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Slide 1

Name of the Startup

Tagline of the Company

Slide 2

One Line De scr iption of

th e Company
You may like to use the following sentence to bring out the key elements of the
service offering or any other “one liner format”

“I sell A (“the product / service”)

to B (“the core customer”).
B has a problem C (“core customer’s pain point”).
B can solve C by D (“value proposition”)
Slide 3

P ro blem - P ain P oint

● Customer pain point being addressed
● Pain point being solved by the startup/business
● Write precise pain points in simple language
Slide 4

C ore Customer
● Definition of core customer segment
● Explain who is your core customer and why will they buy from you?
● Use “Customer Persona” template to showcase an “Ideal Customer”
Slide 5

P ro posed Solutio n
● Explain the solution being offered in simple one line
● Explain how you solve the ‘pain-point’ of the ‘core customer’

● Add a line about “Business Model / Revenue Model” - Basically answer the
questions - how will you make money?
Slide 6

C ustome r / Mar ke t Analysis 40

Market size (Optional Slide)

● Total Addressable Market (in numbers and value)

● Serviceable Available Market (in numbers and value)
● Share of Market (in numbers and value)
● Industry Insights / CAGR
● Try and answer “Why NOW is a great time to build this business?”

(Please go to this link for more details on the above)

Slide 7

U nique Valu e P roposition

● Please include the core value of the product/service which makes significant
value to the customer
● Core advantages over the other alternatives available in the market
Slide 8

P ro duct / Serv ic e D etails

● Technical features / Core features of the product
● Product / Service benefits
● Pricing
● Current status of development of the prototype / product
● Patents / Licenses etc (if applicable)
● If possible, show the screenshots (if digital / tech product) or in-use pictures
(if physical product)
● Show “How it work” + “Ops / Working Diagrams” if any
Slide 9

C ompetitive Analysis
● Competitive Benchmarking (ideally, for product businesses)
A tabular comparison of your product features with that of the closest
competitors, also listing down the parameters where the competitors would
be better that you. (Be honest)
● Competitive Landscape (ideally, for service, marketplace businesses)
● Mention both direct and indirect competitors
● How will you retain your competitive advantage in the future, if there is
already a big player in the market? Also, how will you stop new players
entering into this space?
Slide 10

Ope rational Plan

● Show a 18 - 24 month roadmap (Product roadmap if you are a product-first
business; Business-Growth roadmap if you are an operation intensive
business) Key tasks and major milestones for the next 12 months + Highlight
traction (if any)
● If already in market (pilot/revenue), show a few big client names
● (if you are pre-market)
● Go-to-Market Strategy
● Key partners and type of relationship
● Key supply / distribution channel
Slide 11

F inancial Infor mation and Forecast (Optional


● Unit Economics
● Highlight Current Traction (No of users served, Sales, No of Repeat Orders,
Month on month growth etc.)
● (Board data about) Customer Acquisition Cost, Monthly Burn, Margins etc.
● Break Even Point
● 3-Year Sales Figures / Graph (if available)
● Key Milestone in 3 years (i.e. No of Customers, Orders, Cities, Margin,
Sales etc.) (Projections)
Slide 12

M anageme nt Team and / or A dvisors

● HD / High Quality photo of founders, core team members etc.

● Details of the team members and advisors, mentioning relevant experience.
● Add other important logos like awards won, funding by, incubated by etc.
T hanks!

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