Unit 3: - Knowledge Representation

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04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 1

In AI objective is to build an intelligent
machine or knowledge based agent that behaves
human Intelligent machine
Knowledge has been incorporated in the Domain knowledge has been incorporated
brain Knowledge base
Express anything that we want to talk We need a knowledge representation
about we need a language. languages to represent the domain
HUMAN CAN EXTRACT INFO Method is used to interpret and use the
FROM BRAIN knowledge to act according to the need

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Sensing Intelligent Action


04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 3


Knowledge base
Inference Mechanism
1. Knowledge base (KB):-
• Contains knowledge abt the domain or world
• A set of sentences
• Each sentence describe facts about the world
• Each sentence is rep by knowledge representation
2.Inference Mechanism:-
• provides a way to use the knowledge base or
deriving a new sentence from KB

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• Propositional logic
• First-order logic or Predicate logic(FOL)
• Temporal logic
• Numerical constraints logic
• Map-coloring logic logic

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The objective of knowledge representation is
to express the knowledge about the world in a computer-
tractable form

Key aspects of knowledge representation languages:

- grammar of the language
- specifies the symbols used, and how they can be combined to
form legal sentences
2. Semantics
- specifies the meaning of the sentence, symbol.
Both of them must be well defined in order to form a
knowledge representation language.

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• is a statement that is either true or false
• Anything that we use in our day to day world is a
Ram is hard working
It is hot are propositions
It is humid .

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Propositional Logic?
 It is a simple logic.
 Defines a set of propositional symbols, like P and Q ….
 Each symbol represents a fact(proposition).

 P means "It is hot“
 Q means "It is humid"
 R means "It is rain
 "It is hot“ and "It is humid" is rep by P and Q

Note: anything that we want to represent, is in terms of propositions

which have a Boolean value true or false.

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Limitations Propositional Logic
It has a simple syntax and semantics.

It can deal with only finite number of

It becomes impractical, even for very
small worlds,

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 Is generalization of propositional logic
 FOL = Propositional logic + Variables + Quantifiers
 It allows to express and infer facts over a large or
infinite models.
For example,
 all men are mortal
 some birds cannot fly
 at least one planet has life on it
these kinds of statements can be expressed only in
predicate logic but not the propositional logic.

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First-order Logic or Predicate
First-order Logic rep the world in terms of

 Objects: is a thing with individual identity

Ex: people, houses, numbers, colors, baseball games, wars, …

 Relations: represents relation between objects

Ex: red, round, prime, brother of, bigger than, part of, comes


 Functions: represents one kind of relation which has one value

for the given input

Ex: father of, best friend, one more than, plus

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SYNTAX of FOL is in terms of

The syntax of first order logic can be defined in

terms of,
• Terms denotes object
• Predicates denotes Sentence
• Quantifiers used to express the properties of
collection of objects

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 A term denotes some Object

Term = constant or variable or function (term1,...,termn)

 Constant symbols: represent particular object in the world

• Mary, 3, Green …..
 Variables : represent any object in the world
• x € integer , here x represents any integer number, So x is
• x, y, a, b, etc

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Function Symbols.
• it takes variables or constants as arguments and
returns an object
• Tells functional relationship between objects
o fatherof(Mary)
function symbol Constant
o colourof(Sky)
function symbol Constant
o Sqrt(x)

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 A predicate denotes a sentence
 It tells how objects relate to each other
 It can take terms as arguments
• Brother (John, Richard)-”John is brother of Richard “

Predicate object object

• Married (Mother(John), Father(John))

Predicate function symbol object function symbol object

Note: Functional symbols can be the arguments on predicates to form a


04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 15

•greater(5,3) is “5 is greater than 3”
•green(Grass) is “Grass is green”
•Person(John) is “John is a person”
•IsOdd(2) is “2 is odd”
• Dog (x) is “x is a dog”
Predicates are like functions except a function
can return any type of values but a predicate
will return either true or false.
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• Predicates have a value of true or false
• A predicate can take arguments, which are terms
• A predicate with one argument :
expresses a property of an object – Student(Bob)
• A predicate with two or more arguments:
expresses a relation between objects – likes(Bob, Mary) –
likes(Bob, school-of (Bob))
• A predicate with no arguments:
is a simple proposition, as in propositional logic
Ex:Anu is intelligent
04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 17
• Constants: John, Sam, 2, ...
• Variables: x, y, a, b,...
• Predicates: Person(John), Siblings(John, Sally), IsOdd(2), ...
• Functions: MotherOf(John), Sqrt(x), ...
• Equality: =
• Quantifiers: , 
• Term: Constant or Variable or Function(Term1, ... , Termn)
• Atomic sentence: Predicate(Term1, ... , Termn) or Term1 = Term2
Complex sentence: made from atomic sentences using connectives
and quantifiers
Let S1 , S2are sentences then1,
, S1  S2 , S1  S2,A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC
S1  S2, S1  S2 are sentences 18
 Atomic sentence is formed from a predicate symbol followed
by a parenthesized list of terms.
 Atomic sentence = predicate (term1,...,termn)
or term1 = term2

