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NBA Accreditation work by Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya

Roles of Faculty in designing and teaching courses to satisfy ABET engineering

Criteria as per NBA Accreditation.

 Unifying Frame work of course and Curriculum development

 Course should be well defined and interconnected and it is required to prepare an
explicit statement of objective .
 Faculty should demonstrate how specific program outcomes are addressed to the
 Assessment of the outcomes on a continuous basis.
 The results of assessment should be used to improve instruction
 Goal is to achieve a specified Outcomes.
 So every faculty should be involved in preparing courses and The collections of
courses should generate a Program core – set of courses in the program
curriculum designated to address the knowledge, skills and attitudes.
 The goal of the program core is to satisfy a desired specific outcome.
 ELECTIVE COURSES whose content varies substantially from one offering to
another should not be included in the core. (page 10 paragraph 5)
My Understanding

• Please recall the notice attached herewith as Team of Faulty member for making course
• Already we have prepared the course and now the role of faculty is to justify the course objective
especially the team leader with co-ordination of H.O.D exclusively for the subjects those are
included in the main course or core program
• It is not advisable and also not possible for me to comment on any other subject or syllabus and to
correlate the subject with respect to NBA accreditation.
• I am a part of making a small portion of the syllabus under a Team leader. The syllabus for
Elective subject of Rubber Technology is not a part of the core program but I would like to co-
relate the objective of my proposed syllabus that I have made and forwarded. With respect to NBA
accreditation .
• Needless to say it is almost impossible to make a meaningful objective in one paper of 100 Marks
but the more I read I see that unknowingly the proposed syllabus is satisfying a good amount of
the Criteria as per Table 1 (Though Table ! Mainly involves the whole program of our Polymer
engineering rather than any individual subject under consideration.
• In the next few pages I have explained the various effort to make a course, the course objective
and a Course Assessment Matrix is constructed for quantitative outcome of the course contents
with respect to the Proposed syllabus of Rubber Technology. Though as per NBA I think the
significance of this is almost zero because this is a part of Elective subject.
Planning , instruction and assessment for a course curriculum

Planning Instruction Or Evaluate

•• Course
Course •• Methods
Methods ofof •• Tests
Content Teaching
Teaching // •• Surveys
•• Measurable
Measurable delivering
delivering •• Practical
Practical // other
learning contents
contents measures
measures of assessing
of assessing
Objective and outcome of Elective Rubber Technology

• Objective: To demonstrate basic knowledge of Rubber Technology by understanding the basic science of Rubber
and its molecular basis to act a rubber, classification of rubber based on ASTM procedure ,type of purpose they
serve for creating awareness about application specific uses, the design of compound for making special rubber
compound of specific application to meet desired needs in the part of reinforcement and basic compound design,
factory processing and quality control plan or control charts for ability to define a process of manufacturing, the
different test methods and standards to provide the ability to visualize and work in laboratory as per clearly defined
ASTM test procedures as a part of characterization and testing and finally knowledge of few commercial rubber
products and process for the students to learn on social and industrial requirement for the rubber as its
• Outcome: The course proposed assigned lectures is sufficient to enable the students to use knowledge of
principles of materials to act as rubber, to learn different types of rubber used ,to understand and apply design of
compounding for manufacturing products of defined specification and also to learn different control plans and
sheets to monitor and control process coupled with the clear specified test methods as used in rubber industries
and thereby to study the system parameters in production of Rubber components

• I am again enclosing the Proposed syllabus of Rubber Technology and also request you now to assign the units
those I need to teach in First Semester so that I can make the contents as per syllabus to teach. As you know
except to Unit, I do not have anything of my core subject and I need to prepare the reference lecture materials to
teach. I wish to remain engage at home also during my limited six days vacation from 09/05/2011 to 14/05/2011.
• The final elective subject for Rubber Technology has certain drawbacks as that is more generalized and not
specific in certain cases. However above points can be used by Team leaders to quantify subjects as per NBA
standard (if required)
• Best Regards
Pranab Kumar Bhattcharya
Senior Lecturer,
Mobile: 9011059905

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