if one person’s enjoyment of the
good prevents other people from enjoying the
same unit of the good.

© 2007 Thomson South-Western


• Public goods are neither rival nor excludable.

• Because people are not charged for their use of
public goods, they have an incentive to free
ride when the good is provided privately.
• Governments provide public goods, making
quantity decisions based upon cost-benefit

© 2007 Thomson South-Western


• Common resources are rival but not

• Because people are not charged for their use of
common resources, they tend to use them
• Governments tend to try to limit the use of
common resources.

© 2007 Thomson South-Western

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