 Term =function (term1,...,termn) or constant or variable

 Example: Brother(John,Ram) is “John is Brother of Ram”

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Complex sentences are made from atomic
sentences using connectives (, , , , ).
S1 ,S1  S2, S1  S2, S1  S2, S1  S2 are sentences.

Example:Brother(John,Ram)  Brother(Ram, John)

• Let S1 , S2are sentences then1,

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Quantifiers are used to express the properties of
collection of objects.
2 standard Quantifiers:
1.Universal quantifier (for all)
2.Existential quantifier (there exists)

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Universal quantifier means “for all” or “for every”

The notation is x P where P is exprn
x is variable

The expression P is true for every possible value of the

variable x

Example: “Everyone likes Krishna” is x likes(x, Krishna)

Typically  is the main connective with 

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC
Existential quantifier
Existential quantifier means “there exists” or “at
least one”
The notation x P
where P is exprn
x is variable
The expression P is true for at least one value of
the variable
Example: “Someone likes McDonalds” is
x likes(x, McDonalds)
Typically use  with 
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Quantifiers contd…
• Universal quantifiers are often used with “implies” to form
x student(x)  smart(x) means “All students are smart”
• Existential quantifiers are usually used with “” to specify a list of
properties about an individual:
x student(x)  smart(x) means “There is a student who is

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC
 More complex sentence can be exist using multiple
 Everyone likes someone: (x)(y) likes(x,y)
 “Somebody likes everybody.” : ∃ x ∀ y Likes(x, y)
Everyone likes some kind of food
x y food(y)  likes(x, y)
 There is a kind of food that everyone likes
x y, food(x)  likes(y, x)
 Someone likes all kinds of food
x y, food(y)  likes(x, y)
 Every food has someone who likes it
x y, food(x)  likes(y, x)
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• x y is the same as y x
• x y is the same as y x
• x y is not the same as y x
 Everyone likes someone: (x)(y) likes(x,y)
 “Somebody likes everybody.” : ∃ x ∀ y Likes(x, y)

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• Connection between,  through negation
• 1. (x) P ↔  (x) P
• Example:
• everyone likes Ice cream
• (x, likes(x, Ice cream)) equivalent
• There is no one who does not like Ice cream
•  x, likes(x, Ice cream)
2. (x) P ↔ (x) P
• Some one likes Broccoli
• (x, likes(x, Broccoli))
• Not every one does not like Broccoli

04/22/22  x, likes(x, Broccoli)
A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 27
Connections between All and Exists contd..

We can relate sentences involving  and 

using De Morgan’s laws:
(x) P ↔  (x) P
(x) P ↔ (x) P
(x) P ↔ (x) P
(x) P ↔ (x) P

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Translating to FOL
1. Every gardener likes the sun.
x gardener(x)  likes(x,Sun)
2. All purple mushrooms are poisonous.
x (mushroom(x)  purple(x))  poisonous(x)
3. Clinton is not tall.
4. Every person loves themself.
∀x[Person(x) → Loves(x, x)]
4. All children like McDonalds
x, child(x)  likes(x, McDonalds)
8. All children like McDonalds
– x, child(x)  likes(x, McDonalds)

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC
P  Q (P is Premise, Q is Conclusion)
If P is true then Q will certainly be true (but not the other
“ if it rains then the roads are wet”
So if it rains is true then the roads are wet is true.
But when the roads are wet then it may be due to
other reasons also(sprinkler to clear the road)
So P  Q ↔ ¬P  Q
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So P  Q ↔ ¬P  Q

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ENTAILMENT((logically implies) (|
• Entailment means that one sentence follows logically
from another(consequence)
α entails β
(or) β follows logically from α
α |= β
1. If KB contains A ↔ B , C ↔ A
Then we can entail B ↔ C
2. If the KB contains
“ All men have two legs”, “Ram is a man” the
we can entail “Ram has two legs”
04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 35
Given: KB entails α ? (KB |= α )?
a knowledge base KB (a set of sentences)
a sentence α
then Knowledge base KB entails sentence α
(ie) KB |= α
if and only if α is true in all worlds where KB is

