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University of Palestine


Electrical Machine & Control Systems

Lecture #4

Eng. Mohammed A. Timraz

– Basic Electric Quantities (V, I, P, Q, f)
– Phasor Representation
– Complex Arithmetic

– Three Phase Power System

– Electrical Network Analysis Basic Electric Circuits

– Basic Electrical Theorems (KVL, KCL)

– AC Network Analysis

– Power Factor
Techniques of Circuit Analysis
So far we have analyzed relatively simple resistive circuits by applying
KVL and KCL in combination with Ohm’s law.
Applying KVL and Ohm’s law, we have,
v  iR  iR  iR  0
+ s 1 2 3
v -

Solving for i , we have,

3 i 
R  R  R
1 2 3

However as circuit become more complicated and involve more elements, this
direct method become cumbersome.
However as circuit become more complicated and involve more
elements, this direct method become cumbersome .
1 2

Node-Voltage Method or R R
7 8

Nodal Analysis v + R
3 R
s - 7

Mesh-Current Method or
Mesh Analysis

In addition to these method we will develop other method such as

source transformations, Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuit.
Planar Circuit : a circuit that can be drawn on a plane with no
crossing branches as shown
1 2

7 8

+ R R
v -
6 3

5 4

The circuit shown can be redrawn which is equivalent

to the above circuit

1 2

Planar Circuit
7 8
v + 6 3 R
s - 7
The circuit shown is non planar circuit because it can not be
redrawn to make it planar the circuit

1 2 9

7 8 11

+ R R
v -
6 3


4 10
Describing a Circuit – The vocabulary

Consider the following circuit

A point where two or more circuit elements join a

A node where three or more circuit elements join b
Essential node

path A trace of adjoining basic elements with no elements v 1  R1  R 5  R 6

branch A path that connects two nodes R1
Essential branch A path that connects two essential nodes without v 1  R1
passing through an essential node
loop A path whose last node is the same as the v 1  R1  R 5  R 6  R 4 v 2
starting node
mesh A loop that does not enclose any other loops v 1  R1  R 5  R 3  R 2
Planar Circuit A circuit that can be drawn on a plane with no
crossing branches
Example 1: For the circuit identify the following :
(a)All nodes ? (b) The essential nodes ? (c) All branches?
(d) All essential branches ? (e) All meshes ?
(f) Two paths that are not loops or essential branches ?
(g) Two loops that are not meshes ?
(a) All nodes ?

The nodes are a, b, c, d, e, f and g

(b) The essential nodes ?
A node where three or more circuit elements join

The essential nodes are b, c, e and g

(c) All branches ?
A path that connects two nodes

The branches are

v 1 , v 2 , R1 , R 2 , R 3 , R 4 , R 5 , R 6 , R 7 and I
(d) All essential branches ?
A path that connects two essential nodes without passing through an
essential node

The essential branches are

v 1  R1 R 2  R3 v 2  R4 R5 R6 R7 I
(e) All meshes ?

The meshes are

v 1  R1  R 5  R 3  R 2 v 2  R 2  R 3  R 6  R 4 R 5  R 7  R 6 R 7  I
(f) Two paths that are not loops or essential branches ?

R1  R 5  R 6 is a paths , but it is not a loop because it does not have the same
starting and ending nodes

Nor is it an essential branch because it does not connect two essential

v 2  R2 Is a paths that are not loop or essential branches ?
(g) Two loops that are not meshes ?

v 1  R1  R 5  R 6  R 4  v 2
is a loop , but it is not a mesh because there are two loops within it

I  R5  R6 is a loop , but it is not a mesh because there are two loops within it
Simultaneous Equations- How many
Let the circuit as shown

There are nine branches in which the current is unknown

Note that the current I is known

i1 i2
i7 i3
i8 i4

Since there are nine unknown current Therefore we need nine independent equations

Since there are 7 nodes There will be 6 independent KCL equations since the
7th one can be written in terms of the 6 equations

We still need 3 more equations They will come from KVL around three meshes
or loops
Note the meshe or loop we apply KVL around should not contain the current source I
since we do not know the voltage across it
i1 i2
i7 i3
i8 i4

