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Translation methods
Institute of Foreign Language

Translation methods
1. What is translation?

2. Types of translation
1. What is translation?

• “Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-

language text by means of an equivalent target-language text.”
source: wikipedia
How to translate?
• There is no standard or only one guaranteed method for
• Everybody have their own translation method
• But there are some common translation techniques
Types of translation
• There are eight types of translation:
• 1. Word-for-word translation
• 2. Literal translation
• 3. Faithful translation
• 4. Semantic translation
• 5. Adaptive translation
• 6. Free translation
• 7. Idiomatic translation
• 8. Communicative translation.
Types of translation

• 1. Word-for-word translation

“The source language word order is preserved and the words translated by
their most common meanings”

Example: love at first sight

VD: Yêu từ cái nhìn đầu tiên
• 1. Love can touch us one time And last for a lifetime
• 2. Petro Vietnam, the state-owned oil and gas giant, has also
found itself in hot water.
• 3. And I must follow on the road that lies ahead, And I won't let
my heart control my head,
• 4. She has a sweet tooth.
• 5. She has (gets) her hands full
• 6. He has a good head on his shoulder
Types of translation

2. Literal translation
The SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TL
equivalents but the lexical items are again translated out of context. As pre-
translation process, it indicates problems to be solved.
e.g.- He is a big liar.
Anh ta là một kẻ bịp bợp.
He looked up at the Milky Way.
Anh nhìn lên dải Ngân Hà
Used for
Pre-translation process to identify problems
Types of translation
3. Faithful translation
- Words are translated in context
- Transfer cultural words
- Does not naturalize
- Used for
- Literary translation
- Authoritative texts
- Drafts 
- e.g.+ He is as fast as a kangaroo.
- + Hắn nhanh như­mét con kanguru.

That computer science course was a bear.

+ This is a Mickey Mouse course but we still have to take it
because it is on the program.
+ Carry coal to Newcastle
Types of translation
4. Semantic translation
It is more flexible than faithful Translation
Naturalizes in order to achieve aesthetic effect(may translate cultural
words with neutral or functional terms)
- Great focus on aesthetic features of ST(Close rendering of
metaphors, collocations, technical terms, slang, colloquialisms,
unusual syntactic structures and collocations, peculiarly used
words, neologism.
- Used for
- Expressive texts: e.g.,  literature
•  Examples
Right in the heart of Hanoi, Hoan Kiem Lake is an enchanting body
of water, a peaceful oasis away from all the hustle and bustle of
the city.

• N»m ngay gi÷a lòng (trung tâm) Hµ Néi, hå Hoµn KiÕm lµ mét hå nước
®Ñp mª hån, mét ®¶o Rùa yªn b×nh t¸ch biÖt víi tất cả những gì ồn ào tấp
nập của thành phố.
• 1.She has a sunny smile on her face.
2. All men are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator
with certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty,
and the pursuit of Happiness"(the Declaration of Independence
of the

• United States of America in 1776)

Types of translation
5. Adaptive translation

It attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a

way that both language and content are readily acceptable and
comprehensible to the readership.

Used for
Plays, poems, songs, advertising, tourism
Types of translation
6. Free translation

Reproduce the matter without the manner; the content without the form of the
original Paraphrases much larger than the original

Used for

Informative translation In-house publication

Types of translation
7. Idiomatic translation
 Reproduce the ‘message’ of the original

Prefers colloquialisms and idioms which do not exist in the original.

Usually it is a paraphrase much longer than the original.

Outcome: lively, ‘natural’ translation.

Types of translation
8. Communicative translation

This is the freest form of translation mainly used for plays and
poetry: themes/ characters/ plots preserved, SL culture
converted to TL culture & text is rewritten.

(From A Textbook of Translation by P. Newmark)

Practice 1
1. Nếu mọi người khoan dung hơn một chút, thế giới của chúng ta sẽ là một
nơi tốt đẹp hơn.
• A. If people were a little more tolerant, our world would have been a better
• B. If people were a little more tolerant, our world would be a better
place.(đáp án đúng)
• C. If people was a little more tolerant, our world will be a better place.
2. Nếu tầng ôzôn thủng nhiều hơn một chút, chúng ta sẽ có nguy cơ bị ung
thư da cao hơn nhiều.

• A. If the ozone layer holes off a little more, we ran a much higher risk of
attracting skin cancer.
• B. If the ozone layer holes off much more, we would run a much higher
risk of attracting skin cancer.
• C. If the ozone layer holes off a little more, we will run a much higher
risk of attracting skin cancer.(đáp án đúng)
3. Tôi được mách là ‘một con chó sẽ không bao giờ cắn bạn nếu bạn nhìn
thẳng vào mắt nó”

A. A dog will never bite you if you will look it straight in the eyes, I'm told.
B. A dog will never bite you if you look it straight in the eyes, I'm told.
(đáp án đúng)
C. A dog will never bite you if you looked it straight in the eyes, I'm told.
4. John đã hỏi tôi xem là cái từ này nghĩa là gì trong tiếng Anh.

