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1. To assess the extent of implementation of local

ordinances using a set of parameters/criteria.

2. To look into the different factors/reasons that has aid

implementation or affected the non-implementation of the
local ordinances.

3. To establish bases for setting of interventions both for

DILG and the LGUs, specifically in terms of policy support,
capability building programs, partnership/linkage, among

• ALL provinces, cities and municipalities within the Region

• All local ordinances from January 1992 up to January

2018 that fall within the purview of the first 5 major final
outputs of the DILG

a. Mandatory Organization of a Monitoring Team that will Spearhead

the Implementation of the Project and will Ensure the Continuous
Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of Ordinances

Minimum Composition:
Chairperson - Governor/Mayor
Co-Chair -Vice Governor/Vice Mayor
Department Heads
Members of the Sanggunian
Provincial Director/C/MLGOO
Roles and responsibilities of the organized Monitoring Team
shall include, but not limited to the following:

a. To monitor the extent of implementation of ordinances;

b. To assess the effect or impact of approved measures on
the citizens and others concerned; and
c. To report the results of the monitoring and evaluation.
There shall also be a Technical Working Group (TWG) that
will provide assistance to the created Monitoring Team in
data gathering, report writing/ preparation and other related
tasks. It shall be composed of, but not limited to, the

Head - Secretary to the Sanggunian

Members - At least 3 LGU staff coming from
executive and legislative department
Form 1: Inventory of Monitoring Team for the
Implementation of Ordinances

-Shall be accomplished by the secretary to the sanggunian

-Looks into the organization and functionality of the

monitoring teams.
b. Inventory and Data Gathering

The Secretary to the Sanggunian of the LGU, in coordination

with the DILG Provincial Focal Person, C/MLGOO concerned,
shall conduct an inventory of the existing ordinances from
January 1992 up to January 2018 and gather data relative
to its implementation using the attached monitoring
template (Form 2).
b. Inventory and Data Gathering

The Secretary to the Sanggunian of the LGU, with the

assistance of the DILG Provincial Focal Person, C/MLGOO
concerned, shall conduct an inventory of the existing
ordinances from January 1992 up to January 2018 and
gather data relative to its implementation using the
attached monitoring template (Form 2).
Only ordinances that are geared towards the attainment of the five (5) DILG
MFOs for LGUs shall be listed in the monitoring template as follows:

o MFO 1: Peaceful, orderly and safe LGUs – Data sources may include LGU
annual report, results of the SGLG and CFLGA, data from PNP, LPOC, DSWD,
LSWDO, (POC and ADAC Audit)
o MFO 2: Socially protective LGUs – Data sources may include LGU annual
report, results of the SGLG and CFLGA, data from DOH, DepEd, NCIP, PCW, DSWD,
o MFO 3: Accountable, transparent and participative governance – Data
sources may include LGU annual report, results of the SGLG, COA Annual Audit
Report, data from Local Budget Office, Local Accountant’s Office,
o MFO 4: Business-friendly and competitive LGUs – Data sources may include
LGU annual report, results of the SGLG, BPLS compliance reports, CMCI Results
o MFO 5: Environment protective and climate change adaptive LGUs - LGU
annual report, results of the SGLG, data from DENR
c. Report Preparation

Thru the TWG, the Monitoring Team shall prepare a Report

which includes the result of the inventory, data gathering
and an analysis of the results/findings and
recommendations. In preparing the report, the LGU shall be
guided by Form 3.

Reports shall be submitted to the concerned clusters head,

through the MLGOO, for review. Results of the review shall
be communicated to the LGU for their consideration.
Things to consider in report preparation:

o Number of approved versus duly implemented ordinance

o Area/s of governance where LGU has the most number of
approved and implemented ordinance/s
o Prevailing factors for: (1) non implementation of ordinance and
(2) implementation of ordinance
o Problems encountered in the implementation
o Actions taken relative to the non/low level of implementation
o Impact/result of the implemented ordinance/s: per MFO and
over-all status/development of LGU
o Recommendations for the improvement of the implementation of
d. Utilization Conference

The Report on the implementation of the Project shall be

presented to all LGU officials and functionaries where results
will be used to map out/identify next steps and
interventions of the LGU.
Roles and Responsibilities of DILG Regional, Provincial,
City/Municipal Offices, LGU Officials and Functionaries,

