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Presented by: Group 3


Mikaela Victoria Khalil

Trixcy Jeanne Nunez
Diana Jane Tumarong
Giljonamar Vinson
John Mark Gonzales
Marlon Manalo
Micko Tomimbang
Many individuals mistakenly believe that cement and concrete are
the same thing – they are not. Cement is a dry powdered material
that gradually combines with water to generate a new hard, solid
product. Concrete, on the other hand, is a combination of cement,
water, and varied particle sizes. When the cement and water
harden, they produce a paste that binds the aggregates together.
Concrete is a flexible working material that can be shaped into
practically any desired shape when it is initially mixed. When
combined, it stiffens gradually yet stays flexible and useable
for several hours. This is a sufficient amount of time for it to
be installed and finished.
Hollow concrete blocks and bricks are becoming increasingly
popular these days. These blocks are commonly utilized in the
construction of multi-story structures, industries, and
residential buildings. Because of their inexpensive cost, these
hollow blocks are widely employed in compound walls. Because of
their small weight and ease of ventilation, hollow blocks are
more practical. Cement, sand, and stone chips are used to make
the blocks and bricks. Electrical conduit, water, and soil pipes
may all be hidden with hollow block architecture. It saves cement
in masonry work, lowering building costs significantly.
Harmon S. Palmer of the United States created the first hollow
concrete block in 1890. Palmer patented the idea in 1900 after
ten years of experimentation. Palmer's blocks were 8 in (20.3 cm)
by 10 in (25.4 cm) by 30 in (76.2 cm) and had to be carried into
place with a tiny crane because they were so heavy. In 1905, an
estimated 1,500 businesses in the United States were producing
concrete blocks. These early blocks were mainly cast by hand, and
the average output per worker per hour was roughly 10 blocks.
Concrete block production is now a highly automated process
capable of producing up to 2,000 blocks per hour.
 Fineness Test:
Fineness of the cement is
tested to check the grinding
of the cement which plays the
direct role in influencing
the rate of hydration, rate
of development of strength
and rate of evolution of
heat. Fineness of the cement
is tested either by sieve
test or air permeability
 Sieve test:
(i) Take 100 gms of cement
to be tested and place it
over standard IS sieves
No. 9 (90μ).
(ii) Break the air set
lumps in the cement if any
by fingers.
(iii) Perform the sieving
for at least 15 min and
weight the residue left
over the sieve which for
OPC should not exceed 10%
of its original weight.
(iv) Sieve test is rarely
performed practically in
today's time
 Air permeability Test:
This method of test overs the
procedure for determining the
fineness of the cement i.e.
expressed as specific area
(Surface area/weight) and
represented in terms of total
surface area in cm2/gm.
Generally, Blanes Air
Permeability apparatus is
used to perform on the test.
This principle of this test
is based upon relationship
b/w the flow of air to the
bed of cement particles and
size of cement particles
surface area of cement
particles forming the cement
bed Specific surface area for
OPC should not be less than
2250 cm2/gm.
 Compressive Strength:
In order to find the
compressive strength of
cement, prepare the motor
of cement and standard sand
(Ennore sand) in the
proportion of 1 ; 3 (weight
of standard sand is kept to
be 550 gm for preparation
of mortar). Having w/c
ratio of 0.4 Place the
mortar in the moulds of 75
mm and subject it to
crowing for sufficient
duration The compressive
strength of cube are
further tested in UTM.
 Tensile Strength:
Tensile strength of
cement or concrete cannot
be tested directly (as
they are brittle
material). Tensile of
strength of cement is
computed by preparing the
mortar as in above test
which is further placed
in standard in

Tensile strength =failing

load / 6.45
Standard Consistency Test
 In order to find initial setting time,
final setting times, soundness and
strength a parameter termed as standard
consistency is find. Standard
consistency is consistency of the cement
which permits the penetration of Vicat's
Plunger of diametre 10 mm and height 50
mm into the moulds of the given sample
of amount up to the depth of 33 to 35 mm
from the top and 5mm to 7 mm from
bottom. This test hence deals with
finding the water content at which the
cement paste of standard consistency is
prepared. In order to perform this test
take 500 gms cement and add 24% of water
by weight in first trial of form the
mould. Remove the air voids if any found
during the preparation of mould. However
the plunger gently up to the top surface
of the mould and release it quickly.
Repeat this test up tell the penetration
of 33-35 mm is observed from the top.The
percentage of water at which standard
consistency is observed is denoted by
'p' this test is performed at 24 ±2ºC
and at the relative humidity of 90%.
Setting Time TEST
 Initial setting time: is defined as
the time measured from the instant
water is added into the time up to
the times it starts loosing its
 Final setting times is taken as the
elapsed between the moment water is
added in the cement up to the time
completely looses its plasticity and
attains sufficient firmness and is
capable of resisting definite
pressure. In order to find the final
setting time, needle with annular
collar is lowered into the mould
Final setting time is taken as the
time at which needle is able to make
an impression over the mould but
annular collar fail to do so. For
OPC, Final setting times is taken as
10 hrs.

