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I can´t concentrate

at work I can´t sleep well

My house is a mess

I don´t have enough

How important is it your job for you?
What´s Annie´s

What would you have

said to Annie if you
were Rachel?
INSTRUCTIONS: Listen again and underline/ highlight the words stress in the following questions and

A: I didn't really ask anything. What do you think I should do? 

R: Ok. I'll get the details first. 
R: So, I think you should speak to your boss again. 
A: I don't think that´s a good idea...and I don't think there are any jobs
A: Mmm...I don't think I should do that.  

Which phrases express advice?

Giving Advice & Opinions

1.(I think/I really think) you need to/must/should ...

2.It is usually a good idea to ...
3.My suggestion/advice is (to) ...
Talk to your boss
4.Why don't you ...? (infinitive) (complement)
5.You probably/definitely/really should ...
R: So, I think you should speak to your boss again. 

A: Mmm...I don't think I should do that.  

Ask Ophra

1.(I think/I really think) you need to/must/should ...

2.It is usually a good idea to ...
3.My suggestion/advice is (to) ... (infinitive) (complement)
4.Why don't you ...?
5.You probably/definitely/really should ...

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