Session1: Bee Language Community

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• Importance of Linking Words • Tips for using the linking words
• There’s a reason why linking words should be
• There are a few tips that can be kept in mind
while using linking words when a topic is
• The linking words or connectors or linkers help given. Some of them are as follows:
test takers structure the sentences that they are
• Linking words cannot be used everywhere.
going to use, speaking on the given topic.
When the examiner asks you to talk about
• The linking words also help the test takers to go yourself it is advisable not to use linking words.
on speaking until the examiner asks him/her to
• The usage of linking words in the speaking test
stop. They also give you ideas which you can
is completely different from the usage of
add while framing the sentence.
linking words in the writing test.
• The linking words can be used when you have to
• The linking word ‘Like’ can be used only
highlight while speaking. You can use the linking
words in the introduction and conclusion. during speaking, while giving examples. It is
not advisable to use the linking word ‘Like’
• By using linking words you can also phrase an
while writing.
example if the sentence is given is not
understandable. • You will not get a high score only based on
how many times you have used the linking
• The purpose, as well as the opinion of the
words. There should be some content which
sentence that is spoken, can be explained using
impresses the examiner to give a high score.
the linking words.
• The linking words must come naturally while
• If you can use the linking words correctly in the
sentence, then you can get 25% of the marks.

For stating an opinion

While giving your opinion about the topic, you can use the following linking words:
• As far as I am concerned
• Eg: As far as I am concerned, it is all well.
• In my opinion
• Eg: In my opinion, the couple should discuss their problems with a lawyer.
• I believe that
• Eg: I believe that it is not good to invest in gold.
• From my point of view
• Eg: From my point of view, both are equal.
• Linking words meaning: FIRSTLY
• Other linking words similar to ‘firstly’ are 
• to kick off 
• first off 
• first of all 
• at/from the outset = from the beginning

Adding more Information:

