ARTEL Strategy

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Innovation come first


About Artel How i see Artel

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Their strategy and Artel's Future

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About Artel
Uzbekistan company
About Artel

Artel is a leader in the production of household

appliances and electronics in Central Asia. The company
started its operation in 2011 with the production of gas
stoves. Nowadays, the Artel product range has everything
you need for your home. Artel produces more than twenty
categories of household appliances, including air
conditioners, microwave ovens, mini-ovens, gas and
electric cookers, televisions, refrigerators, mobile phones,
built-in appliances, vacuum cleaners, hoods, small
household appliances, etc
How i see Artel
Artel with my eyes

Howi isee
How seeArtel
Artel is a dynamically and steadily growing company, creating
innovations in the field of high technologies, and actively introducing
them into the production of electrical engineering.
We try to show it through our products, which are constantly being
improved, modernized, becoming more convenient, affordable, high-
quality and functional
ARTEL'S strategy
Company's strategy

They follow a certain strategy, due to which their company and its employees continuously and comprehensively develop. The main points of their strategic
development plan are:
- The introduction of advanced engineering and development methods, the introduction of innovative technologies in the sphere of production to create products that
meet international standards, as well as the desires and tastes of consumers.
- The acquisition of foreign markets through the production and supply of high-quality, functional, modern and affordable for all products.

- Continuing training and professional development of the company's employees, creation of optimal working conditions, as well as participation in various state
social projects.

- Determination of the needs and expectations of consumers. Evaluation and continuing work on increasing customers’ satisfaction.

- Work on improving the level of customer service.

PEST analysis

1. Politics 3. Social culture

They are intensively
They have strong politcs buliding their social
at work so ut helps them culture including Uzbek
to bestable in the martketl mentality

2. Economy 4. Technology
They are using brand new
They use national materials and technologies in order to get high-
technology gor their productstherefore quality products
they get cheap but quality prodycts
ARTEL'S Future
Artel believes that the most valuable contribution to the future i
harmonious development of the younger generation. For th
reason Artel Technical School was founded. Artel Technical Sc
is a school with a specially developed program of in-depth stud
Artel cooperate with world famous companies such as
technical and natural subjects. Lessons are taught in three
Samsung and Shivaki. Artel’s production capacity is
languages, which undoubtedly develops the cognitive process
sufficient to manufacture foreign partners’ products in
improves linguistic abilities! From primary school age, studen
full compliance with their technical requirements and
learn a unique discipline called “robotics”, and learn to work w
standards. At the moment, Artel manufactures
innovative technologies. Such practice and methodical traini
Research and development: Samsung refrigerators, monitors, televisions and
Export: program has no analogues in the whole Republic of Uzbekist
vacuum cleaners, as well as a line of Shivaki
Artel Technical School is a school of the future, designed to cr
Artel Company has a special experimental household appliances.
Artel products are exported to generations of formed, competent, tech-savvy young people w
research and development center, R & D.
many countries, including great imagination and great intellectual abilities!
Research and Development center is actively
Ukraine, Kazakhstan,
engaged in the development and creation of
Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan,
new technologies, new construction solutions
Azerbaijan, Tajikistan,
and design, research and practical tests of
Armenia, Georgia,
products under development. Based on the
Turkmenistan and the
requirements of consumers, the research
Russian Federation. The
center is developing new ideas to create an
range of Artel products, as
even more modern and high-quality product.
well as the demand for it is
This is where the first step is taken towards
constantly expanding. The
innovation and modernization.
company is continuously
expanding its export zone
Artel Factory in Osh, Kyrgyzstan

On September 25, the solemn opening of a new Artel plant, producing semi-automatic washing machines, took place in Osh, Kyrgyzstan.

Artel products exist on the Kyrgyz market for several years. During this time, Artel household appliances confidently entered the Kyrgyz market and gained great
popularity among the local population. The construction of the new Artel plant indicates that the demand for Artel products has become even higher, and
cooperation and partnership has moved to a completely different level. Due to the new Artel plant, it is planned that the ever-growing demand of the Kyrgyz market
for semi-automatic washing machines will be satisfied as quickly as possible, since the issues of speedy delivery of new products are fully resolved.

The opening ceremony of the new plant was attended by the Vice Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Director of the Investment Promotion Agency of the
Kyrgyz Republic, the Mayor of Osh, the Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as representatives of Artel.

Thanks to the new Artel production base, new jobs will appear in the city of Osh. At the moment, it is planned to produce two models of semi-automatic washing
machines TG 60 F S and TE 60 LC S of various colors and modifications. The production capacity of the new plant is 50−60 thousand washing machines per year.

Currently,Artel employed 400 people working in OSH branch, Kyrgyzstan.

Undoubtedly, the establishment of business ties, the export of high-quality household appliances, as well as the construction of a new Artel production base will
make a significant contribution to the improvement and development of friendly relations between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
One of best advertisement videos of Artel marketing

Atamullaev Doniyor

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