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5-Day Training on

Writing Action Research:

The way
Miputak NHS
Diplog City Schools Division

April 18-22, 2022-Dipolog City

Topic # 2

The DepEd-ZN
MT-I/DRMT Member Research
Activity 1:
Stand and say Ukraine if the
statement presents

and raise your hand and say..

Russia if it is BLUFF
?# 1 The Research Management Guidelines (DO 12, s.
2020) is built on the gains in evidence-based
decision-making from various reforms or
initiatives shall strengthen the culture of research
in the Department.

Russia: It’s DO 16, s. 2017

Research Paper should have a maximum of 3

?# 2
authors and are treated equally.

All teaching and non-teaching personnel, permanent and non-
?# 3 permanent are entitled for research funds

Russia: Only permanent with no administrative case

The DepEd Research Management Guidelines

Terminal objective:
 Gain technical understanding on the DO # 16 s.
2017 or the DepEd Research Management
Research Guidelines

Enabling objectives:
1. Define and differentiate Basic and Action
2. Articulate the process and guidelines in the
conduct of researches; and
3. Appreciate the importance of research in the
evidence-based decision making.
The DepEd RMG at a glance
 The Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 mandates that the
Department of Education enact policies and Mechanisms through
which the delivery of quality basic education maybe continuously

 The Research Management Guidelines (RMG) provide guidance in

the management and conduct of research initiatives at the national,
regional, schools division and school levels to further promote and
strengthen the culture of research in basic education.
Definition of Terms:
Definition of Terms:
Definition of Terms:
Research Committee:
 National Research Committee – No Changes
 Regional Research Committee – No Changes
 Division Research Committee – No Changes

 For District Research Committee (DisRC)

At least 3 members appointed by the PICD

The composition of the DisRC is as follows:

Co- Chair : District Research Coordinator (Preferably with
highest research experiences

Members : School Heads preferably District Language Coordinator

(Filipino and English) (2 HS. And 2 Elem)

Secretariat : Designated by the DisRC Adviser preferably those

who have conducted and implemented educational
Functions of the District Research Committee:
 To facilitate the evaluation and approval of research proposals, Committee members
may designate permanent alternates to represent them during the DisRC meetings,
in case of unavailability.

The DisRC secretariat will deliver the following services

For Research Management Cycle:
 The Division Office will be the one to set the deadline for:

Call of proposal – Between January to April of the year

Monitoring and Evaluation: April to October
District Research Presentation : October of the current Year)

Evaluation of Proposals:
 The DisRC through the secretariat will evaluate the submitted proposal using
the proposal rubrics.
 A research proposal should get a score of not less than 50 points to be
 DisRC will provide suggestions for unapproved proposal and require
proponents to submit again after editing.

Notification of Evaluation Results:

 DisRc through the Chairperson shall notify the proponent on the result of the
evaluation through a letter.
Progress Monitoring:
 The Secretariat shall track the progress of all approved proposals based
on the approved workplan and provide technical assistance as needed.

 Technical assistance shall be provided by the research managers based

on the feedback from progress monitoring.

Eligibility of proponents:

 Technical assistance shall be provided by the research managers based

on the feedback from progress monitoring.
Writing Research:
The DepEd Way

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