Aztec Culture-Used To.

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Luis A.

Used to-Aztec culture
Melanie Rebolledo Cruz
Mary Jose Jiménez Rodríguez
Hannia Loyo Ruiz
Cruzaley Nieto Palacios
Gustavo Guzmán Zamudio
3° A
This culture comes from the Mesoamerican civilization; the
word “Azteca” comes from a legendary northern land called
“Aztlán”. The Aztecs were a people that, through military
alliances with other groups and populations, expanded rapidly
and dominated the central and southern areas of present-day
Mexico between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries.
Geographic location

The Aztec Empire was located

in the center of the Valley of
Mexico; ruled and colonized the
central Mesoamerican region in
a triple alliance between the
peoples of Texcoco (Acolhuas),
Tlacopan (Tepanecas) and
Mexico-Tenochtitlán. In fact,
Tenochtitlán was the capital of
the entire Empire.

The language spoken by the

Aztecs was Nahuatl; It was in the
15th century that this language
spread throughout the territories
dominated by the Aztec empire.
The imperial influence made the
variant of Nahuatl spoken by the
inhabitants of Mexico-
Tenochtitlan, a language of
prestige in the Mesoamerican
Social organization
The Tlatocán or "Great Council" was the
most important organism of the Aztec
Empire. Based on religious and military
aspects, the social organization of the
Aztecs was made up of community groups
or calpullis; In each of these groups there
were hierarchically structured social
-Ruler or Tatloni (the highest authority of
the calpullis).
-Tetecuhtin (priests, military chiefs or
high public officials).
-Pipiltlin (warriors).
-Merchants, artisans and peasants.
-Prisoners of war or tlacotin.
-Servants and slaves.
From their birth the Aztecs belonged to a clan
that was made up of families that shared
common interests. The woman could marry
from the age of 16, unlike the man who had
to turn 20 to start his family. One of the
benefits of the married man was that he
received a plot, but he only had the right to
keep the produce of the land. Food
preparation was one of the factors that made a
man want to find a wife in a short time.
Among the rights of married women, the
following can be mentioned:
-Have assets.
-Search for justice through the "Great
-Divorce as a result of physical abuse.
-After being widowed, she could remarry, but
to a man who belonged to the same clan as
her late husband.
Religious beliefs
The Aztecs worshiped many gods that
represented different aspects of life, the
Aztec gods were considered
multifaceted, since they did not have a
defined place. in the rites they carried
out human sacrifices, prisoners of war or
Sacrifices were very common during
agricultural ceremonies, they had the
belief that this way they ensured a good
harvest and they believed that human
blood and the hearts of those sacrificed
gave the gods strength or calm when
they were angry.
Its economic system was based
mainly on barter because it was
considered a precapitalist
society; purchases were made
with cocoa beans, it worked as
Agriculture was also
fundamental in the Aztec
economy, as were other
activities such as hunting and

The staple food of the Aztec

people was corn. Some other
main foods of the Aztecs were
cocoa, chili, beans, birds,
tomato, among others. The
Aztecs did not have cattle and
therefore did not taste milk or
cheese. Due to various
circumstances, they got used
to eating roasted or boiled
The women's clothing was characterized
by the use of a skirt called cueitl that
was secured with a band or cihua
necuitalpiloni, at the top they wore a
sleeveless blouse or huipilli, adorned
with various designs.
The man's clothing was simpler, in
addition to the loincloth or maxtl, they
used a triangular cape or tilma, which
according to its construction and color
portrays the social status of the person
who wore it.
As for the children; children under three
years old were naked, after that age,
their clothes were white, girls wore
skirts, boys wore capes.
Artistic expressions
Music, science and art were very
important within the Aztec culture,
especially music as it was used in
religious rituals.
Aztec art was characterized by
being violent and mute; in
addition, it was composed of
numerous symbols.
Sculpture was monumental and
closely associated with great
architectural constructions.
Ceramic was recognized as a
popular expression, generally
focused on the representation of
human figures and divinities.
ulture women used to be in charge of the home and edu
culture used to make human sacrifices in the name of t
culture didn’t used to allow men to marry until after th
Aztec culture emperors used to be the ones who ruled t
In the Aztec culture the gods
used to be multifaceted.
Did the Aztec culture use to utilize cocoa
as its main commercial product?
Yes, they did
ed to be the most advanced civilization to see pre-Colu
Aztec culture used to bathe at least once a day.
e Aztec culture used to build temples to worship the go
lture they didn’t used to being atheists, they worshiped
for your

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