Crime Detection and Investigation

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It deals with the identity, location and
arrest of a person who commits a crime
and simultaneously identify, collect,
preserve and evaluate evidence for the purpose of
bringing criminal offender to

a. Investigation
b. Investigative process
c. Criminal investigation
d. Criminal inquest
An extra judicial confession obtained from a
suspect is admissible in a court of law if it was
made in the presence of a counsel of his own
choice and must be in,
A. The presence of  a  fiscal    
B. The presence of a police investigator
C. Writing
D. Front of a judge                          
A surveillance activity for the purpose of
waiting the anticipated arrival of a suspect
or observing his actions from a fixed

       A.   Casing
B.   Tailing
       C.   Stake out D.  
person – not aware
A kind of evidence that tends to prove
additional evidence of a different character
to the same point.

        A.    Corroborative evidence

        B.    Circumstantial evidence
        C.    Direct evidence 
        D.    Real evidence no inference

Physical evidence
It may be a direct acknowledgement of the
truth of the guilty fact as charge or of some
essential part of the commission of
the criminal act itself. 
     A.    Admission
     B.    Confession
     C.    Deposition
     D.    Accusation                              
testimony under   oath
It may be a self-incriminatory statement by
the subject falling short of an
acknowledgement of guilt.

        A.    Admission

        B.    Confession
        C.    Deposition
        D.    Accusation                                   
It involves a number of persons who might have
handled evidence between the time of the
commission of the alleged offense and the
disposition of the case, should be kept to a

        A. chain of command

        B. chain of custody
        C. evidence tracking
        D. tracing evidence                          
This may be applicable to a crime scene which is
approximately circular or oval.  The searchers
gather at the center and proceed  outward along
radii or spokes.

        A.   strip method

        B.   wheel method
        C.   spiral method
        D.   zone method                             
The area to be searched is divided into
quadrants and each searcher is assigned to
one quadrant.

        A.   strip method

        B.   wheel method
        C.   spiral method
        D.   Zone method
The searchers follow each other in the path
of a crime scene beginning in the outside
and circling around a central point.

        A. strip method

        B. wheel method
        C. spiral method
        D. zone method
A kind of gathering information whereby a
subject is being followed.

        A.    Convoy

        B.    Caravan
        C.    Tailing
        D.    Surveillance                           
The term describes the transfer of heat
through a gas or vacuum in a similar way to
that of light.

        A.    Ignition

        B.    Convection molecules
        C.    Radiation
direct contact
        D.    Conduction                           
The primary course of action in case of a

        A.   pack up and flee

        B.   run for your life
        C.   call an ambulance
        D.   raise the alarm
A type of fire that is the result of the
combustion of certain metals in finely
divided forms; magnesium, potassium,
zinc, etc….
A – ordinary materials
        A.   class A B – flammable
C – electric
        B.    class B D – metals
        C.   class C K – kitchen
        D.   class D                  
A method of locating a spot in the area by
measurements from two or more reference

        A. traffic report

        B. spot report
        C. triangulation
        D. Accident investigation
Drugs that produce perceptual alteration,
varying emotional change, thought
disruption and ego distortion. They are
called psychedelics.

        A.    Tranquillizers

        B.    Hallucinogens calm
        C.    Stimulants
        D.    Depressants                               
increase activity

decrease activity
Drugs which produce insensibility, stupor,
melancholy or dullness of the mind with

        A.    Stimulants

        B.    Narcotics
        C.    Depressants 
        D.    Hallucinogens                              
The most common form of stimulant.

        A.    Heroin

        B.    Codeine
        C.    Morphine
        D.    Shabu                                         
A derivative of opium which is used a
cough reliever.

        A.    Codeine

        B.    Heroin
        C.    Morphine
        D.    Caffeine                                      
It is, in most cases, the initial step for
obtaining information to determine the
origin and cause of fire. 