• A. John asked me what does this word mean in English.

• B. John asked me what did this word mean in English.
• C. John asked me what this word meant in English.(đáp án đúng)
5. Nancy đã hỏi tôi tại sao hè mùa hè năm ngoái tôi không
đi New York

• A. Nancy asked me why I did not go to New York the summer before.
• B. Nancy asked me why I had not gone to New York the summer
before (đáp án đúng)
• C. Nancy asked me why I had not gone to New York last summer.
• Ozlem Tureci started the German drug company BioNTech with her
husband Ugur Sahin in 2008.
• The
. two are now known for doing important work on the Pfizer-BioNTech
vaccine against the coronavirus. But they started their company to work on a
cure for cancer.
• In fact, the doctors started a different company about 20 years ago to work
on cancer drugs. They sold that company for about $1 billion in 2016
BioNTech was looking for a way to cause the body’s immune
system to fight tumors with a technology called messenger RNA,
or mRNA.

In early 2020, Tureci and Sahin heard about a new virus that was
infecting people in China. They thought they could find a way to
use their technology to fight it. They had already been working
with Pfizer on a new influenza vaccine. They created a new project,
to find a vaccine for the new coronavirus, and called it “Project
• Within 11 months, Britain approved use of the coronavirus vaccine
they developed working with Pfizer. One week later, the U.S.
approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for emergency use. Now,
tens of millions of people around the world have received their
• Tureci said she was not worried about finding a way to make a
coronavirus vaccine. Instead, she was worried about how her small
company would create enough of the vaccine for all who would
need it.
• “It pays off to make bold decisions and to trust that if you have an
extraordinary team, you will be able to solve any problem and
obstacle which comes your way in real time,” Tureci told the
Associated Press. She said working together with international
companies was important to their success.
• Future of mRNA –
The vaccine from Moderna also uses mRNA technology.
Treatments of this kind use mRNA to carry instructions that tell
the body to make proteins that attack viruses. Tureci and Sahin
said they think they can do the same thing for cancer tumors.
• 6. Chỉ cách đây vài năm gỗ cao su được cho là loại tồi, chỉ dùng để
làm chất đốt.
• A. Just a few years ago, wood rubber in our country was considered
poor wood quality and was used as fuel.(đáp án đúng)
• B. Few years ago, rubber wood in our country was considered poor
wood quality and was used fuel. (đáp án sai)
• C. Just a few years ago, rubber wood in our country was considered poor
quality wood (bị sai trật tự từ) and was used as fuel.(đáp án sai)
• D. Few years ago, rubber wood in our country was considering poor
wood quality and was used as fuel. (đáp án sai)
• 2. Hiện nay đó lại là nguyên liệu rất có giá trị trong việc sản xuất và xuất khẩu các
mặt hàng gỗ đang rất ưa chuộng tại các thị trường các nước tư bản phát
triển(Châu Á, Châu Úc, Châu Âu, Bắc Mỹ).
• A. it is very valuablely material used in producing and exporting wood items which are
highly appreciated at the markets of developing capitalist countries (Asia, Australia,
Europe, North America). (sai)
• B. At present, it is very valuable material used in producing and exporting wood
items which are highly appreciated at the markets of developed capitalist countries
(Asia, Australia, Europe, North America). (Đáp án đúng)
• C. At present, it is very valuable material used in produce and export wood items which
is highly appreciated at the markets of developed capitalist countries (Asia, Australia,
Europe, North America).(sai)
• D. At present, it is very valuable material used in producing and exporting wood items
which are highly appreciate at the market of develop capitalist countries (Asia,
Australia, Europe, North America).(sai)
• 3. Hàng năm ngành cao su phải thanh lý khoảng 7.000 – 8.000 có khi đến 10.000
ha cây cao su già để trồng mới.
• A. Every year the rubber has to destroy about 7000 – 8000 or sometimes 10,000 ha of
old trees replant new ones.
• B. Every year the rubber branch destroy about 7000 – 8000 or sometimes 10,000 ha
of old trees to replant new ones.
• C. Every year the rubber branch destroys 7000 – 8000 or sometimes 10,000 ha of old
trees to replant new ones.
• D. Every year the rubber branch has to destroy about 7000 – 8000 or sometimes
10,000 ha of old trees to replant new ones. (đáp án đúng)
• 4. Ước tính bình quân hàng năm có thể thu được vài ba trăm ngàn mét khối gỗ cao su giá
thanh lý có chất lượng dùng cho chế biến xuất khẩu.
• A. The average estimation is that every year there will be about 300.000 or 400.000 m­­3 of
good quality wood of old rubber trees, which are destroyed, can be used or processing for
• B. The average estimation it that every year will be about 300.000 or 400.000 m­­3 of good
quality wood of old rubber trees, which are destroyed, can be used or processing for export.
• C. The average estimation is that every year there will about 300.000 or 400.000 m­­3 of good
quality wood of old trees rubber, which destroyed, can be used or processing for export.
• D. The average estimation is that every year there will be about 300.000 or 400.000 m­­3
of good wood quality of old rubber trees, are destroyed, can used or processed for
export. (đáp án đúng: D)
• 5. Ngoài ra cũng nên lưu tâm các nhà nghiên cứu sản xuất và xuất khẩu các sản phẩm gỗ về một nguồn nguyên
liệu khá dồi dào nhưng chưa được khai thác sử dụng đó là dừa.
• A. In addition, we call the attention of researches producers and exporters of wood products to abundant source of
material which has not yet been exploited coconut wood. (sai)
• B. In addition, we would like to call the attention of researches producer and exporter of wood products to an
abundant source of material which has not yet been exploit coconut wood.
• C. In addition, we would like to call an attention (sai ko dùng “an” vì “attention: là dt ko đếm được) of
researches producer and exporters of wood products to an abundant source of material which has not yet been
exploited coconut wood. (sai)