 It is important that
cement after setting
does not shows any
appreciable change in
volume as it seriously
affect the durability
of structure (cracking)
when cement is used in
its construction.
Soundness due to lime

 Soundness due to lime is

measured by lime chatlier's
apparatus that consists of
small split cylinder of
spring brass of diameter 30
mm and of height 30 mm. An
indicator arms of length
165mm is placed on either
side of the split. The
displacement of the split is
again measured after removing
the mould from the water. The
difference of the reading
during the both part of the
test must not exceed 10 mm
for OPC.
Soundness due to time and Magnesia

 Soundness due to lime and

magnesia is found using
Autoclave test which is
sensitive to both. In order
to perform this test, mould
of neat cement of size 25 mm
is prepared and is placed in
the autoclave in which
pressure of steam is raised
upto 21 kg/cm2 and is
maintained for 3 hours.
Change in size of the mould
after removing it from
autoclave should not exceed
0.8% or 2mm the original

 The ratio of percentage of

Alumina to iron oxide should
not be less than 0.66.
 The ratio of percentage of
line to silica, alumina and
iron oxide (termed to lime
saturation factor) is 0.66.
 Lime saturation factor = 0.66
Ca O – 0.75 O3 1.02
 Total sulphur content 2.75%.
 Weight of insoluble residue
 Total loss on ignition 4%.
 Weight of magnesia 5%.
1.Date of
As the strength of cement reduces
with age, the date of manufacturing
of cement bags should be checked.

1 year – Loses 40% to 50% Strength

6 months – Loses 30% to 40% Strength
3 months – Loses 20% to 30% Strength
2. Cement Color:
The color of cement should be
uniform. It should be typical
cement color i.e. gray color with a
light greenish shade.

Dark Greenish Grey Color – New

Light Grey Color – Old or under
attack of moisture
3. Whether Hard
Lumps are
Cement should be free from hard LUMPS
lumps. Such lumps are formed by the
absorption of moisture from the
4. Temperature
inside the
If the hand is plunged into a bag
of cement, it should be cool inside
the cement bag. If hydration
reaction takes place inside the
bag, it will become warm.
5. Smoothness

When cement is touched or rubbed in

between fingers, it should give a
smooth feeling. If it felt rough,
it indicates adulteration with
6. Water Sinking
If a small quantity of cement is
thrown into the water, it should
float some time before finally
7. The smell of
Cement Paste:

A thin paste of cement with water

should feel sticky between the
fingers. If the cement contains too
much-pounded clay and silt as an
adulterant, the paste will give an
earthy smell.
8. Glass Plate
A thick paste of cement with water
is made on a piece of a glass plate
and it is kept under water for 24
hours. It should set and not crack.
9. Block Test:
A 25mm × 25mm × 200mm (1”×1”×8”)
block of cement with water is made.
The block is then immersed in water
for three days. After removing, it
is supported 150mm apart and a
weight of 15kg uniformly placed
over it. If it shows no sign of
failure the cement is good.
What is Concrete Hollow
A Concrete masonry unit (CMU) - also called
Concrete block, cement block, and foundation
b l o c k - is a large rectangular brick used in
construction. Concrete blocks are made from cast
concrete, example: Portland cement and aggregate,
usually sand and fine gravel for high-density
blocks. Lower density blocks may use industrial
wastes as an aggregate.
What is Masonry?

• Any building material made of stone.

• Used for walls.
Two types of Masonry

• Structured/load-bearing - this is used for

exterior walls.

