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Aim of Education in India

 Aims of Education in Ancient India

Acquisition of knowledge
Inculcation of social and civic values/duties
Education for occupation
Character training and moral education
Spiritual development
Aims of Education in Medieval India

 The mosque was a center of instruction and of

literary activity. Muslim education included those
eternal teachings and values of the Quran, which
would promote moral and spiritual knowledge.
Islamic education aimed at both physical and
mental development of the students. Thus, it aimed
at total development of personality of individual. 
Aims of Education in British India
 It was designed to prepare Indians only for taking certain subordinate
positions in Government offices. 
 It was not intended to develop among the people capacities to take
leadership and initiative in different walks of life. T
 he main educational objective can better be understood from the
following declaration in the educational policy or Lord Bentinck (1835):
“We want a class of persons Indian in blood and colour but English in
tastes in opinion, in morals and intellect.”
 The Wood’s Despatch declared almost the same policy. The aim of
British education was to inculcate European knowledge in the minds of
the Indians.
Aims of Education in Independent India
 After independence the Indian leaders realized the inherent
defects in the system of education introduced by the British.
Universalisation of education was the need of the hour.
Education must be linked with national development in all
directions. With these national goals in view the Government
in independent India set up different committees and
commissions for educational reforms in the desired lines.
These committees and commissions have formulated
educational aims and objectives.
Indian University Commission
The aim of university education should be to produce able citizens
who can take up national responsibilities successfully in various fields.
The university has to produce able administrators and suitable
workers in various occupations and industries. The university has to
provide leadership in the various walks of life in the best interest of the
The aim of a university should be to maintain a high standard in
general, professional and vocational education by inspiring the
students to search for a new knowledge and good effort that must be
authentic in nature.
Secondary Education Commission

 Developing Democratic Citizenship

 Vocational Efficiency
 Development Personality or Character
 Education for leadership
Indian Education Commission on Educational Aims

 Increasing national productivity;

  Achieving social and national integration;
 Accelerating the process of modernization;
  Cultivating social, moral and spiritual values
National Education Policy –1986
 To foster all round material and spiritual development of the
individual, as well as, the society as a whole.
 To promote values such as India’s common cultural heritage,
egalitarianism, democracy, socialism and secularism, equality of the
sexes, national cohesion, removal of social barriers etc.
 To provide education of comparable quality to all students,
irrespective of caste, creed, location or gender.
 To develop manpower for different levels of the economy which
would further guarantee national self-reliance.
 To develop a scientific temper and independence of mind and spirit.
 Lifelong Learning
 Democratic Values
 Meaningful Work Leading to Social Transformation
 Development of Creativity
 Development of Life Skills
 Independence of Thought and Action
 Holistic Development of Children
Other important Aims
 Development of Physical Resources
 Development of Human Resources
 Development of Social, Moral and Spiritual Values
 Development of Democratic Citizenship
 Development Vocational Skill
 Development of Personality
 Development of Leadership
In the context of Globalisation
 Due to globalisation, new attitudes and values are coming into
force. People need to learn new concepts and have to adopt
themselves new ways of life. In the present borderless information
society, education needs to respond to the demands of a rapidly
globalizing world.
 This can be done by raising awareness of environment, peace,
cultural and social diversity, increased competitiveness, and the
concept of a global village. Education should aim at creating
global citizens who are aware of the wider world and bear a sense
of his or her own role as a citizen of the world.

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