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Comprehensive Agrarian

Reform Program (CARP)

Reported by: ALCANTARA, Glor

DIZA, Isaiah M.
MORENO, Randolf
RIVERA, Crissane Jane G.
What is CARP or RA 6657 ?
 CARP, or the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program, is the redistribution of public and
private agricultural lands to farmers and
farmworkers who are landless, irrespective of
tenurial arrangement.
 CARP’s vision is to have an equitable land
ownership with empowered agrarian reform
beneficiaries who can effectively manage their
economic and social development to have a
better quality of life. 
 One of the major programs of CARP is Land Tenure Improvement, which
seeks to hasten distribution of lands to landless farmers. Similarly, the
Department offers Support Services to the beneficiaries such as
infrastructure facilities, marketing assistance program, credit assistance
program, and technical support programs. Furthermore, the department
seeks to facilitate, resolve cases and deliver Agrarian Justice. 

 The legal basis for CARP is the Republic Act No. 6657 otherwise known
as Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL) signed by President
Corazon C. Aquino on June 10, 1988. It is an act which aims to promote
social justice and industrialization, providing the mechanism for its
implementation, and for other purposes.
Specific lands covered by CARP
 All alienable and disposable lands of the public domain
devoted to or suitable for agriculture.
 All lands of the public domain in excess of the specific limits
as determined by Congress in the preceding paragraph.
 All other lands owned by the Government devoted to or
suitable for agriculture.
 All private lands devoted to or suitable for agriculture
regardless of the agricultural products raised or that can be
raised thereon.
Lands not covered by CARP
 Those which are not suitable for agriculture or those which
are classified as mineral, forest residential, commercial or
industrial lands. (Sec. 3. RA 6657)
 Those which have been classified and approved as NON-
AGRICLTURAL prior to June 15, 1988. (DOJ Opinion No. 44, S.
 Those which are EXEMPT pursuant to Sec. 10, RA 6657.
 Those which are devoted to poultry, swine or livestock-raising
as of June 15, 1988 pursuant to the Supreme Court ruling on
Luz. Farms vs. The Hon. Secretary of Agrarian Reform (192
SCRA 51)
1. Under Section 10, excluded from the coverage of the CARL are lands
actually, directly and exclusively used for:
a. Parks;
b. Wildlife;
c. Forest reserves;
d. Reforestation;
e. Fish sanctuaries and breeding grounds;
f. Watersheds and mangroves.

2. Private lands actually, directly and exclusively used for prawn farms and
fishponds shall be exempt from the coverage of this Act: Provided, That
said prawn farms and fishponds have not been distributed and
Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA) issued to agrarian reform
beneficiaries under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program.
 In cases where the fishponds or prawn farms have been
subjected to the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law, by
voluntary offer to sell, or commercial farms deferment or notices
of compulsory acquisition, a simple and absolute majority of the
actual regular workers or tenants must consent to the exemption
within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act. When the
workers or tenants do not agree to this exemption, the fishponds
or prawn farms shall be distributed collectively to the
worker‑beneficiaries or tenants who shall form a cooperative or
association to manage the same. (As amended by Republic Act
No. 7881.)
3. Likewise, execluded from the coverage the CARL are lands actually,
directly and exclusively used and found to be necessary for:
a. National defense;
b. School sites and campuses including experimen­tal farm stations
operated by public or private schools for educational purposes;
c. Seeds and seedling research and pilot production center;
d. Church sites and convents appurtenant thereto;
e. Mosque sites and Islamic centers appurtenant thereto;
f. Communal burial grounds and cemeteries;
g. Penal colonies and penal farms actually worked by the inmates;
h. Government and private research and quarantine centers.
4. All lands with eighteen percent (18%) slope and over which
are not developed for agriculture are exempted from the
coverage of CARP.

5. In the case of Luz Farms v. Secretary of Agrarian Re­form, the

Supreme Court has excluded agricultur­al Lands Devoted to
Commer­cial Live­stock, Poultry and Swine Raising from the
coverage of CARP.
Modes of Acquisition

 Land Transfer Programs

 Compulsory Acquisition
 Voluntary Offer to Sell
 Voluntary Land Transfer
Non-land Transfer Programs

 Agricultural Leasehold
 Production and Profit Sharing
 Stock Distribution Plan
Support Services
 The office shall provide general support and
coordinative services in the implementation of the
program, particularly in carrying out the provisions of
the following services to the farmer beneficiaries and
affected landowners:

1. Irrigation facilities, especially second crop or dry

season irrigation facilities;
Support services
2. Infrastructure development and public works projects in areas and
settlement that come under agrarian reform, and for this purpose,
the preparation of the physical development plan of such
settlements providing suitable barangay sites, potable water, and
power resources, irrigation systems, seeds and seedling banks, post
harvest facilities, and other facilities for a sound agricultural
development plan. For the purpose of providing the aforecited
infrastructure and facilities, the DAR is authorized to enter into
contracts with interested private parties on long term basis or
through joint venture agreements or build-operate-transfer scheme;
3. Government subsidies for the use of irrigation facilities
Support Services
4. Price Support and guarantee for all agriculture produce;
5. Extending to small landowners, farmers and farmers
organizations the necessary credit, like concessional and
collateral free loans, for agro-industrialization based on
social collaterals like the guarantees of farmers
6. Promoting, developing and extending financial
assistance to small and medium-scale industries in
agrarian reform areas;
Support services
7. Assigning sufficient numbers of agricultural extension
workers to farmers organizations;
8. Undertake research, development and dissemination of
information on agrarian reform, plants and crops best suited
for cultivation and marketing, and low cost and ecologically
sound farm inputs and technologies to minimize reliance on
expensive and imported agricultural inputs;
9. Development of cooperative management skills through
intensive training;
Support Services
10. Assistance in the identification of ready markets for agricultural
produce and training in the other various aspects of marketing;
11. Conduct and effective information dissemination system
through the Department of Agriculture to promote marketing
and minimize spoilage of agricultural produce and products;
12. Create a credit guarantee fund for agricultural landowners that
will enhance the collateral value of agricultural lands that are
affected or will be affected by coverage under the agrarian
reform program;
Support Services
13. Administration, operation, management and funding of
support services programs and projects including pilot
projects and models related to agrarian reform as developed
by the DAR. (as amended by R.A. 7905)

 Funding Support Services- in order to cover the expenses

and cost of support, at least 25% of all appropriations for
agrarian reform shall immediately be set aside and made
available for this purpose.
Support Services (Beneficiaries)
 Land Surveys and tilting;
 Liberalized terms of credit facilities and production loans;
 Extension services, (Planting, Cropping, Production, and
Post Harvest technology transfer)
 Infrastructure such as access rails, mini dams, public
utilities, marketing and storage facilities; and
 Research, production and use of organic fertilizers and
other local substances necessary to farming and cultivation.
Support Services (Landowners)
 Investment information, financial and counseling assistance
 Facilities, programs and schemes for conversion or exchange of
bonds issued for payment of the lands acquired with stocks and
bonds issued by the National Government, the central bank and
other government institutions and instrumentalities;
 Marketing of LBP bonds, as well as promoting the marketability
of said bonds in traditional and non-traditional financial markets
and stock exchanges;
 Other services designed to utilize productively the proceeds of
the sale of such lands for rural industrialization.
Special Areas of Concern
 Subsistence Fishing
 Logging and Mining Concessions
 Sparsely Occupied Public Agricultural Lands
 Idle, abandoned, foreclosed and sequestered lands
 Rural Women
 Veterans and Retirees
 Agricultural Graduates

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