A. Evidence collection 
B. Laboratory examination of evidence
C. Interview witnesses
D. Interrogation of suspects
Which phase of criminal Investigation
that the investigator apprised the person of his
right under Republic Act 7438?

a. During the identification of criminal

b. During the arrest, detention and
interrogation of the offender
c. During the gathering of evidence to
prove the guilt of criminal offender
d. During police line-up
What specific offence has been committed? Who
committed it? When it was committed? Where it
was committed? Why it was committed? And
how it was committed? This are
called_______________________ of criminal

a. Cardinal Points c. Golden Rule

b. Three I’s d. Bridges burn
Coerced and uncounselled
statements are considered
involuntary or forced confession
which are usually an:

a. Judicial c. Prosecutorial
b. Extra judicial d. Admission
Which of the following is not an element of cor-
pus delicti?

a. Proof of the occurrence of certain

b. Person’s criminal responsibility for the acts
c. Additional evidence of a different
character to the same point
d. Proper chain of custody
An act or declaration made in the
presence and within the hearing or
observation of a party who does or says nothing,
when the act or declaration
naturally calls for action if comment is
not true.

a. Admission by Silence c. Admission

b. Confession d. Passive
Statement no. 1. Confession is a voluntary statement,
either oral or written, made by a person charged with the commission
of a crime which he admits
participation in, or commission of, the criminal act. It
cannot be implied, it should be direct and positive
acknowledgment of guilt.
Statement no. 2 Admission is a statement by the
accused regarding facts pertinent to the crime. It
tends, in connection with the proof of other facts, to
prove the suspect’s guilt. It can be implied.

a. Statement No. 1 is true while statement no. 2 is false

b. Statement No. 1 is false while statement no. 2 is true
c. Statements No. 1 and 2 are both true
d. Statements No. 1 and 2 are both false
Which of the following need not be present in order to
prove the guilt of the accused by
means of confession or admission?

a. Confession must be supported by

corroborative evidence
b. Corpus delicti must be established
c. Confession must be voluntarily and freely
d. Confession must be ratified by the judge or
the fiscal
Sometimes called “roping”. An investigation
technique whereby the operative conceals
his true identity and adopts an assumed role
to obtain information or accomplish a specific mission.

a. Undercover assignment
b. Work assignment and social assignment
c. Dwelling assignment
d. Personal contact assignment
What is the type of reasoning whereby
the collected information is analyzed
carefully to develop a theory of the

a. Inductive c. Systematic
b. Deductive d. Logical
theory evidence

evidence theory
Statement no. 1. In the reconstruction of a crime, the
investigator rational theory of the crime may begins
with deductive logic and later on inductive logic;
Statement no. 2. A rational theory of crime is more
than a learned guess, but less than a certainty, but
have very high order of probability.

a. Statement no. 1 is true while statement no. 2 is false

b. Statement no. 1 is false while statement no. 2 is true
c. Statements no. 1 and 2 are both true
d. Statements no. 1 and 2 are both false
What are the Golden Rules in homicide

a. Never touch, alter and change the position of any-

thing until identified, measured
and photographed
b. If article has been move it can never be
restored again to its original position
c. A and B are true
d. All of the above
The interview of a witness can be described by the acro-
nym IRONIC, which stands for:

a. Inquiry, Recognition, Organization, Novelty,

Identity, Continuity
b. Identity, Rapport, Omnipresent, Narration,
Inquiry, Conclusion
c. Identity, Recognition, Opening statement,
Narration, Inquiry, Conclusion
d. Identity, Rapport, Opening statement,
Narration, Inquiry, Conclusion
Statement No. 1-The systematic procedure for verbal description
of a person after a short period of visual observation is termed
Portrait Parle; Statement No. 2-
Description of police characters which a witness may
refer and that is kept by police unit for purpose of
references is Rogue’s Gallery

a. Statement No. 1 is correct while statement No. 2 is

b. Statement No. 2 is correct while statement 1 is
c. Statement No.1 and 2 are both correct
d. Statement No.1 and 2 are both incorrect
“Eavesdropping the crime scene”

a. Extent the estimate of the scene

b. Search physical evidence at the
c. Playing the role of a curious spectator and
mix with the crowd to listen to
their conversation
d. None of the above
Rape by sexual assault, except::

a. Inserting penis into another person’s

b. Inserting penis into another person’s
anal orifice
c. Inserting penis while the woman is
d. Inserting any instrument or object, into the
genital or anal orifice of
another person.
This is the Anti-sexual Harassment Act of 1995:

