Readings in Philippine History: Ms. Aiza A. Garcia Instructor

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Readings in Philippine

Ms. Aiza A. Garcia
Table of Contents

01 Definition of history

02 Historian’s duty
03 Loophole in history
How to address the loophole
04 in history?
What is history?
History came from the GREEK WORD


Knowledge acquired through inquiry and

History as a discipline existed for around
2400 years as old as mathematical
Aristotle defines history as

the systematic account of a set of natural

phenomena which are arranged in their
chronological order.
Herodotus and Thucydides defines history as

learning inquiry about the past of a

E.H Carr defines history as

A never ending dialogue of events

between the past and the present
Will Durant defines history as

narrative of events of what civilized

men have thought and done in the past.
Jawaharlal Nehru defines history as
The theme of history should be the
man’s growth from barbarism to
New Definition of History acquired from
Classical Latin

The account of the past of a

person or a group of people
through written documents
and historical evidences.
Verbal history
Historians Duty:

Is to write about the lives of

important individuals likes
monarchs, heroes, saints and
Traditional historians lived with

“no documents, no history”

invalidates history of other civilization
that do not keep written records.
discrimination against other social classes
who were not recorded in paper
Common people/poor families
History thus became
more INCLUSIVE and
start collaborating with
other disciplines: Science
History and
Ms. Aiza A. Garcia
History as a discipline turned into a
complex and dynamic inquiry.

-What is history?
-Why study history? These questions can be
-And history for whom? answered by
History and Historiography

History is the Historiography

study of past history of history
Historiography let’s the students have a better
understanding of history.

Historiography’s object of study is history itself, for example

▪ How was a certain historical text written?
▪ Who wrote it?
▪ What was the context of its publication?
▪ What particular historical method was employed?
▪ What were the sources use?
Approaches in Writing History

Positivism Post-colonialism
this thought requires creating their own identities
empirical and and criticize the methods of
observable evidence colonialism
Any history that has been taught and written is always intended for a
certain group of audience
History as …..

Objective discipline?

How can we avoid bias in history?

History and the
Historian only get to access
representation of the past through
historical sources and evidences.

-“Facts cannot speak for themselves”

Historical methodology

certain techniques and rules

that historian follow in order
to properly utilize sources
and historical evidences

In this sense, need not let his

bias blind his judgement.
False, misleading, and biased reporting, a.k.a. “fake
news” or “viral news” has detrimental effects

Misinformation can be weaponized to

influence politics, economics, and social
well-being, from potentially affecting
elections and referendums to inciting
prejudice, confusion, and violence.
Historical Sources
Ms. Aiza A. Garcia
Historical Sources
the historian most important tools
Historical Sources

❑ First hand account
❑Second hand account
❑ Created by someone who
experienced the event ❑Created by someone who
did NOT experienced the
• Newspaper (writing on or
near the day of the event)
• Newspaper( written well
• Diaries
after the event)
• Songs
• Textbooks
• Paintings
• Encyclopedias
• Photographs
• Biographies
• Letters
• Research websites
• Speeches
• Documentaries
Criticism – is to identify the genuineness
of a document
Example of the things that will be examined when
conducting external criticism of a document:

-the quality of paper

-type of the ink
-language and words used
in the material
-Material used
Internal criticism looks at the truthfulness and
factuality of the evidence by looking at:

-the author source

-its context
-the agenda behind its
-intended purpose/intended
Prepare 3 pictures with(5-7 years) gap
each picture….
Share the highlight of events (history) of
those picture
Thank you!

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