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Level 2 IT Unit 13 -

Assignment 1
Your name and date of submission
What will you be doing in this assignment. Look at the assignment brief and summarise what you have been asked to do.

I am a junior web developer for Pixels Designs and I have been asked to compare Manchester United and MTV websites and look at
their intended use.
Intended use of
What is this site and what is its purpose? What does the first page show? Add a screenshot of the page.
Minimum of 150 words

MTV is an American cable channel and also has it’s own website.

MTV is based around music and reality TV and it contains news information about celebrities and so on. It’s purpose is to entertain
viewers with celeb gossip and showcase new music, episodes and trending news.

Based on the website I would say it's aimed for teenagers as it’s more of the younger generation type of scene.

The first page shows different news headlines and they’re not really about serious news issues which shows its based for a younger
but mature than children audience. You can see it tells you about celebrities personal life such as the pregnancies of famous people
and who is on top of the singles chart. It also has a lot of videos on the first page of the website such as interviews and the latest
music videos. There’s also different galleries which show celebs in action.
Intended use of
What is this site and what is its purpose? What does the first page show? Add a screenshot of the page.

Minimum of 150 words

The Manchester United website is a sports and entertainment website showcasing their football team.
It is filled with things that gives the viewer a nice read and it’s purpose is to give the fans a place where they can get insights.
The first page shows the the highlights of recent games played and also how well the team has been playing.
It gives praise to the members on the team and it portrays it in a good way.
It also has a news section so viewers can get more of an understanding of current affairs.
There is also a shopping section and it advertises the teams kits which attracts people into considering buying.
There is a section at the bottom of the page which showcases the matches that have been played with the scoreboard and the up and
coming matches. Lots of pictures and videos are available on the website which gives in a entertaining side to it.
Features of
What is the interface like? Are there any blogs? What are the menus like? How often does the site update?
Is this a static or dynamic site? Use your mind map here to help you and go through each feature and explain it.

Minimum of 150 words

The interface of the website is designed quite well. The logo is where you can see it and it states the brand. There is also a list of
buttons at the top of the site which makes for easy navigation. Also a search bar which helps navigate nicely. There is also a
option to share the certain topics which makes it easy to share with friends and doesn’t require them to scroll to find it whereas if it
didn’t they’d have to scroll to find the topic. This site is dynamic as it constantly gets updated with different news, new matches to
be played and future matches. There are good headings and it is clear to the viewer. There's also a use of banners and the
colours used are light which makes it aesthetically pleasing to the user. Also a sign in/sign up feature which is good for the
company as it can send updates through email.
Features of
What is the interface like? Are there any blogs? What are the menus like? How often does the site update?
Is this a static or dynamic site? Use your mind map here to help you and go through each feature and explain it.

Minimum of 150 words

The interface of the website is designed quite well. The logo is where you can see it and it states the brand. There is also a list of
buttons at the top of the site which makes for easy navigation. Also a search bar which helps navigate nicely. There is also a option to
share the certain topics which makes it easy to share with friends and doesn’t require them to scroll to find it whereas if it didn’t they
would have to scroll to find the topic. This site is dynamic as it constantly gets updated with different news, new matches to be played
and future matches. There is good headings and it is clear to the viewer. There's also a use of banners and the colours used are light
which makes it aesthetically pleasing to the user. Also a sign in/sign up feature which is good for the company as it can send updates
through email.
Also a dynamic website
How the website features that are used improve

It looks like its made for fans of celeb gossip and looks like entertainment news. The colours are basic but it works well.
there is a bright logo which is very visible. White text stands out on the backgrounds. Quite large towards the main
headlines a bit smaller when it gets to the other ones. It is a modern look but simple and it is quite appealing as it include
pictures but doesn’t let you know about it too much therefore making you want to know more about it. It also contains
explicit material which shows it’s not something for kids to be on. Also the text is quite plain which doesn’t appeal to
children and is suitable for more of a mature audience. There is a mix of graphics and text but I would say there’s more
graphics. The buttons are also bright yellow which makes it stand out as circled above.

Minimum of 150 words

Add a screenshot to show an example of useability.

Are there any hyperlinks or buttons? How easy is it to navigate through the website. Are the menus easy to use? Is it easy to find

There are buttons on the top of the website which go to different topics of conversation such as shows, full episodes, live TV, Music and
more. For categories like the shows section if you hover the mouse over the button it comes up with a pop up display of options to click.
It’s easy to navigate & everything is quite large which is easy to read. The menus are easy to find right at the top where it is visible, has
lots of categories. Also has a portability menu for users looking at the website from their phone. Quite easy to find information but it is
mostly a entertainment website. The menu is easy to use because their is names for each section and it goes down and also across the
page.It is easy to find information because there is lot of it and you can also type in the subject.

Minimum of 150 words
Add a screen shot to show how the website aids accessibility.

Are there descriptions of videos/images when you hover over the slides? Are suitable colours used for people who have a visual
impairment? What has the website done to cater for people with a visual or hearing impairment?