A. RA 8049 rape victim assistance
C. RA 8505
B. RA 7877 D. RA 6235

Identification of a dead body through
examination of the teeth:

A. Forensic pathology
B. Forensic odontology
C. Forensic chemistry
D. Forensic medicine
It is one of the oldest methods of
suspect identification:

A. Cartographic sketch
B. Rouge’s gallery
C. Composite
D. Police lineup
Under RA 8294 the use of unlicensed
firearm in the commission of a crime is
not considered as a separate crime but
shall be appreciated as a-

a. Mere alternative circumstance

b. Qualifying circumstance
c. Mere aggravating circumstance
d. Generic aggravating circumstance
What is the final phase of crime
scene investigation?

A. preliminary survey
B. documentation of scene
C. collection of evidence
D. release of crime scene
Republic Act 8750 is:

A. Clean Air Act

B. Seatbelt Law
C. Philippine Land Transportation
D. anti-Carnapping Law
The entire width between boundary
lines of every way or place of which any part is
open to the use of the public for
purposes of vehicular traffic as a matter of right
or custom.

A. Traffic way C. Traffic units

B. Road way D. Subway
What is the primary aim of driver
instruction programs?

A. To teach the rudiments of driving

B. To instill awareness of one’s legal and moral
responsibilities in traffic
C. To teach the abilities required for one to be
eligible for a driving license
D. To help the learners know the basic of traffic
rules and regulations
What is the general rule for the movement of ve-
hicular traffic in the Philippines?

A. “keep to the left”

B. “keep to the right”
C. none of these
D. “watch out”
How should a driver approach an

A. Be at the right of way

B. Be at the full stop
C. Give a signal
D. Overtake other vehicles
A driver who was in traffic accident is justified to leave
from the accident area, if any of the circumstances be-
low are present, except:

A. He is in imminent danger of being harmed

by other persons by reason of an
B. He surrenders to proper authority
C. He summons the assistance of a physician
or nurse to aid the victim
D. He hides from the police for justifiable cause
The chronological arrangement of the color of
the traffic lights from the top.

A. Yellow, red, green

B. Red, yellow, green
C. Green, red, yellow
D. Green, yellow, red
When approaching in an intersection
where the flashing yellow is on, the
motorist should:

A. Stop and proceed with caution

B. Slow down and proceed with caution
C. Reduce speed
D. Give way to motor vehicles coming
from the opposite direction
Overtly violent organized crime group whose members
are known to be los hampones (the hoodlums) and con-
troller of coca cultivation
in Bolivia and Peru; production-drug labs in
Colombia, Nicaragua, and Panama;
smuggling operations- Bahamas, Turks, and
Caicos, and later in Mexico.

a. Colombian Drug Cartels

b. The Cali Cartel
c. Medellin Cartel
d. Northern Valle Del Cauca
In Joseph Albini’s Patron-Client Model.
Organized crime group is consists of
syndicates in a loose system of power
relationship. At the center of each
organized crime unit or crime family

a. Capo, Sottocapo and Consigliere

b. Mafioso
c. Caporegime
d. Soldati
Considered to be the most powerful Mafia family in the US which was estab-
lished in 1930.

a. Gambino, founded Carlo Gambino and Paul Castellano and engaged in

drug trafficking, gambling and car theft
b. Colombo, founded by Joseph Profaci an engaged in
narcotics, gambling, Loan-sharking, cigarette smuggling,
pornography, counterfeiting, hijacking bankruptcy fraud, etc
c. Lucchese, founded Tom Gagliano engaged in narcotics
trafficking, gambling, loan sharking, waste management,
construction, and garment industry; and Bonnano, foundedby Joe Bon-
nano engaged in narcotics trafficking, home
video pornography, pizza parlors and espresso cafés.
d. Genovese, founded by Charles “Lucky” Luciano engaged
in narcotics trafficking, loan sharking, extortion rackets,
pornography, labor-union, racketeering, restaurants, seafood distribution,
and vending machines.
An offense whose inception, prevention and/or
direct or indirect effects involved more than one

a. Drug trafficking and human smug-

b. Transnational crimes
c. Terrorism, piracy and cyber crime
d. Global crimes
Unlawful activities of the members of a
highly organized, disciplined association en-
gaged in supplying illegal goods and services.

