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Role of Social Media to Youths

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• Social media has provided more accurate, smooth, and direct communication for educational purposes to
students who are youths.
• Physical learning is more tiresome and boring contrary to online learning, which is motivating and productive
to enhance better grades.
• Instagram has become so lively to an extent where students share critical ideas, issues, and trends that are of
essentiality to learning.
• The social media is a contemporary issue, the study intends to evaluate social media's critical roles or impacts
on youths.
Building Opportunities
 Social media has proven to be a platform where youths create, build, and gain
opportunities. Through inspirations from professionals, youths refine their potentiality,
qualities and align their competence to the idea exhibited (Chan & Holosko, 2017 p.680).
 Youth learn complex issues that benefit them strengthen their focus in a particular
direction. Youths understand consumers' behaviors, marketing skills and identify product
uniqueness through advertisements based on different business perspectives youth gain
tactical approaches and strategies to business management.
Creating Awareness
 Social media is an essential part of economic development. Youths play a significant role
in ensuring the economic sustainability of a country.
 Through awareness by using social media, the young generation streamlines their
marketing journey.
 Through advertisements, websites posts, and YouTube, youths can capture new strategies
essential in their business development, health awareness, and personal developments
(Uhls et al., 2017).
 It is always easier to make quick decisions that, in the long run, lead to failure and regrets.
Through extensive research, deep learning, and information search in the media
platforms, youths who are vsionable confirm their ideas and assure their future objectives.
Develop Connections
 Social media is flexible, convenient, and accessible to youths. The youths are more
innovative and inventive in attaining skills, desire to explore and transform their talents.
 Youths in the United States have engaged in virtual training programs to equip their skills,
improve their performances, and strengthen their abilities (Lee & Horsley, 2017 p.127).
 Social media has reduced youth unemployment globally as youth can easily access new
ideas of empowerment, entrepreneurship skills and develop start-up businesses.
 Social media has enhanced diverse connections by removing boundaries, thereby
networks for business as youths recognize broad potentialities, fellow teens in the
university, and understand new market trends.
Development of healthy habits

 Every youth desires to be successful persons in the future society who are respected for
moral behaviors and the proper ethical codes.
 Therefore, at their early stages, exposure to social media, such as television, helps them
learn through watching informative programs on critical issues. For example, learning
physical activities, wellness, expressing themselves, and health-related practices (Chan &
Holosko, 2017).
 It is evident that social media creates a comprehensive platform on which youth are
inspired, motivated, learn their dreams, and become responsible by acquiring a wide
range of knowledge.
 Youths have either positively or negatively gained from social media. The networking
approach of communication has brought several critical issues to youths, including social
isolation, exposure to harmful sites, negative behaviors, and anxiety.
 However, on a positive note, youths have acquired knowledge that helps them prosper in their
future goals.AS much as social media is beneficial to the youth, according to the study, it is
recommendable that youths engage in a controlled usage of the communication networks.
 The world is diverse. Therefore, several dynamic issues occur that can influence the
prosperity or success of the youths.
 Governments should ensure that the information departments closely monitor social media
usage by regulating its contents.
 Chan, C., & Holosko, M. J. (2017). The utilization of social media for youth
outreach engagement: A case study. Qualitative Social Work, 16(5), 680-697.
Retrieved from:
 Lee, A. R., & Horsley, J. S. (2017). The role of social media on positive youth
development: An analysis of 4-H Facebook page and 4-H'ers' positive
development. Children and Youth Services Review, 77, 127-138. Retrieved from:

 Uhls, Y. T., Ellison, N. B., & Subrahmanyam, K. (2017). Benefits and costs of social
media in adolescence. Pediatrics, 140(Supplement_2), S67-S70. Retrieved from:

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