How Can We Write Superb Cvs and Bag Those Interviews?

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How can we write superb CVs

and bag those interviews?

Challenging: What is a CV? What kind of things do people include on

More challenging: Describe three things you think an employer
would look for on a CV.
Mega challenging: Explain two reasons why a CV may get
overlooked or thrown away compared to a successful candidates’.
Learning Outcomes:

Correctly identify what makes an excellent and what makes

a poor CV.

Describe what employers are looking for in a CV and how

we can get our best qualities across on paper.

Explain using case studies why some CVs would be picked

over others for consideration by putting yourself in the
position of the employer.
Preparing a CV – the basics: 6 mins
As you watch the clip, complete the table in your books
Main Task –
We will now compare three different CVs from college
You are going to imagine you are a manager at a small office.
You need a new receptionist.
In your pairs, read through the CV you have been sent by a
potential employee. Complete the questions below. After a
few minutes, you will swap CVs with another pair.

Identify three positives and three things that could be
improved to each of the CVs. Now rank them in order of
how useful they are to you as an employer. Who will you
invite for an interview and why?
More challenging:
Describe three ways your successful candidate has put
their qualities across well. What makes you want to
employ them?
Mega challenge:
Analyse the main issues the poorer ones face to improve
their CVs.
CV Writing
By next lesson, each of you needs to have produced your own CV. Your
CV must include:
Your personal contact details –
House address, school email address

Personal Profile –
A bit about you, are you hardworking? Reliable? A team player? A great
communicator? An IT expert?

Your education history –

Expected GCSEs for each subject, results, any additional qualifications

Past work experience -

Place, address, details of what you did and skills acquired

Key Achievements/Extra-curricular activities –

Instruments played, sports teams played for, clubs you're a member of, D of E
Award, any other positive achievements

Interests –
What are your interests? Activities you are involved in/Teams you represent? How
do you spend your weekend/free time?

References –
Permission to receive a reference from a Headteacher / Head of Year / From one
other person (previous employer) with their contact details listed.

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