a. Enterprise Crime
b. White collar crime
High respectability
c. Organized Crime
d. Economic crime
Organized crime is an enterprise of group of persons
engaged in a continuing illegal
activity which has as its primary purpose is:

a. the generation of profits irrespective of

national boundaries
b. the control of certain illegal activities in a
specific territory
c. the creation of fear among its enemies
d. the domination of a certain community
Where does the concept of organized
crime emerged?

a. In China, when the Triad was

b. In Japan, when Yakuza was founded
c. In Sicily Italy, when the Mafia was first
to emerged
d. In the US, when Al Capone ran Chicago
with blood and guns
Founders of organized crime in the US
like Alphonse Capone, Charles “Lucky” Lu-
ciano, Meyer Lansky and Benjamin
“Bugsy” Siegel, are notably, members of a small
street gang in New York called:

a. Five Points Gang c. Outlaws

b. Tongs d. Hells Angels
Which of the following is not one of the
attributes of organized criminal group?
a. Non-Ideological, hierarchical and exclusive Mem-
b. Dominating, witty, influential and generous contrib-
utor to the church, politicians etc
c. Self-perpetuating, violent, involvement in
bribery and constitutes a unique
d. Monopolistic, governed by rules and
regulations and has specialization/
division of labor.
The Mafia is believed to be originated from:

a. Morte Alla Francia, Italia Anela

b. the practice of the criminals to seal a black hand-
print at the scene of the crime
c. Italian’s beauty, perfection, grace, and
d. the Sicilian struggle in the 13th Century against
French Rule
The Mafioso connotes:

a. Pride, self confidence, and

vainglorious behavior
b. Brave and self reliant, a man of action , and
one not to be taken lightly
c. Man of honor or man of respect
d. A and B
Membership in organized crime group

a. Loyalty
b. Lifetime commitment
C. Obedience to the boss
d. Specialized criminal
Criminality of an organized crime group is di-
rected by:

a. The pursuit of profit along well-defined

b. Violence, when the interests of the
organization are threatened
c. The boss
d. The pursuit of eliminating competitors
How does organized crime groups
maintain their power and profit?

a. Through violence
b. Through corruption
c. Through the silence and attitude of
non-cooperation of law abiding
d. Through continuous association with
criminal protectors
Known as “Big Six” transnational organized
crime group.
a. Sicilian and American Mafia Families;
Russian Mafia; Yakuza; Triads;
Colombian Cartels; and Mexican
b Nigeria; Panama; Jamaica; Puerto Rico,
Dominican Republic, Colombia
c. Red Army; Shining Path; Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia; People’s Irish Republican
Army; Al Qaeda; and ISIS
d. Gambino, Colombo, Profaci, Lucchese,
Bonnano, Genovese Crime Families
Members of the Mafia are bound by an oath of five ba-
sic principles. Which of the following
is not one of them?

a. Omerta, or code of silence and total

obedience to the “Don” or “Boss”
b Assistance to any befriended Mafia faction, no
question asked and to avenge any
attack on members of the family
c. Avoid any and all contact with law
enforcement authorities
d. Avoid killing police officer
The United Nations defines terrorism as:
a. The use or threatened use of force designed to
bring about a political change FBI
b. An illegitimate use of force to achieve a political
W. Laqueur
objective by targeting innocent people
c. Socially and politically unacceptable violence
aimed at an innocent target to achieve
psychological effect . US
d. Any act intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to
civilians or non-combatants with the
purpose of intimidating a population of serious bodily
harm and compelling a government or an international organi-
zation to do or abstain doing any act
In state sponsored terrorism, the state’s regime:

a. Instills fear against elements of its own population to create

conditions sufficient to remain in political control.
b. Uses its military instrument against the civilian population of an enemy
nation for the purpose of undermining the
population’s will to support its own government, or
shattering the cohesion of the population making it
unable to support its government.
c. Employs lethal force across international borders for the
purpose of destroying or weakening the political cohesion of a tar-
geted political entity without using its own military
instrument to deliver the lethal force, but harness social
elements within the targeted entity to do so.
d. All of the above
Which of the following may not be a target
for terrorist attack?

