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Structuring the

Parish Youth
What are we really?
“Young Catholics are not merely on the receiving end of pastoral
activity: they are living members of the one ecclesial body,
baptized persons in whom the Spirit of the Lord is alive and
active. They help to enrich what the Church is and not only what
she does. They are her present and not only her future” – Pope
Francis (Christus Vivit, No. 54)

We are not the Church of the future – we’re the church of now!
Parochial Level
 Convenes and presides all meetings
• Prepares the agenda
• Knows and applies meeting procedures
 Knows all the existing members of the PYM
 Assigns tasks to PYM officers and members.
 Represents the youth in the Parish Pastoral Council
 Represents the Parish in the Vicarial and District meetings.
 Ensures that the implementation of the vision, mission,
programs policies and resolutions of the PYM carried out.
Asst. Coordinator
 Assist the President if the performance of his or her duties.
 Accept extra duties required:
• Internal Asst. Coordinator
 Takes charge the proceedings in the absences of the
• External Asst. Coordinator
 Represents the PYM at the Vicarial and District
Meetings, other meetings and gatherings.
 Notifies members in every scheduled meeting.
 Records minutes of the meetings and read the minutes and
other pertinent data.
 Keeps records and reports submitted by its members and
other pertinent data.
 Issues and receives correspondence on behalf of the PYM.
 Performs other functions as may be assigned by the President.
 Maintains a record of all financial accounts

 Submits monthly financial report to the council

 Performs such other functions as may be assigned by the

 Conducts periodic audit of the financial position of the council.

 Audits and corrects the treasurer’s monthly financial reports.

Zone Coordinators/Chapel Youth
 Performs the same role as the PYM Coordinator but in their
zones/areas of concern only.

 Disseminates information to their zones all the information

expressed and approved in the PYM meeting.

 Reports to the coordinating body the concerns, activities and

information regarding his/her area of responsibilities.
Apart from the usual officers of the Parish Youth Ministry,
it shall also be composed of committees or departments
inspired by the Jesus’s Threefold Office/Ministry:




PRIESTLY (Worship)
Priestly Committee/Ministry takes charge of all liturgical/spiritual
activities/programs. The mission of the Priestly Committee is to
contribute to the spiritual development of the community of young
people by helping to ensure that there are programs/activities of
the parish that are meaningful, appropriate and worshipful. This
will help set goals for the progress of the liturgical and spiritual
life of the young community of the parish.

Such as: Taize Prayers, Recollections/Retreats, Devotions, Religious

Activities, Youth Masses/Liturgy
KINGLY (Service)
Kingly Committee/Ministry takes charge of activities/programs
that pertains to being of service to others/community. They also
safeguard the properties of the council and organizes fund-
raising activities. The role of this committee is to discern the
needs of the young people in the parish and wider community –
especially the poor – and identify resources to meet those needs.
This helps the young to fulfill our Catholic social tradition while
acknowledging that every Christian is called to service.

Such as: Church clean-up, Tree-planting activities, giving of goods,

volunteer works
PROPHETIC (Evangelization)
Prophetic Committee/Ministry takes charge of
activities/programs for spiritual / educational formation. The
committee also acts as evangelizers/transmitters of the
messages/advocacies that the council stood up for/commends.
The purpose of this committee is to support and create programs
which evangelize and catechize as a part of the mission of the
Church. This committee also concerns itself with programs and
activities that contributes to young people’s personal growth and
even empowerment.

Such as: Education, formations, catechisms, workshops/trainings,

webinars/seminars, social media.

The ministry shall elect one chairman and one assistant chairman.
The chairman and assistant chairman, as elected individuals, will
then be included in the list of PYM officers. Moreover, each
committee shall consist of at least 3 members depending on the
number of members the parish youth ministry has.
The PYM Coordinator will choose from his/her officers to be
his/her ad hoc committee for the assignment/distribution of
members into different committees. However, there should be
reshuffling of members in every quarter of the term. (Example: a
ministry that imposes 2 years of service before conducting
another election will have to reshuffle members in each
committee every 6 months.) This is meant to expose them in
different areas: worship, service, and evangelization, and mold
holistically-developed young servant-leaders.

The PYM Coordinator has

discretion to choose the
same ad hoc committee or
a different set upon the
next reshuffling of

It should be expected that before the next reshuffling for new set
of members in the committee, the chairman and assistant has
already imparted his/her knowledge prior to his/her committee’s
mission and goals. Thus, produce a learned, skilled, and
empowered leaders.
MPYOs and Campus
Ministry as Collaborators
and Co-Workers of The
Parish Youth Ministry

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