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Study on artificial intelligence: The

state of the art and future prospects

Presented by group 5:
Iswar Chatterjee
Harshitha Sharma
Amisha Thacker
Sugandha Ghadi
Keerthi Vasan
The development of artificial intelligence has brought huge economic benefits to
AI has achieved remarkable results in applications such as speech recognition, image
processing, natural language processing, the proving of automatic theorems, and
intelligent robots.
Impact of AI in society

AI plays an indispensable role in social development, and it has brought

revolutionary results in:
Improving labor efficiency,
Reducing labor costs
Optimizing the structure of human resources.
Creating new job demands.
Origin Of Artificial Intelligence

It is made in such a way it performs activities that can only be performed by

The 1956 Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence (AI) conference gave birth to the field of AI,
and gave succeeding generations of scientists their first sense of the potential for
information technology to be of benefit to human beings in a profound way.
Development of Artificial intelligence

It took Artificial intelligence more than 70 years for the development.

Its development can be stated in several stages:
First stage:
McCarthy first proposed the term artificial intelligence
MTCIN Disease Diagnosis and Treatment System, and Hearsay-11 Language
Understanding System are laid by AI.
In the late 1970s, Feigenbaum proposed the concept of knowledge engineering. Expert
systems have developed rapidly, and their applications have also produced huge benefits.
Development of Artificial Intelligence

Second stage:
The Hopfield neural network and BT training algorithm proposed in 1982, set off a boom
in the development of artificial intelligence such as speech translation and speech
recognition but it perceived reverse opinion in the minds of people.
Enabling drivers and technologies of artificial

Big Data
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Computing Vision
Big Data
• Collection of data that cannot be captured, managed, and processed using
conventional software tools within a specific time frame.
• Requires new processing models to have stronger decision- making capabilities and
• Promotes AI to improve recognition rate and accuracy
Certain methods and steps taken to perform problem solving operations AI
algorithms produced satisfactory results in the fields of,

1.Speech recognition,
2.Search engines,
3.Semantic analysis, and
4.Recommendation systems
Machine Learning

The study of computer algorithms, which can be improved automatically through

It uses data or experience to optimize the performance standards of computer programs
Types of machine learning,
1. Supervised learning,
2. Un-supervised learning,
3. Semi-supervised learning and
4. Reinforcement learning
Natural Language Processing

It focuses on the interaction between computers and human (natural) language

Uses natural language to communicate with computers

Computational linguistics
1.As a machine, it first collects sound signals
2.Natural language processing technology converts sound signals into text signals and the
meaning of the text
3.Machine converts sounds into words and converts words into meanings
4.After completing these two processes, the machine can hear and understand emotions
The research
fields of AI

The expert system

Machine learning
The Robotics
The intelligent decision support system
The pattern recognition
The research
fields of AI
Expert system:
•A knowledge system based on the existing knowledge of human experts.
•It is widely used in medical diagnosis, in geological surveying, and in the petrochemical
The research
fields of AI
Machine learning:
•For a computer to possess knowledge, the knowledge must be expressed as input into the
computer in a manner that is acceptable to the computer, or the computer itself has the
ability to acquire knowledge, and to continuously summarize and improve knowledge in
The research
fields of AI
The Robotics:
A robot is a machine that can simulate human behaviour.
The research into robots has experienced three generations of development.
The intelligent decision support system:
Belongs to the category of management science and has an extremely close relationship with "knowledge-
The pattern recognition:
It is the study of how to make machines that have perception capabilities.
Applications of AI

Automotive industry
Financial markets
Health industry
Retailing industry
Media industry
Smart payment systems
Smart home
Automotive industry

Autonomous driving- Integration of automotive industry, AI, Internet of Things

Sensors like lidars collect road conditions and pedestrian information and combine this
information with advanced AI algorithms which then offers best route and control plan for
vehicles on road
On Dec 21, 2014 Google announced first driverless prototype car
Switzerland and France jointly manufactured driverless buses in 2015
Financial markets

Intelligent risk control

Intelligent consulting
Market forecasting
Credit rating
Predict risk and direction of stock market. Manage financial risks. Integrate multiple data
Provide people with real time risk warning information.
Health industry

AI related algorithms are used to provide medical assistance.

To detect cancer, to develop new drugs etc
One famous example of Watson. IBM’s intelligent robot
It mainly provides medical assistance and perform medical diagnosis more effectively and
Retailing industry

‘Just Walk Out’ technology by Amazon Go. A smart physical retail store by Amazon.
It uses machine learning, computer vision and sensors.
Monitor placement and removal of goods on shelves.
Use of AI in recommendation system will increase online sales, achieve accurate forecasts
and reduce inventory costs.
Recommendation system builds an online product recommendation model based on the
users potential preferences.
Smart home
It includes TV, Bathroom, Refrigerator, Air conditioner, door lock, etc
A complete smart home is a combination of many home products with different functions.
It efficiently and intelligently coordinates household products and people into a unified
system that is able to learn, connect and adapt to itself.
Also, smart speakers are there which interact with the human voice. To understand people
needs and perform services that people need.
Thank You

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