a. Structures which have a symbolic or practical

significance and propaganda value
b. Places where the terrorists have an easy
access to the target area and security
c. Structures which are vulnerable for
destruction and persons of importance to
the enemy
d. Places where weapons, transportation
needs, and support network are available
Terrorist safe haven is:

a. an area of relative security exploited by terrorists to

indoctrinate, recruit, train, and regroup, as well as prepare
and support their operations.
b. a place where terrorists hide and coddled by their
c. global media, and satellite communications that
allow terrorists to fulfill many of their functions
d. an area which is difficult to track and control.
What is the law that defines and
penalizes crime of terrorism in the
RPC Cybercrime
a. Act No. 3815 c. RA 10175
b. RA 9372 d. RA 9208
RA 10168
Anti-Terrorism Act
Known as G-7 Nations, they were mandated
to devise international standards and policies to combat
money laundering. Which of the
following is not one of them?

a. France, Germany and Italy

b. Japan
c. United Kingdom of Great Britain, United
States of America, and Canada
d. China, South Korea and Russia
The Philippine Center on Transnational
Crime which is created by virtue of
Executive Order No. 62, is under what
office or agency?

a. Office of the President c. DOJ

b. DILG d. PNP
What is the primary mandate of the Philippine Center on
Transnational Crime?
a. To formulate and implement a concerted program of action of all law
enforcement, intelligence and other government agencies for the pre-
vention and control of transnational crime.
b. To establish through the use of modern information and telecommuni-
cation a shared central data base among government agencies for in-
formation on criminals, methodologies, arrest and convictions on
transnational crimes.
c. To establish a center for strategic research on the structure and dynam-
ics of transnational crimes in all its forms, and predict trends and ana-
lyze relationships of given factors for the formulation of individual and
collective strategies for the prevention and detection of transnational
and organized crime and for the apprehension of the criminals in-
d. All of the above
Conceptualized in the 1920's and had its
initial headquarters in Vienna. This organization was es-
tablished to promote international
criminal police cooperation.

a. International Police
b. International Criminal Police Organization
c. International Association of the Chiefs of
d. Asian National Police
Three Core Services of the INTERPOL, except:

a. Unique global police communication

b. Range of criminal data bases and
analytical services
c. Proactive support for police operations
throughout the world.
d. Arrest of international terrorist
Red Notice is INTERPOL’s Notice System:

a. To seek information on the identity of

persons or on their illegal activities
related to criminal matters
b. To provide warning and criminal
intelligence about persons who have
committed criminal offenses and who
are likely to repeat these crimes in other countries.
c. To locate missing persons YELLOW
d. To seek the arrest and extradition of
Black Notice is INTERPOL’s notice to:

a. Determine the identity of deceased

b. Provide information on modus PURPLE
operandi, objects, devices and
concealment methods used by
c. Individuals and entities that are subject to
UN sanctions.
d. Any of the above
An operation launch by the Philippine
National Police- Special Action Force
Commandos that led to the killing of
the international terrorist Zulkifli bin Hir at the
Mamasapano, Maguindanao.

A. Oplan Wolverine
B. Oplan Neptune Spear Bin Laden

C. Oplan Terminator
D. Oplan Exodus
Core elements of trafficking, except-

A. Recruitment, transportation, transfer,

harboring or receipt of trafficked person
B. Entry of the victims to the country of
C. Threat of or the use of force, deception,
coercion, abuse of power or position of
D. Exploitation
What is the name of the operation
launched by US Navy Seals that killed
Osama Bin Laden?