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INFERENCE |- (Derivation or Deduction)

• Inference is the process of deriving a specific

sentence from a KB
• KB |-i α means that α is inferred from KB using
algorithm i.
• “KB’s are a haystack”
– Entailment = needle in haystack
– Inference = method finding it

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Properties of the inference
procedure in terms of entailment
1. Soundness:
An inference procedure is sound ,if it derives
Sentences that are logically entailed.
If S |- X then S |= X
An inference procedure is complete, if it derives
all sentences that are entailed
If S |= X then S |- X
04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 38
• The ``best'' inference procedures are both
sound and complete
• gaining completeness is computationally
• Note:
Even if inference is not complete it is
desirable that it is sound.

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RULE Given Facts in KB New Inferred facts

1.Modus Ponens α, α ⇒ β β
2. And Introduction α, β αβ
3.And Elimination α  β α
4.OR Introduction α αβ
5.Double Negation  α α
6.Unit Resolution α  β,  β α
7.Resolution α  β,  β  C α C
8.Universal Instantiation
9.Existential Instantiation
Note: Resolution is both sound and complete
40 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC
 Substituting variables by constant or ground terms in any sentence
 for any sentence P, variable v, and constant g
1. Result of SUBST({x/Harry, y/Sally}, Likes(x , y)) is
Likes(Harry, Sally)
2. Result of SUBST({x/John}, King(x)  Greedy(x)  Evil(x)) is
King(John)  Greedy(John)  Evil(John)
Note: ground terms is a term with no variable
colour(sky) is ground term
sqrt(x) is not a ground term

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• Used to eliminate universal quantifier

• Replaces universal variable by constant
• for any sentence P, variable v, and ground term g
v P
SUBST({v/g}, P)

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• E.g., x King(x)  Greedy(x)  Evil(x)

Apply UI with SUBST {x/john} yields

King(John)  Greedy(John)  Evil(John)

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• Used to eliminate Existential Quantifier
• Replaces Existential variable by constant
• for any sentence P, variable v, and constant C
v P
SUBST({v/C}, P)
Note: UI gives name to object. So the name must not already
belong to other object.
Note:Diff b/w UI and EI
1.UI can be applied several times to add a new sentences.The new KB is
logicallg equivalent to the old
2. EI can be applied once to replace the Existential sentences.The new KB is
not equivalent to the old

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• E.g., x Crown(x)  OnHead(x,John) yields:

Apply EI with SUBST{x/C1} yields

Crown(C1)  OnHead(C1,John)
provided C1 is a new constant symbol, called a
Skolem constant

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• It finds all legal substitutions
• If p and q are logical expressions, then
UNIFY(p , q) = θ where SUBST(θ ,P) = SUBST(θ ,q)

p q θ

Knows(John,x) Knows(John,Jane) {x/Jane}

Knows(John,x) Knows(y,Mary) {x/Mary, y/John}

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Inference Methods
• 1.using Inference rules
• 2.GMP
• 3.Forward Chaining
• 4.Bachward Chaining
• 5.Resolution

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Example knowledge base
• The law says that it is a crime for an American to sell weapons
to hostile nations. The country Nono, an enemy of America,
has some missiles, and all of its missiles were sold to it by
Colonel West, who is American.

• Prove that Col. West is a criminal

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Example knowledge base-criminal (west)
1. It is a crime for an American to sell weapons
to hostile nations
2. Nono has some missiles
3. All of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel
4. Missiles are weapons:
5. An enemy of America counts as “hostile”:
6. West is American
7. The country Nono is an enemy of America
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criminal (west)- in FOL
It is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations:
xyz American(x)  Weapon(y)  Hostile(z)  Sells(x,y,z)  Criminal(x)
-------> (1)
Nono has some missiles
x Owns(Nono,x)  Missile(x) ------->(2)
All of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel West
x Missile(x)  Owns(Nono,x)  Sells(West,x,Nono) -------> (3)
Missiles are weapons:
x Missile(x)  Weapon(x) -------> (4)
An enemy of America counts as “hostile”:
x Enemy(x,America)  Hostile(x) -------> (5)
West is American
American(West) -------> (6)
The country Nono is an enemy of America
Enemy(Nono,America) -------> (7)

