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MBS 217 Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates

and lipids

Lecture 6

Prof A Oelofse
Carbohydrate digestion and absorption
2 steps:

 1: carbohydrases produced by the salivary glands and

 2: brush border
Carbohydrates: Salivary and
Pancreatic enzymes
Enzymes: salivary amylase & pancreatic alpha amylase

PH 6.7 – 7.5

Begins in mouth during mastication mixed with salivary

amylase (parotid and submandibular salivary gland)

Breaks down starches (complex carbohydrates) into

disaccharides (2 simples sugars)

Salivary amylase continues (1-2h) until stomach acids

renders the enzyme inactive
Pancreatic phase
Duodenum: remaining carbohydrates – by pancreatic
alpha amylase.

No disaccharides, tri-saccharides produced through

digestion or any in the food is further digested.
Carbohydrates: Duodenal phase –
brush border
Disaccharides and tri-saccharides broken down into
mono-saccharides by the brush border enzymes of the
intestinal microvilli

Enzyme: Maltase: split bond between 2 glucose

molecules of Maltose

Sucrase: breaks sucrose into glucose and fructose

Lactase: Breaks Lactose – glucose and galactose

Carbohydrate digestion
Lactose - milk – NB in infancy and childhood

Intestinal mucosa stops producing lactase – lactose

Absorption of Monosaccharides
Intestinal epithelium
 Diffusion
 Passive or facilitated
 Co-transport


 Consist of starches, glycogen, sucrose, lactose, glucose, fructose

 Polysaccharides broken down to monosaccharides

 Monosaccharides taken up by active transport or facilitated diffusion and carried to liver

 Glucose is transported to cells requiring energy

 Insulin influences rate of transport
Lipid digestion and
Lecture 7
Lingual lipase – glands from the tongue

Pancreatic lipase

Most abundant fats = TRIGLYCERIDES

 1 Glycerol + 3 Fatty acids

The lipases breaks off 2 FA and leaves a MONO-glyceride

Lipases – water soluble

Lipids form large droplets – lipases only the surface area

Begins with lingual lipase – takes long

Duodenum – only 20% broken down

Lipids: bile salts
Emulsifies lipid droplets after mixing in duodenum –
better access for Pancreatic lipase

PL + Triglycerides = mixture of fatty acids and


Interact with bile salts = lipid-bile salt complexes called



Include triglycerides, phospholipids, steroids, fat-soluble

Emulsification breaks down large lipid droplets to small
Lipids: cell entry
Lipids diffuse across plasma membrane of intestinal
epithelium enter cytoplasm

Synthesize new TRIGLYCERIDES

Tryglycerides+steriods+phopholipids+fat soluble
vitamins Coated in protein = CHYLOMICRONS

Exocytosis into interstitial fluid

Lipids: absorption
Protein coating prevents diffusion into capillaries

Diffuse into intestinal lacteals

Lymphatic vessels – through the thoracic duct and

enters into the bloodstream at the left sub-clavian vein


 Enter lymph
 Transports cholesterol
to cells
 Transports cholesterol
from cells to liver
Absorption areas
Summary of Fat Absorption

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