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• Animal husbandry has a long history,
starting with Neolithic revolution when
animals were first domesticated, from around
13,000 BC onwards, antedating farming of
the first crops.

• By the time of early civilisations such as

ancient Egypt, cattle, sheep, goats and pigs
were being raised on farms.
What is Stockbreeding?
• Stockbreeding or animal husbandry is the branch of agriculture concerned with
animals that are raised for meat,fibre,milk,eggs,or other products.
• The livestock number in Macedonia is relatively small with 256.000 cattle heads,
680.000 heads of sheep, 255.000 heads of pigs, 31.500 heads of horses, 150.000
heads of goats and 2.264.000 heads of poultry. From the total livestock
production, traditionally only lamb meat production is export oriented and local
requirements are met with imported products.
Stockbreeding in Macedonia
• The stockbreeding in Macedonia is one of the main occupations of rural
population, but it is still underdeveloped and has low productivity.
It includes the breeding of:
 Sheep
 Cattle
 Beekeeping
 Goats
 Poultry
• Cattle production is still the leader livestock branch in the state. Such as in
every state in transition, all the changes and fluctuations of transition
influence a lot on dairy and beef production in the state. The total number
of cattle in the last several years is relatively stable

Year Total no. of cattle-heads Total no of cows

2006 255 430 164 013
2007 253 766 143 217
2008 253 473 147 519
2009 252 521 128 628
2010 259 887 135 004
• The domestic sheep  is a very widespread small ruminant species raised primarily
for its wool, meat, milk and hides. The species has been developed into a
multitude of breeds, adapted to serve different purposes in diverse environments.
The Macedonian sheep breading has a long tradition and it’s supported by
favorable conditions ,meaning flocks are raised in ecologically clean areas.
• According to the official statistics for the period 2000-2008 the annual average of
sheep in the country is 1.28 million.
• Beekeeping, care and management of colonies of honeybees. They are kept for
their honey and other products or their services as pollinators of fruit and vegetable
blossoms or as a hobby. The practice is widespread: honeybees are kept in large cities and
villages, on farms and rangelands, in forests and deserts, from the Arctic and Antarctic to
the Equator.
• Macedonia’s relief characteristics are the main condition honey flow to occur in May and
June (in lower areas) and in June and August in the mountainous regions, where, if there
are conditions in August honey flow occurs on woody species that produce honeydew and
the honeybees produce black (dark) forest honey called ‘Medlichovets’.
Nisa Shaqiri
Eda Stafai
Ali Idrizi

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