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criminal (west)-Proof using Inference rules
STEP I x Owns(Nono,x)  Missile(x)
Apply EI to (2) with SUBST{x/M1}
Owns(Nono, M1)  Missile(M1) --------(A) is inferred
STEP II Apply AND Elimination in (A)
Owns(Nono, M1) ----------->(B) is inferred
Missile(M1) ----------->(C) is inferred

STEP III x Missile(x)  Weapon(x)

Apply UI to (4) with SUBST{x/M1}
Missile(M1)  Weapon(M1) ----------->(D) is inferred

STEP IV Apply Modus Ponen to (D),(C)

Weapon(M1) ----------->(E) is inferred

STEP V x Missile(x)  Owns(Nono,x)  Sells(West,x,Nono)

Apply UI to (3) with SUBST{x/M1}
Missile(M1)  Owns(Nono,M1)  Sells(West,M1,Nono) ----------->(F) is inferred

STEP VI Apply Modus Ponen to (A),(F)

Sells(West,M1,Nono) A .Jeyanthi is
----------->(G) MNMJEC
inferred 51
STEP VII xyz American(x)  Weapon(y)  Hostile(z)  Sells(x,y,z)  Criminal(x)

Apply UI to (1) with SUBST{x/west,y/M1,z/Nono}

American(west)  Weapon(M1)  Sells(west,M1,nono)  Hostile(Nono) 
Criminal(west) -->(H)

• STEP VIII x Enemy(x,America)  Hostile(x)

Apply UI to (5) with SUBST{x/Nono}
Enemy(Nono, America)  Hostile(Nono) ----(I)

STEP IX Enemy(Nono,America)
Apply Modes Ponen to 7 and (I)
Hostile(Nono) ------(J)
STEP X Apply AND introduction to 6,E,G,J
American(west)  Weapon(M1)  Sells(west,M1,nono)  Hostile(Nono) ----(K)

STEP XI Apply Modes Ponen to H,K

Criminal(west) is proved
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 It si Lifted version of modus ponen
 It works on more than one atomic sentence to derive a conclusion
 It combine UI, AND introduction and Modus Ponen into one step
 It reduces number of steps for derivation
If pi' , pi , q are the atomic sentences when there is a substitution θ such that
SUBST(θ, pi')= SUBST(θ, pi) for all I
p1', p2', … , pn', (p1  p2  …  pn q)

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GMP Example
 Assume in KB
 Owns(Nono , x)  Missile(x)  Sells(West, x, Nono)
 Missile(M1)
 Owns(y,M1)
 Let P1 is Missile(x) P1’ is Missile(M1) θ ={ x / M1}
P2 is Owns(Nono , x) P2’ is Owns(y,M1) θ ={y/Nono , x/M1}
q is Sells(West, x, Nono)
 We can infer a new sentence by SUBS θ in q
Sells(West, M1, Nono)

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To use GMP all the sentences must be in First order definite
GMP is used with KB definite clause
definite clause?
• has atomic sentence or implication sentence
(conjunction of atomic sentence)  atomic sentence
• All variables are assumed to be universally quantified
• No existential Quantifier
• Example:
P1  P2  P3  Q
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Example knowledge base-criminal (west)
It is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations:
xyz American(x)  Weapon(y)  Hostile(z)  Sells(x,y,z)  Criminal(x)
-------> (1)
Nono has some missiles
x Owns(Nono,x)  Missile(x) ------->(2)
All of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel West
x Missile(x)  Owns(Nono,x)  Sells(West,x,Nono) -------> (3)
Missiles are weapons:
x Missile(x)  Weapon(x) -------> (4)
An enemy of America counts as “hostile”:
x Enemy(x,America)  Hostile(x) -------> (5)
West is American
American(West) -------> (6)
The country Nono is an enemy of America
Enemy(Nono,America) -------> (7)

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criminal (west)-Definite Clause
(1) xyz American(x)  Weapon(y)  Sells(x,y,z)  Hostile(z)  Criminal(x)
Omit quantifier
American(x)  Weapon(y)  Sells(x,y,z)  Hostile(z)  Criminal(x) ---------->(A)

(2) x Owns(Nono,x)  Missile(x)

Apply EI with {x/M1}
Owns(Nono, M1)  Missile(M1)
Eliminating AND
Owns(Nono, M1) ----------->(B)
Missile(M1) ----------->(C)

(3) x Missile(x)  Owns(Nono,x)  Sells(West,x,Nono)