• Non s t r u c t u r e d / n o n load-bearing - this is used

for interior walls.
Parts of a masonry unit
• Core
• Stretcher or
Face Shell
• Header
• Web
Arrangements of Masonry Unit
Two types of load-Bearing Blocks
• Type N - Blocks rated N are rated for use as
exterior walls b o t h above and below grade

• Type S - concrete blocks rated Sare not rated

for moisture penetration and are used instead
as interior walls or as above grade exterior
walls w i t h a weather protective coating.
5 Main types of Concrete
hollow blocks:
Hollow load-bearing concrete block

Load bearing concrete

hollow block are block
that can or intended to
carry load aside from its
own weight. Easier
handling and facility for
conducting or steel
reinforcement through the
Solid load-bearing Concrete Block
Solid masonry, without steel
reinforcement, tends to have
very limited applications in
modern wall construction. Such
walls can, however, be quite
economical and suitable in some
applications; solid
unreinforced masonry walls
tend to be low and thick as a
consequence of their lack of
tensile strength.
Hollow non load-bearing
concrete block

• Non-load bearing concrete

hollow block are used for
fences, wall partition
or divider and this is
not intended to carry
Concrete building tile
• Concrete tiles are made from
sand, water, cement and
pigments, and are not fired
like clay tiles, but cured
at temperatures of
approximately 60 degrees
Celsius. The curing process
makes them sturdy enough to
be transported and laid
within a few days of
manufacture, and they get
Concrete Brick
• Concrete brick is made from
solid concrete. These bricks
are used to cover the facade
of a home, build fences,
and enhance the overall
beauty of a home's
• Concrete bricks are quickly
becoming a popular
alternative to other home
facade materiaIs.
Concrete technology is developing fast
over the past several decades, and
increasingly more high-performance
concretes are now available in the
market. Among others, ultra-high
performance concrete (UHPC) is best
known for its high mechanical strength
and material durability.
What is Concrete?
Concrete, an artificial stone-like mass,
is the composite material that is created
by mixing binding material (cement or
lime) along with the aggregate (sand,
gravel, stone, brick chips, etc.), water,
admixtures, etc in specific proportions.
The strength and quality are dependent on
the mixing proportions.
What is Concrete?
Concrete, an artificial stone-like mass, is the
composite material that is created by mixing
binding material (cement or lime) along with the
aggregate (sand, gravel, stone, brick chips,
etc.), water, admixtures, etc in specific
proportions. The strength and quality are
dependent on the mixing proportions.
The formula for producing concrete from
its ingredients can be presented in the
following equation:

Concrete = Binding Material + Fine &

Coarse Aggregate + Water + Admixture
Concrete is a very necessary and useful material
for construction work. Once all the ingredients
-cement, aggregate, and water unit of
measurement mixed inside the required
proportions, the cement and water begin a
reaction with one another to bind themselves
into a hardened mass. This hardens the rock-like
mass is the concrete.
Concrete is powerful, easy to create, and could be
formed into varied shapes and sizes. Besides that, it is
reasonable, low cost, and is instantly mixed. It is
designed to allow reliable and high-quality fast-track
construction. Structures designed with the concrete unit
of measurement plenty durable and should be designed to
face up to earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons, and
tornadoes. This is an incredible advancement. With all
the scientific advances there are in this world, there
still has not been a way of preventing nature's injury.
• In a building construction, concrete is used
for the construction of foundations, columns,
beams, slabs and other load bearing elements.

• There are different types of binding material

is used other than cement such as lime for lime
concrete and bitumen for asphalt concrete which
is used for road construction.
• Water cement ratio plays an important role
which influences various properties such as
workability, strength and durability. Adequate
water cement ratio is required for production
of workable concrete.
• When water is mixed with materials, cement
reacts with water and hydration reaction
starts. This reaction helps ingredients to form
a hard matrix that binds the materials together
into a durable stone-like material.
• Concrete can be casted in any shape. Since it
is a plastic material in fresh state, various
shapes and sizes of forms or formworks are used
to provide different shapes such as
rectangular, circular etc.
Components of Concrete
• Components of concrete are cement, sand,
aggregates and water. Mixture of Portland
cement and water is called as paste. So,
concrete can be called as a mixture of paste,
sand and aggregates. Sometimes rocks are used
instead of aggregates.
• The cement paste coat the surface of the fine
and coarse aggregates when mixed thoroughly and
binds them. Soon after mixing the components,
hydration reaction starts which provides
strength and a rock solid concrete is obtained.
Grades of Concrete
• Grade of concrete denotes its strength required
for construction. For example, M30 grade
signifies that compressive strength required
for construction is 30MPa. The first letter in
grade “M” is the mix and 30 is the required
strength in MPa.
Grades of Concrete
• Based on various lab tests, grade of concrete
is presented in Mix Proportions. For example,
for M30 grade, the mix proportion can be 1:1:2,
where 1 is the ratio of cement, 1 is the ratio
of sand and 2 is the ratio of coarse aggregate
based on volume or weight of materials.
• The strength is measured with concrete cube or
cylinders by civil engineers at construction
site. Cube or cylinders are made during casting
of structural member and after hardening it is
cured for 28 days. Then compressive strength
test is conducted to find the strength.
Concrete Mix Compressive Strength
Grade Ratio