1. Provincial Governor, City/Municipal Mayor

a. In coordination with the legislative body, organize a Monitoring
Team which shall spearhead the implementation of the Project and
which shall perform the roles and responsibilities enumerated therein;
b. Ensure the provision of appropriate documents and information
necessary in the accomplishment of the monitoring forms, analysis of
the results and preparation of findings and recommendations;
c. Provide funding support for the implementation of the Project; and
d. Perform other related tasks.
2. Vice Governor, Vice Mayor, Sanggunian Panlalawigan,

a. Provide support to the local chief executive especially in

the organization of the Monitoring Team;
b. Provide necessary assistance in the accomplishment of
the monitoring forms and reports; and
c. Perform other related tasks.
3. Secretary to the Sanggunian. In coordination with the
DILG Provincial Focal Person or City/Municipal Local
Government Operations Officer, shall:

a. Conduct an inventory of all existing and enforceable local

b. Fill out the monitoring form relative to the
implementation of local ordinances; and
c. Spearhead the report writing.
4. Leagues (Philippine Councilors’ League; Philippine
League of Secretaries to the Sanggunian)

a. Provide assistance in the accomplishment of the

monitoring forms and reports, as may be applicable;
b. Utilize result of the Project for technical assistance and
other support mechanisms; and
c. Perform other related tasks.
5. DILG Regional Office

Thru the Local Government Capability Development Division


a. Orient DILG field officers on the guidelines of the

project; and
b. Utilize results of the provincial reports in its technical
assistance provision and capability building activities and in
recommending policy direction to higher management.
Thru the Local Government Monitoring and Evaluation
Division (LGMED):

a. Monitor the timely implementation of the project and

submission of the required documents by the DILG
Provincial Offices; and
b. If needed, along with LGCDD, provide technical
assistance to the DILG Provincial Focal Persons relative to
the accomplishment of the inventory and monitoring forms,
analysis and preparation of findings and recommendations.
6. DILG Provincial Directors
a. Ensure the compliance of C/MLGOOs and cluster heads on the
requirements of the project;
b. Ensure timely dissemination and implementation of this Circular by
all C/MLGOOs and concerned LGU officials and functionaries;
c. Ensure the timely submission of the monitoring forms and reports
of target LGUs to this level;
d. Participate in the conduct of analysis and report preparation by the
provincial government;
e. Ensure the presentation of the report to concerned LGU officials
and functionaries; and
f. Submit the report together with the accomplished monitoring
forms to this level.
7. Cluster Heads

a. Provide guidance and assistance to MLGOOs in the

accomplishments of the requirements of this Circular;
b. Review reports submitted by LGUs within his/her area of
responsibility and feedback the results of the review to the
concerned C/MLGOO for the LGU’s consideration; and
c. Submit the finalized reports to the DILG Provincial
8. DILG Provincial Focal Persons

a. Coordinate with all concerned Provincial Government

officials and functionaries and assist in the accomplishment
of the monitoring forms and preparation of reports; and
b. Consolidate the results of the monitoring activities.
9. City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officer

a. Disseminate this Circular to all concerned LGU officials and

b. Coordinate with all concerned LGU officials and functionaries
and provide technical assistance in the accomplishment of the
inventory and monitoring forms;
c. Participate in the conduct of analysis and report preparation;
d. Submit the report together with the accomplished monitoring
forms to their respective Cluster heads; and
e. Ensure the presentation of the report to the all concerned
LGU officials and functionaries.
Timeline/Schedule of Implementation
Activity Schedule
Policy Enhancement and Project Orientation May 2019
for DILG officials and staff
Coordination and advocacy with LGU officials July 2019
and functionaries (to include organization/re-
*Upon assumption of new set of local officials
organization of a Monitoring Team to
spearhead the implementation of this *May be included as part of topic/discussion
project) during the NEO Orientation/Re-orientation
Inventory and data gathering July-August 2019
Analysis and Report Preparation (including September-October 2019
review of report by concerned DILG
Exit Conference November 2019
Consolidation and preparation of provincial 1st-2nd week of December 2019
Consolidation and preparation of regional 3rd week of December 2019

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