A. Operation Geronimo
B. Operation Neptune Spear
C. Operation Jabbidah
D. Operation Merdeka
Drug trafficking, according to Comprehensive Drug
Act of 2002, except:

a. Cultivation, culture and delivery,

b. Administration, dispensation, manufacture, sale and
c. Use, consumption, addiction and
d. Transportation, distribution, importation,
exportation and possession
One of the most abuse hallucinogenic
drugs in the Philippines that contain
active components known as

A. Mescaline C. Marijuana
B. LSD D. Ecstacy
The term "Ecstasy" is used for a group of
"designer" drugs closely related in chemical
form to the amphetamine family of illicit drugs. Its sci-
entific name is:

a. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride SHAB

b. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine U

C. Papaver somniferum OPIUM

D. Cannabis sativa MARIJUANA
Known as the “Father of Medicine” . He pre-
scribed opium poppy juice in surgery which was
cultivated by the
Summerrians during 7000 BC.

a. Hippocrates c. Confucious
b. Morpreus d. Socrates
Chinese Emperor who prohibited
the trading of opium in China by
the British Indies that lead to the
Opium War of 1840.

A. Lao Tzu C. Yung Chen

B. Sun Tzu D. Mao Zedong
Considered as the most powerful natural stimu-

A. Tetrahydrocannabinnol
B. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
C. Cocaine hydrochloride
D. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
Considered by the Assyrians as a “Sacred
Tree” planted by the Incas of Peru. It is
considered as the world’s oldest cultivated plant
which is the source of dangerous

a. Papaver Somniferum c. Coca Plant

b. Cannabis Sativa d. Ephedrine
Known as the “Big Four Drugs” trafficked in the global
drug market.
I. Heroin and Cocaine
II. Shabu and Ecstacy
III. Marijuana and Methamphetamine
IV. Narcotics, Hallucinogens, Stimulants and
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I and III D. V
A person found guilty of use of dangerous
drugs for the first time shall be punished with:

A. Imprisonment of 6 yrs and one day to 12

B. Rehabilitation of a minimum period of 6
C. Rehabilitation for 6 months to 18 months
D. Imprisonment of at least 6 months
What drug classification are solvents,
paints and gasoline which are examples of sub-
stances that are sniffed to obtain
intoxication fall?

A. Depressants C. Energizers
B. Tranquilizers D. Inhalants
Considered to be one of the prime suppliers of Heroin in
Asia is the so called Golden Triangle where 80% of il-
licit drugs of the world originate. This lies on the bor-
ders of:

A. Thailand –Vietnam-Burma
B. Iran –Afghanistan – Pakistan
C. Thailand – Laos- Myanmar
D. Peru- Columbia- Bolivia
A type of Drugs according to
pharmacological classification which
often relives pain and induces sleep.

A. Hallucinogens C. Stimulants
B. Sedatives/Depressant D. Narcotics
Drugs that is commonly used by
athletes having the properties of
increasing stamina and/or energy.

A. Ecstasy C. MDMA
B. Shabu D. Anabolic Steroid
Removal of toxic substances from the
body as a result of abusing drugs:

A. Cleansing process C. Abstinence

B. Aversion treatment D. Detoxification
The following shall undergo Mandatory Drug Testing according
to R.A. 9165, EXCEPT.

A. Officers and Employee of public and private offices

B. Applicant for firearms license and for permit to carry
firearms outside residence.
C. Officers and Members of the Military, police and ot her law
enforcement agencies.
D. All persons charged before the prosecutor’s office with a
criminal offense having an imposable
penalty of not less than six (6) years and one (1) days.
The prevention of drug addiction is
primarily a responsibility of what
institution so as to prevent its members
from being hook to addiction?

A. Church C. Barangay
B. Family D. School
What group of drugs is used
medically as pain killers?

A. opiates C. shabu
B. track D. coke
The source of most analgesic
narcotic is:

A. Opium C. heroine
B. morphine D. All of them
Marijuana plant can easily be identified by:

A. Its stalk that grows up to 12 feet

B. Its pungent scent when matured or
fully grown.
C. Its branches which occur at opposite points
on the stalk
D. Its finger-like leaves broken into
leaflets whose edges are serrated in shape.
This drug is representative of a broad
class of stimulants known as “pep pills”. It is
usually prescribed to reduce appetite and to re-
lieve minor cases of mental

A. Amphethamine
B. Methamphetamine
c. Ecstasy
D. Shabu
Cocaine is from South America; ivory
white heroin is from;

a. The Golden Crescent c. Hongkong

b. The Golden Triangle d. Silver Triangle

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