• D. In addition, we would like to call the attention of researches producers and exporters of wood products
to an abundant source of material which has not yet been exploited coconut wood. (đáp án đúng)
• Dịch Việt sang Anh
• 1. South Asia should embrace other smaller and poorer countries in the region.
• A. Nam Á mở rộng cho các quốc gia nghèo hơn và nhỏ hơn trong khu vực.
• B. Nam Á cần mở rộng cánh cửa cho các quốc gia nghèo hơn và nhỏ hơn trong
khu vực.
• C. Nam Á nên mở rộng cho quốc gia nghèo hơn và nhỏ hơn trong vùng.
• D. Nam Á cần mở rộng cánh cửa cho các quốc gia nghèo hơn và nhỏ hơn.
2. Given the mammoth share of South Asian GDP contributed by India, it should
take a lead in this regard.
A. Ấn Độ chiếm tỷ lệ lớn GDP của khu vực Nam Á, nước này cần tiên phong
trong lĩnh vực này. (đáp án đúng)
B. Ấn Độ chiếm tỷ trọng lớn GDP của khu vực Nam Á, nước này cần dẫn đầu
trong lĩnh vực này.
C. Trong bối cảnh Ấn Độ chiếm tỷ trọng lớn GDP của khu vực Châu Á, nước này
cần đứng đầu trong lĩnh vực này.
D. Trong bối cảnh Ấn Độ chiếm tỷ trọng lớn GDP của khu vực Nam Á, nước này
cần tiên phong trong lĩnh vực này.
• 3. The BIMSTEC agreement is a step in the right direction and includes
Bhutan and Myanmar.
• A. Hiệp định BIMSTEC là một bước đi đúng hướng và bao gồm cả
Bhutan và Myanmar. (đáp án đúng)
• B. Sự đồng ý BIMSTEC là một bước đi bao gồm cả Bhutan và Myanmar.
• C. Sự thỏa thuận BIMSTEC là một bước đi đúng hướng và cả Bhutan và
• D. Hiệp định BIMSTEC là một bước tiến đúng và cả Bhutan và Myanmar.
• 1. Theo số liệu của tổ chức lương thực và nông nghiệp thế giới (FAO) Việt Nam là một
trong số 20 nước sản xuất nhiều chè trên thế giới.
• A. According the figure of food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Vietnam is one
of twenty countries producing a lot of tea in the world.
• B. According to the figures of food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Vietnam is
one of twenty countries producing a lot of tea in the world.
• C. According to the figures of food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Vietnam is
one - twenty countries producing a lot tea in the world.
• D. According the figures of food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Vietnam is one
of twenty country producing a lot of tea in the world.
• 5. Về thị trường tín phiếu kho bạc cần phài hình thành để người dân có thể thực hiện
việc mua bán tín phiếu ngay thị trường hoặc thế chấp với ngân hàng để vay vốn.
• A. Treasury bond market must be set up to help people trade bond right in the market
or mortgage them at the banks in loaned capital.
• B. Treasury bond market must set up to help people trade bond right in the market or
mortgage them at the banks for loaned capital.
• C. Treasury bond market must be setting up to help people trade bonds right in the
market or mortgage them at the banks in loaned capital.
• D. Treasury bond market must be set up to help people trade bonds right in the
market or mortgage them at the banks for loaned capital. ( đáp án đúng)
Vinh dự quốc gia
• Nước Đức công nhận những gì hai công dân của mình đã làm cho cả thế giới
bằng cách phát triển một loại vaccine thành công. Tureci và Sahin nhận được
Huân chương khen thưởng vào ngày 19 tháng Ba. Đó là một trong các vinh dự
cao nhất của nước Đức. Tổng thống Đức Frank-Walter Steinmeier trao tặng huân
chương đồng thời có sự tham dự của Thủ tướng Angela Merkel.
• Tureci cho biết bà rất vui mừng khi được trao thưởng. Nhưng bà cho biết
nhiều người xứng đáng được vinh danh vì đã giúp đỡ quá trình thực hiện

• “Đó là công sức của nhiều người,” bà cho biết. “Theo cách chúng tôi nhìn
nhận, đây là sự công nhận cho nỗ lực này và cũng là một kỷ niệm của
khoa học.”

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