MPa (N/) psi

Normal Grade of Concrete

M5 1:5:10 5 MPa 725 psi

M7.5 1:4:8 7.5 MPa 1087 psi

M10 1:3:6 10 MPa 1450 psi

M15 1:2:4 15 MPa 2175 psi

M20 1:1.5:3 20 MPa 2900 psi

Concrete Mix Compressive Strength
Grade Ratio

MPa (N/) psi

Standard Grade of Concrete

M25 1:1:2 25 MPa 3625 psi

M30 Design Mix 30 MPa 4350 psi

M35 Design Mix 35MPa 5075 psi

M40 Design Mix 40MPa 5800 psi

M45 Design Mix 45 MPa 6525 psi

Concrete Mix Compressive Strength
Grade Ratio

MPa (N/) psi

High Strength Concrete Grades

M50 Design Mix 50 MPa 7250 psi

M55 Design Mix 55MPa 7975 psi

M60 Design Mix 60MPa 8700 psi

M65 Design Mix 65MPa 9425 psi

M70 Design Mix 70 MPa 10150 psi

How to
Concrete is
manufactured or
mixed in
proportions with
regards to cement
quantity. There are
two types of
concrete mixes,
that is nominal mix
and design mix.
How to Make Concrete?
• In the nominal mix concrete, all the ingredients
and their proportions are prescribed in the
standard specifications. These proportions are
specified in the ratio of cement
to aggregates for certain strength achievement.
• As per the ‘Indian Standard- IS 456:2000’,
nominal mix concrete may be used for concrete of
M20 grade or lower grade such as M5, M7.5, M10,
How to Make Concrete?
How to Make Concrete?
• Nominal mix generally contains volumetric
batching. Normally the proportion is decided by
the weight, and for concreting it is converted
to volumetric proportion, that is in respect to
1 bag of cement, 50 kg of cement standard
measurement boxes are made on site, which is in
the proportion of 1 bag of cement. These
measurement boxes called box gauges.
How to Make Concrete?
Advantages of Nominal Mix Concrete
• The nominal mix is the prescriptive type
concrete because a proportion is pre-decided.
• It is easy to make at the construction site.
• It doesn’t take much time to decide the
proportion because proportions are already
given by standard code.
• No need to get skilled persons for making the
nominal mix concrete.
How to Make Concrete?
Disadvantages of Nominal Mix Concrete
• The major drawback of nominal mix is, it’s based on the
experience and past empirical studies, and it lacks a proven
scientific approach.
• It may or may not create exactly designed strength unless all
the other factors like compaction, water-cement ratio, curing
of concrete are strictly followed.
• The water-cement ratio is considered by assumption so, if we
don’t take care of it, sometimes it leads
to bleeding and segregation of concrete resulting in poor
strength and accordingly it hampers the durability of concrete.
• There is no consideration for properties of aggregates such as
grading and density of aggregate etc.
How to Make Concrete?
• In the nominal mix, sometimes cement content is used
higher than the requirement, which increases the
overall cost of the construction.
• No laboratory tests are conducted to ensure the
quality of fresh concrete.
• This mix does not consider and check specific
properties of individual ingredients. For example, if
we take cement as an element, the fineness of cement,
the grade of cement and type of cement, size and
grading of aggregate etc. are generally not counted
individually while making this nominal mix concrete.
How to Make Concrete?
Design Mix
• In design mix concrete, proportions of the
ingredients are properly determined with their
relative ratio to achieve the concrete of
desired strength. Not only the desired strength
but also according to the properties of fresh
concrete like workability or performance of
concrete with the certain specifications are
taken in detail consideration.
How to Make Concrete?
Guidelines for Mix Design
• IS Method – Concrete mix proportioning
guidelines (Bureau of Indian Standards – I.S.
10262- 2009) and Recommended Guidelines for
Concrete Mix Design- I.S. 10262- 1982
• BS Method – (British Standard – BS EN 206- 1
and its complementary standards BS 8500 parts
1& 2)
• ACI Method – (American Standard – ACI 211, 211-
91, reapproved- 2002).
How to Make Concrete?
Requirement of Materials Properties for Mix
1. Cement:
• Grade of the Cement,
• Consistency of the Cement
• Initial Setting Time and Final Setting Time of
the Cement
• Specific Gravity of the Cement
How to Make Concrete?
2. Aggregate:
• Density of the Aggregates
• Bulking of the Fine Aggregate
• The Specific Gravity of the Fine Aggregate and the Coarse
• Grading of the Aggregate
• Fineness Modulus
• Particle Size
• Silt Content
• Specific Gravity and Water Absorption
• Unit Weight etc.
How to Make Concrete?
Advantages of Mix Design Concrete
• Design mix is more scientific than the nominal mix.
• Mix design is widely used for more extensive and important
concrete works.
• Mix design is based on the actual available material to be used
in construction work.
• If the locally available material can satisfy the standard
criteria, it can be used for making mix design concrete so that
the mix can reduce the cost of importing material from outside.
• The quantity of the ingredient to be used are rational, that is
it’s neither overused nor underused.
• It is based on the laboratory trial/error experiment method.
How to Make Concrete?
• It gives an assurance of strength.
• Mix design concrete is performance-based concrete.
• The designer can use admixtures rationally to modify
the properties of concrete according to their
• Slump and strength can be related. We can use different
slump by changing water/cement ratio with or without
the use of admixtures so that it suits the concreting
of different elements, but for thin elements like
chhajja or thin walls, it may need a larger slump, i.e.
higher w/c ratio or more quantity of admixture. This is
not possible in the use of the nominal mix.
How to Make Concrete?
How to Make Concrete?
Disadvantages of Mix Design Concrete
• Mix Design is more time consuming.
• If the type or quality of desired ingredient gets changed
during the progress of work, all the proportion will get
changed of mix design concrete. Strict supervision is
required as it is important, or we may end up making a
fresh design which may delay the entire project.
• It is always better to have mix design with 2/3 possible
brands of cement and to have aggregate from different
• Need the involvement of the skilled persons to prepare
the mix design.
• Plain concrete – It is the simplest kind of concrete that