When you have to add more information to the sentence, you can use the following linkers for IELTS speaking:
• Another reason is
• Eg: Another reason for placing the pot outside is to get sunlight.
• Also
• Eg:  Also, he was interested in playing the piano.
• And
• Eg: The plant needs water and sunlight.
• As well as
• Eg: He was a writer as well as a soldier
• Linking words meaning: ALSO
• Here are some other linking words similar in meaning to ‘also’:
• On top of that
• What’s more
• And come to think of it (something you remember as you speak)
To express agreement
To express that you agree with the topic that is given, you can use the following linking words:
• I am in an agreement
• Eg: I am in an agreement with him.
• I quite agree that
• Eg: I quite agree that I’m short.
• I accept that
• Eg: I accept that I should oblige.
• Exactly
• Eg: Exactly! That’s what I meant.
• Some Signpost words
• To begin with
• However
• In the same way: cùng lúc đó thì
• Unfortunately: không may là
• Likewise: giống như vậy
• Similarly
• Nonetheless: Tuy nhiên
• Fundamentally: chủ yếu là
• Incidentally: tình cờ
• Furthermore: Hơn nữa
• Time Phrases
• When you want to describe ‘time’ in the • Nowadays
sentence, then you can use the following • Eg: Nowadays, it is quite common to be
IELTS speaking connectors: late to home.
• At the moment • Before
• Eg: At the moment, Tom looked like Jesse. • Eg: It used to be caterpillar before.
• Right now
• In the past
• Eg: I’m in a meeting right now.
• Eg: In the past, India was ruled by the
• At present British.
• Eg: At present, there are no openings in our
• Years ago
• Eg: Years ago, I used to play tennis.
• Now
• Eg: Now, we have a miniature version of • At that time
anaconda called mini conda. • Eg: I was not available at that time.
• These days • Then
• Eg: It is difficult to find a lotus pond, these • Eg: Then, it used to be trams, not buses.
• Causes and Solutions
• When you have to describe the causes and solutions of the particular topic given, you can use
the following linking words for IELTS:
• Because
• Eg: Because I met with an accident, I’m unable to go to the office.
• I guess it is because of
• Eg: I guess it is because of the weather.
• The main reason is
• Eg: The main reason for painting the windows, is to prevent it from rusting.
• It was caused by
• Eg: It was caused by the waves.
• The best way to solve this is
• Eg: The best way to solve this is to put it in water.
• I suppose the best way to deal with this problem is
• Eg: I suppose the best way to deal with this problem is to leave him alone.
• Expressing ideas
• When you have to express ideas for the topic given, you can use the following linking words:
• I think one important thing is
• Eg: I think one important thing is missing here.
• I think the main difference is
• Eg: I think the main difference between a hen and a sparrow is that the latter can fly high.
• I guess one difference is
• Eg: I guess one difference between the twins is the colour of their eyes.
• Giving examples
• When you have to give examples for the topic given, you can use the following linking words:
• For instance
• Eg: They must be creative. For instance, look at this statement.
• Like
• Eg: He looked like his father.
• For example
• Eg: For example, look at this piece of jewellery.
• Such as
• Eg: He has worked for big companies such as DABC.
• To take st as an example
• Being clear
• When you have to clearly state a sentence, you can use the following linking words:
• What I want to say is
• Eg: What I want to say is, they don’t look alike.
• As I was saying
• Eg: As I was saying, you should submit your taxes.
• What I mean is
• Eg: What I mean is, you should not get scared of dogs, else they will bite you.
• Contrasting
• When you have to explain the other side of the topic, you can use the following linking words:
• But
• Eg: But, the movie was not very interesting.
• While, whereas
• Eg: While you were in London, your sister moved to a new house.
• On the one hand , On the other hand
• Eg: On the other hand, it could have been better if it was handcrafted.
• Although
• Eg: Although you know it well, you need to practice.
• Or
• Eg: You should go via route A or B.
Linking words meaning: BUT
These are some linking words similar in meaning to ‘but’,
•mind you
•(but) at the same time
•that said
Here are some examples below, in the answer to this question: 
Do you eat healthy food? 
Yes I do, mind you, I must admit I don’t eat healthy food everyday 
Well, I try to, but at the same time, I must confess I don’t eat healthy food everyday 
Yes I do, that said, it can be a real struggle if you’re eating out with friends,
so I don’t eat healthy food everyday 
Not all the time, though I do eat more healthy food, like salads, in the summer.
• Gap fillers in English language
• They are also called as Discourse markers. Though their main purpose is to avoid fillers like
“um” “ah”, they are also used to indicate emotions.
• Examples:
• Well, John has breathed his last after much suffering. (Indicates emotion)
• I kind of like it. (not sure of)
• You know
• I mean
• like
• Linking words meaning: IN • Linking words meaning: TO BE
• The following mean ‘summarising’ • The following linking words are all
• overall similar in meaning to ‘to be honest’,
• in a nutshell  • to be frank

• basically    • quite honestly

• to be totally up front

- Let’s divide into 4 groups

- Each group have 5 mins to draw some mind maps
- Each team will have 3 mins to talk before the class
There are so many events in my life which shaped me as I am today but If I have to choose, I’d
like to describe my bachelor graduation ceremony. It was a very monumental achievement of
my life. I got admitted to this university in 2013 after a long and complicated procedure and
after 4 years studying there, it is all worth it.

I studied Tourism Management in Stenden which is one of the most famous universities in the
Netherlands. I was one of only 30 students who managed to graduate with honor. I still
remember the atmosphere and the joy me and my friends have during the ceremony. Not only
the Dean but also the Dutch education minister were there to give us the degree and to
congratulate us for our hard work.

Each student invited their loved ones to the ceremony. I brought my parents to join me and they
all looked happy and was very proud of me. During this occasion, I was very happy but my
head also filled with lots of uncertainties. My future career, what I will do, where I will be and
what I will become are questions dancing around in my head.

In this lesson, we did

- Review Past simple and “ed”
- Get familiar with P3 listening and multiple choice
- Learn about P3 in Speaking
- Give a part 2 talk about special occasions


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