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The unity of a Paragraph

Nguyen Manh Cuong

1. Unity
• Chapter 2- textbook
• One paragraph- one topics
• Practice 1, 2 p.19 - textbook 5:
• Drastic and measurable decrease
• Hostility
• Color-blue-food explaination
Viết paragraph
• Viết bằng tiếng Việt, 5 câu, trong file online TW4
• Tiêu đề: âm thanh gây ảnh hưởng đến con người
2. Coherence
• Repeat key nouns:
• Keep balance between key nouns and pronouns (p22-textbook 5)
• Consistent pronouns:
• The same subject- the same pronouns: avoid change from you -> he, she; he,
she -> they (p24,25-textbook 5)
3. Transition signals

• Like traffic signs: help reader

to go forward, stop, turn right

• Example:
• Similiar idea: similarly, and, in addtion
• Opposite idea: on the other hand, but, in contrast
• Example: for example
• A result: therefore, as a result
• Conclusion: in conclusion
3. Transition signals
• List of transition signals: P.27
• Practice:
• Bài tập 7 p.30
• Group: đặt ví dụ cho các transition signals
3. Transition signals: applying into paragraph
• Don’t overuse transition signals <= distracting the content
• Practice 9, p.33
• Arrange your ideas in logical order :
• Chronological order: order by time (first, second,...)
• Logical division of ideas: divided into parts
• Comparison/contrast: similiarity, difference

• Practice 10, p.34

4. Parallel structure
• Unity when listing, comparing, contrasting

Practice: 1 p.181
4. Parallel structure
a) Sentence Fragments: câu chưa được hoàn thiện, p.183
• Ex: Because some students work part-time while taking a full load of
Because some students work part-time while taking a full load of courses, they have very little free time.

• Practice: 2 p.184
4. Parallel structure
b) Choppy sentences: câu quá ngắn, p.185
• Ex: Wind is an enduring source of power. Water is also an unlimited
energy source. Dams produce hydraulic power. They have existed for
a long time. Windmills are relatively new.
Both wind and water are enduring sources of power. Dams have produced hydraulic power for a long time, but
windmills are relatively new.
• Practice: 3 p.186
Equal: Not equal:
4. Parallel structure
c) Stringy sentences: câu quá dài, p.190
• Ex: Many students attend classes all morning, and then they work all
afternoon, and they also have to study at night, so they are usually
exhausted by the weekend.
Many students attend classes all morning and work all afternoon. Since they also have to study at night, they are
usually exhausted by the weekend.

• Practice: 5 p.191
5. Grammar points: Determiner
• Determiner: the, a, my, this, one, some. Ex: some books, a book, the
book, my book
• Countable vs uncountable nouns
• Uncountable nouns: analysis, advice, age, cancer, environment, freedom,...
• Countable nouns: book, student, table,...
Grammar points: “a” or ”the”
• Rule: Use “the” when
1) Both you and reader know
2) Only one possible referent
• Ex: Listener doesn’t know that book
• There is a book on the shelf above my desk; can you bring it here?

• I had a cheese sandwich and an appleAtfor

the lunch.
first time,The sandwich
the listener was
doesn’t finebutbut
know, the
then he
apple had a worm in it. has already known

• I arrived at Heathrow Airport but the check-in was closed. I bought a new
computer but the keyboard was faulty. Only mentioning the check-in at Heathrouw airport, the
keyboard of a new computer
Grammar points: “a” or ”the”
• Rule: Use “the” when
1) Both you and reader know
2) Only one possible referent
• Ex: Only one softest layer
• We removed the softest layer of membrane

• Cairo is the capital of Egypt. A nation only has a capital

• Government policy is committed to protecting the environment.

Only one enviroment on Earth
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