Types of does not require any reinforcement. The most commonly used
mix is cement, aggregates and water in the proportion 1:2:4.
The density of this concrete is between 2200 and 2500
Concrete kg/cubic metre, whereas its compressive strength is in the
range of 200 to 500 kg/square centimetres. Usually, plain
Constructio concrete is used for constructing pavements, footpaths and
buildings in areas that do not require high tensile

n strength.
Types of
• Normal-strength concrete –
Normal-strength concrete is
similar to plain concrete as the
same ingredients are used in its
preparation. There is an initial
setting time of around 30 to 90
minutes, depending on the
properties of the cement being
used and the weather conditions
at the site. The strength of
this type of concrete is between
10 MPa and 40 MPa
Types of
• High-strength Concrete –
High-strength concrete is
prepared by decreasing the
water-cement ratio to less
than 0.35. Such concrete has
strength exceeding 40 MPa.
Working with high-strength
concrete is a significant
issue because of its lower
level of performance.
Types of Concrete
• Rapid-strength concrete – As
the name suggests, rapid-
strength concrete acquires
its strength within a few
hours of its preparation. It
ensures quick construction
of buildings and roads. One
of the most common
applications of rapid-
strength concrete is for
repairing roads.
Types of Concrete
• High-performance
concrete – These types
of concrete display a
high level of
performance. They
conform to specific
standards such as rapid
strength gain, easy
placement, high
permeability, high
durability, life term
mechanical properties
and addressing
environmental concerns.
Types of
• Ultra high-performance
concrete – Besides the
common ingredients used for
manufacturing concrete,
ultra high-performance
concrete requires silica
fume, quartz flour and fine
silica sand. One can also
use high-range water
reducers, steel or organic
fibres to improve the
strength of the mix. The
advantage of UHPC is that it
does not require the
presence of steel rebars to
reinforce the structure.
UHPC has a compressive
strength of up to 29000 psi.
Types of Concrete
• Roller compacted
concrete – This type of
concrete requires the
placing of concrete and
compacting it with the
help of road rollers.
This type of concrete
requires less cement
comparatively, but it can
provide higher density.
Types of Concrete

