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Political theory concerning

political authority and legitimacy

Speaks of the basis for and
scope of political power
Key Elements: the state of
nature (and thereby, the nature
of man)
“Homo lupus hominis”
The state of nature is a state
of war: the war of every man
against every man
Hence, life is “solitary, poor,
nasty, brutish and short.”
Man possesses natural desires
and aversions
Man lives to satisfy his desires,
which are insatiable
In particular, men desire power
Desire for power is the principal
cause of difference among men
Man is naturally averse to
destroying his life
Man will be willing to lay down
his right to all things if others do
the same
Men perform the covenants
they make with their fellows
Embodiment of the greatest
political power
Arises when:
 Individuals voluntarily renounce
their right to all things
 Individuals bestow power upon an
individual/group of individuals to
exercise authority over them
Leviathan (cont’d)
Leviathan (the commonwealth)
possesses sovereign authority
The sovereign is the author of
all law and the basis of all
Subjects are bound to abide by
the law absolutely
Leviathan (cont’d+)
Subjects only possess liberty
under the law
That subjects possess liberties
does not diminish sovereign
Under the law, everything is legal
unless otherwise proscribed
Governments arise voluntarily
among men.
 They represent vicarious consent
from the people.
Governments are necessary to
enforce order among men.
 Hence they must possess power
in order to keep such order.

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