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Paper Waste


Being aware of waste you create

When looking at all the options for
solutions surrounding paper waste,
it appears that it takes many steps in
Final Solution order to create less waste with
‘Paper Waste Mindfulness’
By being aware of the issue and being This is why the proposed final
mindful when producing and consuming solution for paper waste in school
paper, together we can minimise our use
of paper and only use what is necessary environments is a whole-school
program that will be referred to as
‘Paper Waste Mindfulness’.
Identifying the issue
Imagine you are in a school. Look around and what do you
While working in a school environment, the author of this website noticed that a
number of paper documents, such as those seen in the picture to the left, were
printed out in copies of 30 or more, when most of the time classes had a
maximum of 25 students. They thought to themselves about the additional pages
of paper and how unnecessary waste was being created in order to ensure spare
worksheets were printed. When looking around, they realised that there was lots
of paper around the school that had single-use purposes and paper that was not
being recycled properly, with recycling and rubbish bins having mixed papers and
plastics. The amount of paper seen everywhere, with a poor recycling system in
place worried the author as they knew that paper waste is an issue but one that
can be managed if handled correctly. Because of this, the author decided to look
into the issue and create a ‘Paper Waste Mindfulness’ initiative that helps local
and nationwide schools manage their paper waste.

Evidence of paper waste includes;

- Unused paper lying around the

school premises
- Unnecessary extra print outs
- Paper and cardboard in regular
rubbish bins
- Plastics and other non-
recyclable materials in the
paper recycling bin
- Single-use paper
Image retrieved from
Other solutions that were
considered included;
Other Possible - Paper recycling services such as Clean
Away (2022a) and Nationwide Waste

Solutions -
Solutions (2022)
Participating in Clean Up Australia Day
and partnering with Clean Up (2022) in
These solutions were considered but ensuring paper waste around the school
rejected as while they are effective, gets disposed of correctly
would not be nearly as effective without - Donating shredded paper to local
having the mindset that comes with the businesses
‘Paper Waste Mindfulness’ initiative - Using digital technologies as a paper
Final Outcome:
Creating the ‘Paper Waste
Mindfulness’ initiative
This initiative is going to be carried
out by first educating members of
the community, such as teachers,
‘Paper Waste students, and their families, on the
topic of sustainability and how the
Mindfulness’ production and consumption of
excess paper environmentally
This initiative is being created and plans to impacts the local community.
be implemented in local schools in order to
educate students, teachers and These members of the community
administrative staff on the issues will then be taught effective ways in
surrounding paper waste and the steps that which they can reduce the amount
each person can take to reduce their
production and consumption of paper of paper they use.
Ways to reduce your consumption of paper

These include, but are not limited to;

- Correctly recycling paper
- Donating used paper to local businesses
- Reusing paper and cardboard in new ways, such as drawing or
writing notes on the backside of paper, or using paper as a
tool while gardening
- Using paper alternatives where possible, such as whiteboards
and digital technologies
- Being aware of the paper you are producing and consuming -
Think ‘do I really need to print this?’ or ‘can I use something
else instead?’
PMI of ‘Paper Waste Mindfulness’
Positive Negative Improvements
- Education of this program - Education process may be - Having schools implement
can be linked to lengthy and difficult to whole-school approaches
sustainability cross- implement
and rules that help manage
curriculum priorities within - Costs of process may be
expensive paper waste within that
- Members of community will - Wastefulness with paper will environment will encourage
become aware of the current still occur the use of reducing, reusing
climate issues and recycling paper
- People that are aware of the - Hiring recycling services
waste they are creating will alongside ‘Paper Waste
be more likely to reduce, Mindfulness’ in schools
reuse and recycle their paper - Expanding this initiative
outside of schools and
within the local community
These success indicators include;
- Less paper being printed on
- Paper recycling bins hold only paper and
- Regular rubbish bins are found without

Success Indicators
paper in them
- Spare sheets of paper are not found
lying around classrooms
- Students and educators have an
To measure the success of the understanding of the issues surrounding
‘Paper Waste Mindfulness’ paper waste
program, a series of success - Students and educators actively try to
produce less waste
indicators will be seen within the - Schools and the local community
school working together to be sustainable

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