Since KCL at the non essential (connecting two circuit elements only) like a , d , f
will have the following results

i 9  i1 i3  i7 i5  i8
Therefore we have 6 currents and 4 essential nodes (connecting three or more circuit
elements) like b, c, e, g

i1 i2


Applying KCL to 3 of the 4 essential nodes since KCL on the 4th node will have an
equation that is not independent but rather can be derived from the 3 KCL equations
Applying KCL to the essential nodes b, c, and e ( we could have selected any three
essential nodes) we have

KCL at node b we have i 1  i 2  i 6  I  0

KCL at node c we have i1  i 3  i 5  0
KCL at node e we have i3  i4  i2  0
Which is a linear combination
Note applying KCL on node g i5  i4  i6  I 0 of the other KCL’s
i1 i2


Therefore the remaining 3 equations will be derived from KVL around 3 meshes

Since there are 4 meshes only, we will use the three meshes with out the current source

KVL around mesh 1 R 1i 1  R 5i 2  ( R 2  R 3 )i 3 v 1  0

KVL around mesh 2 ( R 2  R 3 )i 3  R 6i 4  R 4i 5 v 2 0

KVL around mesh 2  R 5i 2  R 7 i 6  R 6i 4  0

i2 i6


KCL Equations

i 1  i 2  i 6  I  0
i1  i 3  i 5  0
6 equations and 6 unknown
i3  i4  i2  0 which can be solved for the
KVL Equations currents
R 1i 1  R 5i 2  ( R 2  R 3 )i 3 v 1  0 i1, i 2 , i 3 , i 4 , i 6
( R 2  R 3 )i 3  R 6i 4  R 4i 5 v 2 0

 R 5i 2  R 7 i 6  R 6i 4  0
Node-Voltage Method
Nodal analysis provide a general procedure for analyzing circuits using node voltages
as the circuit variables

Node-Voltage Method is applicable to both planar and nonplanar circuits

Using the circuit shown, we can summarize the node-voltage methods as shown
next :
1 W 2 W

+ 5 W 10 W
10 V - 2 A
1 W 1 2 W 2

+ 5 W 10 W
10 V - 2 A

3 3

Step 1 identify all essentials nodes Do not select the non essentials nodes

Step 2 select one of the essentials nodes ( 1, 2, or 3) as a reference node

Although the choice is arbitrary the choice for the reference node is were most of
branches, example node 3

Selecting the reference node will become apparent as you gain experience using
this method (i,.e, solving problems)
1 W v1 2 W v2

 
10 V
5 W
v1 10 W
v2 2 A

 

A node voltage is defined as the voltage rise from the reference node to a nonreference node

Step 3 label all nonrefrence essentials nodes with alphabetical label as v1, v2…

Step 4 write KCL equation on all labels nonrefrence nodes as shown next
1 W v1 2 W v2

 
i1 i2
10 V
5 W
v1 10 W
v2 2 A

 

KCL at node 1 i1 + i2 + i3 = 0 Let us find i1 , i2 , i3

v 1  10
By applying KVL (1)i 1  10 v 1  0 i1 
v 1 v 2
KVL on the middle mesh, we have v 1  (2)i 2  v 2  0 i2 
similarly v 1  0  (5)i 3 i3 
10 1 W v1 2 W v2

 
i1 i2
10 V
5 W
v1 10 W
v2 2 A

 

Therefore i1 + i2 + i3 = 0 We have

v 1  10 v 1 v 2 v1
+ + = 0
1 2 5
If we look at this KCL equation, we see that the current we notice that the potential at the
left side of the 1 W resistor which is tied to the + of the 10 V source is 10 V because
the – is tied to the reference
10 1 W v1 2 W v2

i1 i2
5 W

v 1  10
i1  i3
v 1 v 2
i2 
i3  1
Therefore we can write KCL at node 1 without doing KVL’s as we did previously

v 1  10 v 1 v 2 v1 0
+ + =
1 2 5

v1 2 W v2

i1 i3
10 W 2 A


v 2 v 1 v2
+ 2 = 0
KCL at node 2 2 10
10 1 W v1 2 W v2

+ 5 W 10 W
10 V - 2 A

v 1  10 v 1 v 2 v1 0
+ + =
1 2 5
v 2 v 1 v2
+ 2 = 0
2 10

Two equations and two unknowns namely v 1 , v2 we can solve and have

100 120
v1   9.09 V v2   10.91 V
11 11

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