There is text underneath the contents of the screenshot. It explains what the episode is about and gives the viewer a insight.
It only has descriptive text underneath the series title and as for the other headlines it only says the title without much description.
Suitable colours are used, there’s nothing that's hard to read. Text is also quite big which helps viewing it easily.
The webpage doesn't have any features that could help people that have problems with their eyesight apart from putting the
brightness down to reduce eye strain. In the future they could add features for blind people that have problems with their eyesight. It
lets you enable subtitles or heading over to the help/faq section for any help. Furthermore it doesn't really help as much to people that
are vulnerable or have any other issues. When you hover over the slides it pops up slightly but that's about it.

Have a look at the website in Chrome and Internet Explorer. Does the website perform well in both? If so, why? If not, why? Use
Google inspect element and have a look at the website in different devices and comment on how they look. Take a screen shot of
the different views.

The website performs well on both Chrome and Internet Explorer. It's up to speed nothing is slow. It even works well on mobile
devices and is highly accessible to most users. As Chrome and Explorer are the most used browsers it would make sense that it
would support the website on both platforms. Both browsers have the same viewing experience and you can’t really tell them apart.
We can use inspect element to view the browser on different devices such as iphones and ipads and many more devices. The
buttons, scrolling and website view is smooth on all devices and runs well.
Strengths & Weaknesses of

Comment on the strength of the site. (Minimum Comment on the weaknesses of the site. Minimum
of three) of three

Buttons More colour

Clear writing Feels long scrolling through

Clear headlines More options for the visually impaired
Add a screen shot as an example of the presentation.

It looks like a informative and entertainment website for fans of Manchester United with detailed information about the
football team. There is a red strip along the top of the page which is quite eye catching and the text is white which with
the red reflects the logo of the team. The size of the text is readable where the buttons are and down below it is larger
towards the headlines. The recent scoreboard is quite large to stand out to the viewers and makes the site look good. It
appeals to both a younger and older audience as it is a football team and has a variety of fans, There is more graphics,
lots of videos and few bits of text and there is links to social media at the bottom of the website.

Minimum of 150 words
Add a screenshot to show an example of useability.

There are a few links to share with friends at the bottom of each topic of conversation. There is also buttons on the top of the
website to redirect you to other pages. It’s quite easy to navigate through the website smooth scrolling, everything is in good order,
layout is nice to scroll through. It is easy to find information as there is lots of parts to choose from. The drop down menus work
good too and lets you pick through different topics. There is also a search engine that stays at the top of the page even when you
scroll down which is convenient if you need to look up a certain topic. Also a option to go to the shopping side of the website to
keep up with the team’s new kits and accessories. Also a feature to switch languages which makes it user friendly to different

Minimum of 150 words Share/Copy link

manutd Option to change
Add a screen shot to show how the website aids accessibility.

Not much happens when you hover over the slides, it just expands the tiniest bit. If it flipped over with information it will be quick to
view instead of having to click. The text colour is suitable because it is bright white and it goes against a nice simple background, it
will probably be visible to most people but if they were blind then the videos option would work perfect for them. It doesn’t really
cater to people with hearing impairment because they won’t be able to hear the videos but they will still be able to view the
information and watch the videos. There is a feature to switch through different languages which caters to different ethnicities.
It also shows the scoreboard for recent games played and future games to come. This is good for people who don't have time to
watch it and would rather know the scores and fixtures.

Minimum of 150 words

Website works well
on a range
of devices
Have a look at the website in Chrome and Internet Explorer. Does the website perform well in both? If so, why? If not, why? Use
Google inspect element and have a look at the website in different devices and comment on how they look. Take a screenshot of
the different views.

The website works well in both chrome and internet explorer and runs smoothly. It performs well in both with hardly a difference
and the interface is pretty much the same in both. Using google inspect element lets you view the website from different device
perspectives. On the phone version it is more zoomed out but it still has a good layout and is easy navigating. The performance is
also good on phones and runs smoothly no disruptions, More chance of clicking the wrong thing on phone since its in a smaller
space compared to the website on a PC. Works well on big devices too such as the ipad and everything looks in proportion.

Minimum of 150 words

Strengths & Weaknesses

1. Comment on the strength of the site. 1. Comment on the weaknesses of the site.
(Minimum of three) Minimum of three

Nice layout More things for the visually impaired

Good colour scheme No closed captions on videos

Good use of buttons and search bar More colours

Conclusion/which website is the best
Which website do you prefer the best and why? Do you like the features? Do you like the navigation bar? Colour? Font type?

In conclusion i think that the Manchester United website is the better site as it is just very smooth to navigate on and the layout is
aesthetically pleasing. The buttons work very well with a range of different devices and the pop ups are smooth. The navigation bar is
placed in a appropriate place and works well where it is as it is always in view, Colours are nice and simple, easy to the eyes and
simple to read. I also like the fact that you can share the links of individual topics to other people so they dont have to spend time
scrolling through the website. All the matches played and future matches are all at the bottom of the website and its done well with
lots of different team logos. It also gives you a option to watch podcasts if you dont want to read the information. Manchester united
is the better website as it is packed with information and different images/videos.

Minimum of 150 words

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