Omit quantifier
Missile(x)  Owns(Nono,x)  Sells(West,x,Nono) ----------->(D)

(4) x Missile(x)  Weapon(x)

Omit quantifier
Missile(x)  Weapon(x) ----------->(E)

(5) x Enemy(x,America)  Hostile(x)

Omit quantifier
Enemy(x,America)  Hostile(x) ----------->(F)

(6) American(West) ----------->(G)

(7) Enemy(Nono,America) A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC
----------->(H) 57
Criminal(west) proof using GMP
• STEP I Apply GMP to C,E
• Weapon(M1) is inferred
• STEP II Apply GMP to F,H
• Hostile(Nono) is inferred
• STEP III Apply GMP to B,C,D
• Sells(west,M1,Nono)
• STEP IV Apply GMP to step I,II,III and A,G
• Criminal(west) is proved
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Forward chaining

Start with the known facts

apply Modus Ponens in the forward direction
adding new atomic sentences, until no further
inferences can be made
and derive a new conclusion

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criminal (west)-Definite Clause
(1) xyz American(x)  Weapon(y)  Sells(x,y,z)  Hostile(z)  Criminal(x)
Omit quantifier
American(x)  Weapon(y)  Sells(x,y,z)  Hostile(z)  Criminal(x) ---------->(A)
(2) x Owns(Nono,x)  Missile(x)
Apply EI with {x/M1}
Owns(Nono, M1)  Missile(M1)
Eliminating AND
Owns(Nono, M1) ----------->(B)
Missile(M1) ----------->(C)
(3) x Missile(x)  Owns(Nono,x)  Sells(West,x,Nono)
Omit quantifier
Missile(x)  Owns(Nono,x)  Sells(West,x,Nono) ----------->(D)
(4) x Missile(x)  Weapon(x)
Omit quantifier
Missile(x)  Weapon(x) ----------->(E)
(5) x Enemy(x,America)  Hostile(x)
Omit quantifier
Enemy(x,America)  Hostile(x) ----------->(F)
(6) American(West) ----------->(G)

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(7) Enemy(Nono,America) ----------->(H)
• Start with known facts in the KB and apply rules to derive new facts until a goal is
• How to add new facts?
• If the known fact is unified with any one of the premise of the implication and other
premise are known then its conclusion is added as new fact
• Consider criminal(west) problem:
Missile(M1),American(West), Owns(Nono,M1), Enemy(Nono,America)
The implication sentences (A),(D),(E),(F) are considered during each iteration

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• Iteration 1: starts with known facts.
• i)Sentence (A) has unsatisfied premises
• American(x)  Weapon(y)  Sells(x,y,z)  Hostile(z)  Criminal(x) ------(A)
• ii)Sentence (D) has 2 premises both are unified with known facts
• Missile(x)  Owns(Nono,x)  Sells(West,x,Nono) -----------(D)
• A new fact Sells(West,M1,Nono) is added to KB
• iii)Sentence (E) is unified with known facts
• Missile(x)  Weapon(x) ----------->(E)
• A new fact Weapon(M1) is added to KB
• Iv) Sentence (F) is unified with known facts
• Enemy(x,America)  Hostile(x) ----------->(F)
• A new fact Hostile(Nono) is added

• Iteration 2:
• i)In sentence (A) all premises are unified with known facts
• Criminal(west) is added to KB and is proved

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Forward chaining proof

American(West) Missile(M1)

Owns(Nono,M1) Enemy(Nono,America)

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Forward chaining proof

1.Missile(M1) , Owns(Nono, M1), unify with

Missile(x)  Owns(Nono,x)  Sells(West,x,Nono) with SUBST{x/M1}
So add “Sells(West,M1,Nono) to KB”

2. Missile(M1) unify with Missile(x)  Weapon(x) SUBST{x/M1}

So add “Weapon(M1) to KB”

3.Enemy(Nono,America) unify with Enemy(x,America)  Hostile(x) SUBST{x/Nono} So

add “Hostile((Nono) to KB”
04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 64

4. All known facts unified with

American(x)  Weapon(y)  Sells(x,y,z)  Hostile(z)  Criminal(x)
SO “Criminal(west) is proved”
04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 65
• It Starts with goal and goes backward from the goal
• It questions the KB with Goal
• If it cannot find the answer from the KB; it finds all
implication whose conclusion match with
Query;and tries to establish the premise of the

