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Final CAS
Learning outcomes (Key)
LO1: Identify your own LO2: Demonstrate that LO3: Demonstrate
strengths and develop challenges have been how to initiate and plan
areas for personal growth undertaken, developing a CAS experience.
new skills in the process.

LO4: Show LO5: Demonstrate the LO6: Demonstrate

commitment to and skills and recognize the engagement with issues
perseverance in CAS benefits of working of global significance.
experiences. collaboratively.

LO7: . Recognize and

consider the ethics of
choices and actions.
CAS strands (Key)

Creativit Activity Service

Past CAS
The Animal Care project of Daan
Utsav (S)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- LO2 - Open-Minded
- LO4 - Caring
- LO6 - Risk Taker
- LO7 - Reflective

The animals in my colony were poorly taken care of, so I

took the Daan Utsav opportunity to care for the animals
by, for example, feeding them proper food, brought from
a pet shop.
Art Online Course (C)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- LO2 - Open-Minded
- LO3 - Knowledgeable
- LO4 - Balanced
- Risk Taker
- Reflective

It is an Udemy online course that I have signed up for to

draw still-life.
Badminton practices (A)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- LO2 - Open-Minded
- LO4 - Communicators
- LO5 - Balanced
- Risk Taker

Everyday, I went to a park near my home and played

badminton with few of the players who played there
Beach Clean up (S) (A)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO2
- LO4 - Open-Minded
- LO5 - Communicators
- LO6 - Principled
- LO7 - Reflective
- Risk Taker

This beach clean-up was where our class signed up to

clean the Besant Nagar Beach
CAS Global Collaboration (C) (S)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- LO2 - Open-Minded
- LO3 - Communicators
- LO4 - Knowledgeable
- LO5 - Principled
- Reflective
- LO6
- Risk Taker
- LO7 - Caring

Group of IB students from different countries came

together to create a song about mental health and
publish it in instagram
Cooking project (C) (A)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- LO2 - Open-Minded
- LO3 - Communicators
- LO4 - Knowledgeable
- LO5 - Inquirers
- Reflective
- Risk Taker
- Caring

I learned how to cook goodies with my family friend.

Korean Class (S) (C)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- LO2 - Open-Minded
- LO3 - Communicators
- LO4 - Thinkers
- LO5 - Balanced
- Risk Taker
- LO7
- Caring

With my intermediate certification, I decided to teach

some kids who were interested in Korean culture,
Korean, for free.
Pudiyador (C) (S)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- LO2 - Open-Minded
- LO3 - Communicators
- LO4 - Thinkers
- LO5 - Principled
- Risk Taker
- LO6
- Caring
- LO7

I volunteered to teach a young 5th grade child, Vaishali,

Singing Classes (C)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- LO2 - Open-Minded
- LO3 - Communicators
- LO4 - Knowledgeable
- LO5 - Principled
- Risk Taker
- Balanced

I decided to improve my singing skills, so asked Arup Sir

for help, and he fortunately helped me by making me a
more confident singer and aided in improving my basic
Soap-making (C) (A)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- LO2 - Open-Minded
- LO3 - Thinkers
- LO4 - Knowledgeable
- LO6 - Inquirers
- Risk Taker

I attended a free soap making workshop for one day and

learned how to make homemade soap. Till now, I mostly
use homemade soaps which I make in batches.
Soap-making workshop (C) (A)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- LO2 - Open-Minded
- LO3 - Principled
- LO4 - Caring
- LO5 - Reflective
- Risk Taker
- LO6
- Communicators

From my knowledge of soap-making, I decided to

conduct a workshop for the AAIS parents and kids.
Social Psychology Course
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- LO2 - Open-Minded
- Knowledgeable
- LO3
- Principled
- LO4 - Thinkers
- LO6 - Balanced
- Reflective
I took an introduction to psychology course offered by
University of Queensland, Australia. It is an
introductory course to behavioral human psychology. I
have received a “Pass”, successfully completing the
Trash It Right (A) (C) (S)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- LO2 - Open-Minded
- LO4 - Principled
- LO6 - Caring
- LO7 - Reflective
- Risk Taker
- Communicators
- Knowledgeable

A trash it right campaign from NOF was offered.

Music club (C)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- LO2 - Open-Minded
- LO4 - Reflective
- LO5 - Risk Taker
- LO7 - Communicators
- Balanced

I participated in the music club hosted by DP1 and DP2

Virtual Reality workshop (C)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- Open-Minded
- LO2 - Reflective
- LO4 - Risk Taker
- LO5 - Communicators
- Caring
- Balance

It is a one day workshop on AR/VR technology and 3D

modelling hosted by KCG college of technology
Painting the walls of our community (C)
(A) (S)
LOs achieved: Learner Profile Attributes:
- LO1
- Open-Minded
- LO2 - Inquirers
- LO4 - Thinkers
- LO5 - Reflective
- LO7 - Risk Taker
- Communicators
- Knowledgeable
- Balanced
My community worked alongside to paint the walls of
our community, as the chipping paint became hazardous
to playing children.
Project, CAS
Book club
What was it?
- It was book club directed at 9th and 11th graders
- We read different genres of books
- It was to help the members expand their book genres, to see
their preferences, and to overall just appreciate books more
LOs and Attributes
LOs achieved
- LO1 Learner profile attributes
- LO2 - Thinkers
- LO3 - Open-minded
- LO4 - Inquirers
- LO5 - Balanced
- LO7 - Communicators
- Risk taker
Things that could have went better
★ I wish to have started this club long ago. The problem is, I started it close to the
time where everything gets hectic and schedules become tight, plus around the
next lockdown, thus it was discontinued after about 7 weeks.
★ The club was frequently modified
○ First club created was named “Finer Things Club” and it included TSS
campus as well, but due to lockdown and schedule classes, it was
discontinued after 3 weeks.

Though I have learned a lot from this. I never have started a club before, and taking
that responsibility was a huge deal for me, and I was able to learn from my mistakes. I
do hope to pass down this club to the upcoming DP2 students, and hope they will
continue this club :)

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