BA (Hons) Filmmaking: The Work of Emily Daisy May Catherall

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Digital Portfolio

The work of Emily Daisy May Catherall

As part of my AS Media course work, I

was tasked with creating four posters
for a horror or sci-fi channel. The
channel I made my posters for was
called Horri-fi(it is a fictional channel
that I created), I wanted to incorporate
both the horror and the Sci-fi aspects of
the task. For each piece, I had to draw
out a rough plan, so that I could get a
general idea of what I needed to do. I
made the poster using Photoshop and
the original images that I had taken. 
This coursework drew me even further
into the idea that media and film are the
paths for me. 

In my current year at college, I was tasked to make a Music video and a website for an artist. As this is my current
coursework, it is still a work in progress. However, this is it them at their current stage. For my website, I looked
at existing sites to get a general idea of what a conventional website looks like. On my website, I included a
behind-the-scenes video, showing clips from the filming progress, photos of the artist and the cast followed by
information about the artist. I also went the extra mile to create a hand full of products/ merchandise for my

Link for my channel website :

In the first year of my UAL Art and Design course, I was introduced to
ceramics. Prior to choosing this course, I had rarely had the opportunity to
work with clay. I had to research different cartoonists to create my piece. I
looked at the cartoonists of Scooby-Doo and Dora. For this piece, I chose to
take inspiration from Dora. I looked at the characters, drawing different
elements of each, such as face shape, hair, and accessories. Once I drew
these out, I began to mash up some of them to create my own figure, which I
then made out of clay.
UAL ART YEAR 1 Final Piece
UAL ART YEAR 1 Final Piece

For my final piece, I dived into the topic of LGBTQ+

rights and how pioneers such as the suffragettes paved
the way for the current world of acceptance. I did a
painting for my final piece, which wasn't a strong point
of mine. After coming up with ideas, I decided to use the
rainbow to connect the past to the present. The top
image, shows people hiding who they are from the
world when they weren't accepted. As you move onto
the middle section, I wanted to embody the mass
protests that occurred, especially after what happened
after Stonewall. The last section shows Lady Gaga, a
proud advocate and member of the LGBTQ+
community showing who she is. I wanted the piece to
show how far the acceptance of the LGBTQ+ 
community has come. 

As part of my most recent topic, building up to my Final Major Project, I explored the
theme of disrupted reality. Within this theme, I was able to experiment with spray
paint to create different pieces. To create these pieces, I sketched out the face onto
tracing paper twice, drawing lines to indicate what layer it was for. Using Brown
board, I cut out each layer, ready for them to be spray painted.

As part of my development for my theme of disrupted dreams and nightmares,

I took gradual photos of my friend moving. I then went onto Photoshop to edit
the saturation, visibility and hue of the images. Once I had done this, I put all the
images into a timeline, altering the speed and arrangement as I go.

(The animations are attached on the blog itself)


I chose these artists as part of my most recent art project, as I

wanted to tie into the disrupted reality theme, while also
incorporating my specialist industry which is filmmaking.
Animation process

In order to make my final animation, I did pin-hole

photography, then with that, I carried out a number of
experiments to disrupt the images such as: using
sandpaper, spray painting, burning, and adding water
to them. Once I did that, I added them to Photoshop,
put them onto a timeline, and edited them into small

(The animations are attached on the blog itself)


 To make this, I used Premiere Pro. I took all of the GIFs I
had created and played them in the timeline. By
trimming the clips and duplicating parts, I was able to
have fast-paced motion alongside repetition of
movement. I wanted the animation to appear almost
freaky, and out of place.

(The animations are attached on the blog itself)

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