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• In criminal(west) problem:
• Start with goal, Criminal(West) and set up sub goals. This ends when
all sub goals are validated.
• Algm unifies the goal with known facts;here no known fact is
matching with goal
• So the implication whose conclusion is matching with the goal with
the goal is found
• Sentence (A) conclusion matches with the goal with SUBST{x/west}
• So the premises of sentence(A) are added to the KB with
American(x)  Weapon(y)  Sells(x,y,z)  Hostile(z) 
• We get 4 sub goals “American(west) , Weapons(y) , Sells(west,y,z)
and Hostile(z)”.
• Each
sub goal is to be satisfied..by which the goal is proved
A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 67

1.Adding Sub goals American(West),Weapon(y), Sells(West,y,z), Hostile(z)

Criminal(West) unifies with
American(x)  Weapon(y)  Sells(x,y,z)  Hostile(z)  Criminal(x)
With SUBST{x/West}

∴ Add Sub goals American(West) , Weapon(y) ,

Sells(West,y,z) , Hostile(z)

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 68


2.Deducing weapon(y)
 Weapon(y) unifies Missile(x)  Weapon(x)

∴ Weapon(y) is deduced to Missile(y)
Missile(y) unifies with Missile (M1) with
SUBST{y/M1} ∴ we get Missile(M1)
∴ weapon(y) is deduced
04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 69

3. Deducing Sells(West,M1,z)
 Sells(West,M1,z) unifies with
Missile(x)  Owns(Nono,x)  Sells(West,x,Nono)
SUBST{x/ M1 , z/Nono }
 ∴ we get Missile(M1) , owns(Nono , M1)

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 70


4.Deducing Hostile(Nono)

Hostile(Nono) unifies with Enemy(x,America)  Hostile(x) with

∴ we get Enemy(Nono,America)

Hence Criminal(west) is proved

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 71
soundness ,Completeness in
Forward & Backward Chaining
• Forward and backward chaining are sound

• Forward and backward chaining are not complete in


04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 72

 It is sound and complete inference method
 Any sentence entailed by KB can be derived
with resolution
Sentence must be in CNF(Conjunctive Normal

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 73

 is conjunction of Clauses (A  B)  (C  D)
 Clause is disjunction of Literals ( happy(y)  smiling(y))
 Literal is positive or negative atomic sentences
Ex: smiling(John), happy(y)
 In CNF all variables are assumed to be universally
 In CNF No existential variable
 In CNF No implication

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• Note
• Step 3:Standardize variable Apart
If the sentence uses same variable twice,then it changes the name of one
Step 4:Move quantifier to the left
Quantifiers in the middle of the sentence are moved to left
Step 5:Skolemization is used to eliminate Existential Quantifier
It is similar to EI
Case 1: IF  is outside ;then use skolem constant
Ex: y x P(x) Q(y) BECOMES x P(x) Q(B)
B is skolem const
Case 2: IF x is outside ;then use skolem function interms of
universal variable
Ex: x y P(x) Q(y) BECOMES x P(x) Q(F(x))
F(x) is skolem function
04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 76
Example:Convert to CNF
Example:Convert FOL to CNF
All people who are graduating are happy.
All happy people smile.
John is graduating.
John is smiling

 Step I: First convert to predicate logic

 x graduating(x)  happy(x)
 x happy(x)  smiling (x)
smiling (John)

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 77

Step 1. Eliminate 
 x  graduating(x)  happy(x)
 x  happy(x)  smiling (x)
smiling (John)
Step 2. Move  inwards. (not needed)
Step 3. Standardize variables apart.
 x  graduating(x)  happy(x)
 y  happy(y)  smiling (y)
smiling (John

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• Step 4.Moving Quantifiers Left (not needed)
• Step 5: Skolemization (not needed)
• Step 6. Drop universal Quantifier
•  graduating(x)  happy(x)
•  happy(y)  smiling (y)
• graduating(John)
• smiling (John
• Step 7. Distribute ^ over (not needed)
• Sentences in CNF
•  graduating(x)  happy(x)
•  happy(y)  smiling (y)
• graduating(John)
• smiling (John
04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 79
RESOLUTION Inference Rule
Two clauses which are assumed to be
standardized apart (no common variable) can be
resolved into one clause if they contain
complimentary literals where
UNIFY( li mj)= θ Where li and mj are complementary

The two clauses can be resolved to one clause by

eliminating complimentary literals with θ
04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 80


rich(x)  unhappy(x) rich(me)

unhappy(me) with

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is a Refutation procedure

Steps To Prove sentence α in KB:

1. Find  α in CNF form
2. Combines two clauses in KB to make a new one
C1 C2

3.Inference continues until empty clause is derived.