• Asphalt concrete – Surface

roads, airports, parking lots
and embankment of dams require
asphalt concrete. They are
manufactured by mixing asphalt
and aggregates.
Types of
• Reinforced concrete – Plain
concrete does not have high
tensile strength. Introducing
reinforcement in the form of steel
rods, bars, meshes or fibres can
improve the overall strength of
concrete. RCC has tremendous
application in the construction of
columns, ceilings, bridges and
other structures that require a
high level of strength.
Types of
• Ready-mix concrete –
Ready-mix concrete is
concrete that is mixed
at a central mixing
plant and brought to the
construction site in a
ready-to-use condition.
One should take care of
the time required for
transportation while
using ready-mix concrete
as the mixture can
harden if there is an
undue delay.
Types of
• Stamped concrete –
Driveways, patios and
interior floors that
require an aesthetic
appearance generally use
stamped concrete. This
architectural concrete
allows the creation of
realistic patterns such
as natural stones, tiles
and granites using
professional stamping
Types of
• Self-consolidating
concrete – As the name
suggests, this type of
concrete consolidates
by its weight without
entailing the use of
vibration. Such a
concrete mix has high
Types of
• Prestressed concrete – Mega
concrete projects use pre-
stressed concrete units where
the bars used in the concrete
are stressed before the actual
application of the service
load. The construction process
requires the tensioned bars to
be placed firmly from each end
of the unit. It makes the
lower section of the structure
stronger against the tension.
Usually, the assembly of pre-
stressing units takes place at
the construction site. The
construction of bridges, fly-
overs, heavy-loaded structures
requires pre-stressed
Types of Concrete Construction
• Precast concrete – Small units like concrete blocks, poles, concrete lintels,
staircase units and precast walls use precast concrete. The advantage of precast
concrete is that it is manufactured according to individual specifications. The
assembly of the units takes place at the construction site.
Types of
• Shotcrete concrete –
Shotcrete concrete is
different from other
types of concrete in
the way it is applied.
It is shot into a
structural frame with
the help of a nozzle.
The process involves
shooting the concrete
at a high air pressure
that results in
simultaneous placing
and compacting.
Types of Concrete
• Lightweight concrete –
Concrete having a density
lower than 1920 kg/cubic
metre is called lightweight
concrete. Some of the
typical aggregates used to
manufacture lightweight
concrete are pumice, scoria
and perlites. It is used in
applications such as the
construction of long span
bridge decks and their
building blocks.
Types of
• High-density concrete – Also known
as heavyweight concrete, this type
of concrete has a density in the
range of 3000 to 4000 kg/cubic
metre. High-density concrete is
prepared using heavyweight
aggregates such as barytes. Some
common applications of this type of
concrete include the construction
of atomic power plants whene
ensuring high resistance against
any kind of radiation leak is of
utmost importance.
Types of
• Polymer concrete – In
polymer concrete, the
aggregates bond with the
polymer rather than cement
which in turn helps in
reducing the volume of voids
in the aggregates. There are
three types of polymer
concrete which include
polymer impregnated
concrete, partially
impregnated polymer concrete
and polymer cement concrete.
Types of
• Air entrained
concrete – It is a
special type of
concrete where
air, gas or foam
is purposely
infused in up to
6% of the
Types of Concrete
• Limecrete – Limecrete involves the use
of limestone instead of cement in the
preparation process. It has applications
in the construction of floors, domes and
Types of Concrete
• Pervious concrete – Pavements
and driveways use pervious or
permeable concrete as it
allows stormwater to
percolate into the ground.
Such concrete can solve
drainage issues.
Types of Concrete

• Glass concrete – This modern

concrete uses recycled glass
as aggregates to increase the
aesthetic appeal of the
structure. Besides being
durable, this concrete
provides thermal insulation.
Types of
• Vacuum concrete –
This concrete mix
contains a higher
proportion of water.
Their preparation
process involves
suction of excess
water using a vacuum
pump without waiting
for the concrete
mixture to set. This
process hastens the
strengthening period
of the structure from
28 days to around ten
Types of Concrete Construction
• Pumped concrete – High-rise construction requires the pumping of the
concrete to great heights. Hence, in these construction sites pumped
concrete, which is fluid in nature with high workability, is used to
enable the pumping of the concrete mix through pipes or flexible
Steps of Concrete Construction
1.Selecting quantities of materials for selected mix
3.Checking of workability
5.Pouring in formwork for casting
6.Vibrating for proper compaction
7.Removal of formwork after suitable time
8.Curing member with suitable methods and required

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