Physics: Week - 3 Two Dimensional Motion-2 and Force and Motion - 1

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Week - 3
Two Dimensional Motion-2
Force and Motion -1

Two Dimensional Motion-2

1.Projectile motion
2.Uniform Circular Motion

1. Projectile motion

A particle moves in a vertical plane, with the only acceleration

equal to the free fall acceleration, g .
In projectile motion, the horizontal motion and the vertical
motion are independent of each other, that is, neither motion
affects the other. 
v v
The initial velocity of the projectile is: v
x 0i
yo j

Horizontal Range, assuming no external forces:
The horizontal range of a projectile is the horizontal distance when it
returns to its launching height.
The distance equations in the x- and y- directions respectively:

Eliminating t:

Horizontal Motion: Vertical Motion;
no acceleration acceleration = g

Eliminate time, t:
gx 2
y  (tan 0) x  2
2(v0 cos 0)
Example, projectile motion:
A rescue plane flies at 198 km/h and constant height h=500 m toward a point
directly over a victim, where a rescue capsule is to land. What should be the
angle φ of the pilot’s line of sight to the victim when the capsule release is
made. (b) As the capsule reaches the water, what is its velocity V in unit-
vector notation and in magnitude-angle notation .

2. Uniform Circular Motion

The speed of
the particle is
+ motion
A particle
around a

As the direction of the velocity of the particle changes,
there is an acceleration !!!

Here v is the speed of the particle and r is the radius of the


The aceleration vector
always points toward
the center

The velocity
vector is always
tangent to the

Sample problem, top gun pilots

We assume the turn is made with uniform circular motion.
Then the pilot’s acceleration is centripetal and has
magnitude a given by a = v2/R.
Also, the time required to complete a full circle is the period
given by T =2πR/v.
Because we do not know radius R, let’s solve for R from the
period equation for R and substitute into the acceleration eqn.

Speed v here is the (constant) magnitude of the velocity during

the turning.

To find the period T of the motion, first note that the final
velocity is the reverse of the initial velocity. This means
the aircraft leaves on the opposite side of the circle from
the initial point and must have completed half a circle in
the given 24.0 s. Thus a full circle would have taken T
48.0 s.
Substituting these values into our equation for a, we find

Halliday D.; Resniick R. and Walker J. (2010). Principles Of
Physics , ninth Edition , John Wiley & SONS Inc, New York,
ISBN: 978-0-470-55653-5


Force and Motion -1

1.Newton’s Laws
2.Mass and weight
3.Applying Newton’s Laws

 Study of relation between force and acceleration
of a body: Newtonian Mechanics.

 Newtonian Mechanics does not hold good for all

1.Relativistic or near-relativistic motion
2.Motion of atomic-scale particles

1. Newton’s Law

(1) Newton’s First Law:

If no force acts on a body, the body’s velocity cannot
change; that is, the body cannot accelerate.

If the body is at rest, it stays at rest.

If it is moving, it continues to move with the same velocity
(same magnitude and same direction).

(2) Newton’s second law
The net force on a body is equal to the product of the
body’s mass and its acceleration.
 
Fnet  ma
In component form,
Fnet,x  ma x ; Fnet,y  ma y ; Fnet,z  ma z
The acceleration component along a given axis is caused
only by the sum of the force components along that same
axis, and not by force components along any other axis.
(3) Newton’s Third Law
When two bodies interact, the forces on the bodies
from each other are always equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction.

 
Faction  Freaction

2. Mass and weight

The weight, W, of a body is

Gravitational Force: equal to the magnitude Fg of
A gravitational force on a the gravitational force on the
body is a certain type of pull body. W = mg (weight),
that is directed toward a
second body.

Suppose a body of mass m

is in free fall with the free-fall
acceleration of magnitude g.
The force that the body feels
as a result is:
 
F  mg or F  mg
3. Applying Newton’s Laws

Newton’s second law; drawing a free-body diagram

 In a free-body diagram, the only body shown is the
one for which we are summing forces.
 Each force on the body is drawn as a vector arrow
with its tail on the body.
A coordinate system is usually included, and the
acceleration of the body is sometimes shown with a
vector arrow (labeled as an acceleration).
The figure here shows two
horizontal forces acting on a
block on a frictionless floor.
Units in Newton’s Second Law

System Force Mass Acceleration

SI Newton ( N ) kilogram (kg) m/s2
Cgs dyne gram (g) cm/s2
British pound (lb) slug ft/s2

1 dyne = 1 g.m/s2
1 lb = 1 slug.ft/s2
1 N = 105 dyne = 0,2248 lb



Sample problem T
block M
A block S (the sliding block) with mass M 
=3.3 kg. T
The block is free to move along a horizontal 
frictionless surface and connected, by a F gS m
cord that wraps over a frictionless pulley, to
a second block H (the hanging block), with
mass m 2.1 kg. The cord and pulley have 
negligible masses compared to the blocks FgH
(they are “massless”).
The hanging block H falls as the sliding
block S accelerates to the right.
Find (a) the acceleration of block S, (b) the acceleration of block H,
and (c) the tension in the cord.
Key Ideas:
1. Forces, masses, and accelerations are involved, and
they should suggest Newton’s second law of motion:
 
F  ma
 
2. The expression F  ma is a vector equation, so we
can write it as three component equations.
3. Identify the forces acting on each of the bodies and
draw free body diagrams
Thus, for the block we can write Newton’s second law for a
positive-upward y axis,
(Fnet, y= may), as:

for any vertical acceleration ay of the table and block

y y

FN (a) A free-body diagram
 for block S

T (b) A free-body diagram
m T m for block H

 a  Hanging
FgS Block S FgH block H
From the free body diagrams, write Newton’s Second Law
in the vector form, assuming a direction of acceleration for the
whole system. Identify the net forces for the sliding and the
hanging blocks:
Fnet,x= max ; Fnet,y= may Fnet,z= maz
For the sliding block, S, which does not accelerate vertically.
Also, for S, in the x direction, there is only one force
component, which is T.
Fnet, x  ma x  T  ma
Fnet,y  ma y  FN  FgS  0 or FN  FgS
For the hanging block, because the acceleration is along
the y axis.
We eliminate the pulley from consideration by assuming its
mass to be negligible compared with the masses of the two
blocks. With some algebra,

Sample problem

A cord pulls on a box up

along a frictionless plane
inclined at = 300.The box
has mass m =5.00 kg, and
the force from the cord has
magnitude T =25.0 N. What
is the box’s acceleration
component a along the
inclined plane?

For convenience, we draw a coordinate system and a free-body
diagram as shown in Fig. b. The positive direction of the x axis is
up the plane. Force from the cord is up the plane and has
magnitude T=25.0 N. The gravitational force is downward and has
magnitude mg =(5.00 kg)(9.8 m/s2) =49.0 N. Also, the component
along the plane is down the plane and has magnitude mg sinθ as
indicated in the following figure.
To indicate the direction, we can write
the down-the-plane component as -mg sin θ.
Using Newton’s Second Law, we have :

The positive result indicates that the
04/24/22 box accelerates up the plane.
4. Normal Force:

When a body presses

against a surface, the
surface deforms and
pushes on the body with
a normal force, FN, that
is perpendicular to the
In the figure, forces Fg
and FN and are the only
two forces on the block
and they are both (a)A block resting on a table experiences a
vertical. normal force perpendicular to the tabletop.
(b) The free-body diagram for the block.
Halliday D.; Resniick R. and Walker J. (2010). Principles Of
Physics , ninth Edition , John Wiley & SONS Inc, New York,
ISBN: 978-0-470-55653-5

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