4.If [] clause is reached then is α proved

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 82

All people who are graduating are happy.
All happy people smile. KB
John is graduating.
Is John smiling? Entailed sentence

Soln: Negate “John is smiling” So “smiling (John)”

 Step I: First convert to predicate logic
 x graduating(x)  happy(x)
 x happy(x)  smiling (x)
 smiling (John)
04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 83
Resolution Example Contd…
Step 2: convert FOL to CNF
 graduating(x)  happy(x)
 happy(y)  smiling (y)
smiling (John )

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 84

1. graduating(x)  happy(x)
2.  happy(y)  smiling (y)
3. graduating(John)
4.  smiling (John)
Resolve 4 and 2 using θ = {y/John}
5.  happy(John)
Resolve 5 and 1 using θ = {x/John}
6.  graduating(John)
Resolve 6 and 3:
7. Empty clause
04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 85
Example (cont’d)
4. smiling (john) 2.  happy (Y)  smiling (Y)

5.  happy (john)

1.  graduating (X)  happy (X)

6.  graduating (john)

3. graduating (john)

7. []
04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 86
Example 2: Resolution
Criminal (West) Proof Using Resolution

The sentences in CNF are

1. ¬ American(x) ∨ ¬ Weapon(y) ∨ ¬ Sells(x, y, z) ∨
¬ Hostile(z) ∨ Criminal (x)
2. Owns(Nono,M1)
3. Missile(M1)
4. ¬ Missile(x) ∨ ¬ Owns(Nono, x) ∨ Sells(West, x,
5. ¬ Enemy(x,America) ∨ Hostile(x)
6. ¬ Missile(x) ∨Weapon(x)
8. Enemy(Nono,America) .
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Everyone who loves all animals is loved by someone:

∀x [∀y Animal(y) ⇒ Loves(x,y)] ⇒ [∃y Loves(y, x)]

1. Eliminate biconditionals and implications

∀x [∀y Animal(y) ⇒ Loves(x,y)] ⇒ [∃y Loves(y, x)]

∀x [∀y ¬Animal(y) ∨ Loves(x,y)] ⇒ [∃y Loves(y, x)]

∀x ¬ [∀y ¬Animal(y) ∨ Loves(x,y)] ∨ [∃y Loves(y, x)]

2. Move ¬ inwards:
Recall: ¬∀x p ≡ ∃x ¬p, ¬ ∃x p ≡ ∀x ¬p
∀x [∃y Animal(y) ∧ ¬Loves(x,y)] ∨ [∃y Loves(y,x)]

3. Standardize variables: each quantifier should use a different VARIABLE

∀x [∃y Animal(y) ∧ ¬Loves(x,y)] ∨ [∃z Loves(z,x)]

4. Skolemize: a more general form of existential instantiation.

Each existential variable is replaced by a Skolem function of the
enclosing universally quantified variables:
∀x [Animal(F(x))
04/22/22 ∧ ¬Loves(x,F(x))] ∨ Loves(G(x),x)
A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 89
(reason: animal y could be a different animal for each x.)
5. Drop universal quantifiers:
[Animal(F(x)) ∧ ¬Loves(x,F(x))] ∨ Loves(G(x),x)
(all remaining variables assumed to be universally quantified)

6. Distribute ∨ over ∧ :
[Animal(F(x)) ∨ Loves(G(x),x)] ∧ [¬Loves(x,F(x)) ∨ Loves(G(x),x)]

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 90

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 91
Conversion to CNF
Everyone who loves all animals is loved by someone:
∀x [∀y Animal(y) ⇒ Loves(x,y)] ⇒ [∃y Loves(y,x)]
1. Eliminate implications by disjunctions
∀x [¬∀y ¬Animal(y) ∨ Loves(x,y)] ∨ [∃y Loves(y,x)]
2. Move ¬ inwards: ¬∀x p ≡ ∃x ¬p, ¬ ∃x p ≡∀x ¬p
∀x [∃y ¬(¬Animal(y) ∨ Loves(x,y))]∨ [∃y Loves(y,x)]
∀x [∃y ¬¬Animal(y) ∧ ¬Loves(x,y)]∨ [∃y Loves(y,x)]
∀x [∃y Animal(y) ∧ ¬Loves(x,y)] ∨ [∃y Loves(y,x)]

