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Water Resources of India

Dr. Satishkumar S. Kashid


Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering

Walchand Institute of Technology, Solapur

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Learning Outcome

At the end of this session,

(1) The students will be able to describe the Water Resources of India
(2) The students will be able to describe Irrigation Development in India.

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Rainfall Pattern in India

Water Resources of India at a Glance
Irrigation Development in India

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Geography of India

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Annual Rainfall of India

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Monsoon Rainfall of India
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Map of the Ganges , Brahmaputra and Meghna drainage
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Source: Central water
Walchand Commission
Institute of India/Annual
of Technology Solapur Report 2018-19 10
Source: Central water Commission of India/Annual Report 2018-19

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Source: Central water Commission of India/Annual Report 2018-19

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No. Water Resource at a Glance Quantity (km3 ) Percentage

1 Annual precipitation (Including snowfall) 4000 100

2 Precipitation during monsoon 3000 75

3 Evaporation + Soil water 2131 53.3
4 Average annual potential flow in rivers 1869 46.7
5 Estimated utilizable water resources 1123 28.1
Surface water 690 17.3
Replenishable groundwater 433 10.8
Storage created of utilizable water 253.381 22.52
Storage (under construction) of utilizable water 50.737 4.5

6 Estimated water need in 2050 1450 129

7 Estimated deficit 327 29
Interlinking can give us 200 17.8
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Major & Medium Projects up to XI th Plan

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Irrigation Potential Through Major and medium Projects

Central water Commission of India/Annual Report 2018-19

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Reflection Spot
(1) Per capita Annual Availability of Water in India is
(a) 1190 cum (b) 1588 cum (c) 1257 cum (d) 1369 cum

(2) Estimated utilizable water resources of India are

(a)589 BCM (b) 1123 BCM (c) 1199 BCM (d) 1329 BCM

(3) Estimated Hydropower Potential of India is

(a) 250000 MW (b) 304565 MW (c) 148701 MW
(d) 453452 MW

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Reflection Spot
(1) Per capita Annual Availability of Water in India is
(a) 1190 cum (b) 1588 cum (c) 1257 cum (d) 1369 cum

(2) Estimated utilizable water resources of India are

(a)589 BCM (b) 1123 BCM (c) 1199 BCM (d) 1329 BCM

(3) Estimated Hydropower Potential of India is

(a) 250000 MW (b) 304565 MW (c) 148701 MW
(d) 453452 MW

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 India receives about 80 % rainfall in Monsoon months of June
to September.
 Distribution of Water Resources over India is highly uneven.
 India is continuously working on Irrigation Development.
 Per capita Annual Availability of Water in India is 1588 cum.
 Estimated utilizable water resources of India are 1123 BCM.
 Estimated Hydropower Potential of India is 148701 MW.

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Special Thanks to

• Walchand Institute of Technology, Solapur

• IDP in Education Technology, IIT Bombay

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Thank you !

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