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 92

Conversion to CNF (cont)
3. Standardize variables: each quantifier should use a different one
∀x [∃y Animal(y) ∧ ¬Loves(x,y)] ∨ [∃z Loves(z,x)]
4. Skolemize: a more general form of existential instantiation.
• Each existential variable is replaced by a Skolem function of the enclosing
universally quantified variables:
• ∀x [Animal(F(x)) ∧ ¬Loves(x,F(x))] ∨ Loves(G(x),x)
• 5. Drop universal quantifiers:
• [Animal(F(x)) ∧ ¬Loves(x,F(x))] ∨ Loves(G(x),x)
• 6. Distribute ∨ over ∧ :
• [Animal(F(x)) ∨ Loves(G(x),x)] ∧ [¬Loves(x,F(x)) ∨Loves(G(x),x)]

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 93

• Example:3
• Translate the following sentences into predicate logic:
• 1)John likes all kinds of food.
• 2)Apples are food.
• 3)Chicken is food.
• 4)Anything anyone eats and isn’t killed by is food.
• 5)Bill eats peanuts and is still alive.
• 6)Sue eats everything Bill eats.
• Prove that John likes peanuts using resolution, backward
chaining, and forward chaining.

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 94

Step 1:Translate to FOL
1. John likes all kinds of food.
x: food(x)  likes(john, x)
2. Apples are food.
3. Chicken is food.
4. Anything anyone eats and isn't killed by is food.
x:(y: eats(x, y)   killed(x))  food(y)
5. Bill eats peanuts and is still alive.
eats(Bill, peanuts)  killed (Bill)
6. Sue eats everything Bill eats.
x:eats(Bill, x) eats(Sue, x)

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 95
Step 2: Convert to Definite Clause
Ignore  and Eliminate 
John likes all kinds of food.
food(x)  likes(john, x)
2. Apples are food.
3. Chicken is food.
4. Anything anyone eats and isn't killed by is food.
eats(x, y)   killed(x)  food(y)
5. Bill eats peanuts and is still alive.
eats(Bill, peanuts)
6.  killed (Bill)
7. eats(Bill, x) eats(Sue, x)

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Step 3: Convert to CNF
Eliminate ‘’( CNF contains only Atomic

1.  food(x1)  likes(John, x1)

2. food(apples)
3. food(chicken)
4.  eats(x4,Y4)  killed( x4)  food(Y4)
5. Eats (Bill, peanuts)
6.  killed (Bill)
7.  eats(Bill,x7)  eats(Sue,x7)

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 97

Resolution proof that John likes peanuts
 likes (John, peanuts)  food(x1)  likes (John, x1)

x1/ peanuts/

 food(peanuts)  eats(x4, y4)  killed( x4)  food(y4)

y4/ peanuts
 eats(x4,peanuts)  killed( x4) eats(Bill.peanuts)

killed(Bill)    killed(Bill)

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 98

Step 2: Convert to Definite Clause
Ignore  and Eliminate 
John likes all kinds of food.
food(x)  likes(john, x)
2. Apples are food.
3. Chicken is food.
4. Anything anyone eats and isn't killed by is food.
eats(x, y)   killed(x)  food(y)
5. Bill eats peanuts and is still alive.
eats(Bill, peanuts)
6.  killed (Bill)
7. eats(Bill, x) eats(Sue, x)

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 99

Prove “John likes Peanut” using
Backward Chaining
Likes(John ,Peanut)

{X ,Peanut}




EAT(BILL ,Peanut)

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• Example 4:The following
• 1. Steve only likes easy courses.
• 2. Science courses are hard.
• 3. All the courses in the basketweaving
department are easy.
• 4. BK301 is a basketweaving course.
• What course would Steve like?Use resolution to
answer this:

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 101

Step 1:Convert to FOL
• 1. ∀x easy(x) -> likes(steve,x)
• 2. ∀x science(x) -> ~easy(x)
• 3. ∀x basketweaving(x) -> easy(x)
• 4. basketweaving(BK301)

04/22/22 A .Jeyanthi MNMJEC 102

Step 2:Convert to CNF
• (1) ¬easy(x) ˅ likes(steve,x)
• (2) ¬science(x) ˅ ¬easy(x)
• (3) ¬basketweaving(x) ˅ easy(x)
• (4) basketweaving(BK301)
• (5) ¬likes(steve,x)

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Prove by Resolution
5. like (steve,x) 1.  easy (x)  like (steve,x)

5.  easy (x)

1. basketweaving (X)  easy (X)

6. basketweaving (X)

basketweaving (BK301))

7. []
Steve like BK301
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