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By: Nicole M. Vertudez


The School As a
An Observation Guide for the Classroom
1.Describe the community or neighborhood where school is found.
2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see? What is the condition of
the buildings?
3. Pass by the offices. What impression do you have this offices?
4. Walk through the school hall, the library, the cafeteria. Look around and find out
the other facilities that the school has.
Name of the School you Observed: Lucena South 1 Elem. School
Address: Brgy. Cotta Lucena City Date of Visit: September 5, 2021
1. The school is near highway. The school is surrounded by trees and houses.
2. The school is more on color yellow and green. The classrooms are in good
condition and clean.
3. My impression in the office is well managed, clean and air-conditioned.
Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to record your
1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are the posted on the walls?
2. Examine how the places of furniture are arranged . Where is the teacher’s table located? How are
the tables and chairs/ desks arranged?
3. What learning materials/ equipment are present?
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
5. Is the room well-lighted and well- ventilated?


Classroom Facilities Description ( Location, number, arrangement,
1. Wall Displays Well painted, clean and colorful. Walls have
learning posters like multiplication table,
addition table, alphabet and many more
educational posters.
2. Teacher’s table Located at the front of the board

3. Learner’s desks Armchairs are clean and well furnished

4. Blackboard The blackboard is well painted.

5. Learning Materials/ Visual aid They have projector, manila papers, illustrations
and some visual aid in the room
Name of the School you Observed: Lucena South 1 Elementary School
Address: Brgy. Cotta Lucena City
Date of Visit: September 5, 2021

In their classroom, the walls have a lot of educational posters about multiplication, addition,
subtraction tables, grammars, alphabet and pictures of the national hero,fruit,dance,animal;etc.
For me it is attractive because seeing the walls inside the classroom can make them remember
each important things to remember and also the classroom rules are posted infront of the wall. The
cleaners everyday are also posted in the wall. There are stores in front, a bakery and a computer
shop nearby. The teacher’s desk is located infront of the armchairs and infront of the blackboard.
It is very well managed. The furnitures are clean. The learning equipments that are presented are
powerpoint presentation and projector.The classroom is occupied by 30students each classroom
and it the room well-lighted and well- ventilated. They have electric fan and curtains in the
windows, thay also have some light that can make the whole room lighted. The security guard is
accommodating. There is a big quadrangle with, a small stage in the lower center and a flag pole
in the upper center. The comfort rooms are accessible. However not all toilets are functional.
1. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact on the
learning of the students going
to school? What are your conclusions? The school campus and the classroom
are the learning spaces of the students. Because of this, what composes these
two may directly affect the learning process of the students.
Everything that makes up the school and the classroom influence the result of
the student’s learning whether it is effective or unsuccessful. For example, if
the classroom is well-organized, warm and free from distractions, the
students may learn better and yield positive results in their learning because
there is a sense of peacefulness around them that gives them comfortable
space to learn well. In contrast, a classroom that is unorganized may affect
the students’ performance. In conclusion, the physical environment such as
the school campus and the classroom are one of the factors that affect the
students learning. Because of this, the school and the teachers must en-sure
that the these learning spaces are conducive to learning.
2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent
development/ How does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating
The idea of the school environment being one of the most important
factors in the successfulness of student’s learning is correlated
with the idea of “nature vs. nurture” in the child and
adolescent development, particularly the principle about what the
“nurture” wanted to emphasize about the child’s development. This
principle believes that there are environmental factors such as the
people and the environment around the child, social relationships,
etc. that influence the students learning and development. This
means that the school campus as the important facility where
students learn must give positive input for students and must help
the students in shaping their values and help them grow as a person.
1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observe?
Why? Why not?
To be honest, as I became more familiar in the school environment of
Lucena South I Elementary School, I’ve dreamed of teaching in this school
someday. It may not have sophisticated buildings or facilities but what I
admire here the most is that they ensure that the school environment is the
most comfortable space for the students to learn. They allow students to
access the learning facilities and resources that are significant for their
learning and development. They create opportunities for students to develop
excellent academic performance and to build professional growth among
teachers. And lastly, they value the most the quality of education and services
that they will provide for their students.
2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?
A school campus that is conducive to learning is an effective
place for students to learn. It must be safe and secured, clean and
eco-friendly, free from any type of distraction and the most
important is, it allows students to learn effectively by
encouraging them to be themselves, to be independent and to
be leaders of their own. It is also important that a school
campus helps in developing values among students and give
them authentic tasks to apply what they’ve learned
My Personal Illustration of an Effective
School Environment
Basically, a school is a place where we study and learn. It is
where we learn new knowledge, gain valuable experiences,
build social relationships and develop meaningful values within
ourselves. But, to achieve all of these, a school must be a safe
space for learning, promotes quality education, allows easy
access to learning resources and provides opportunities for
independent but experiential learning for students. These will
not be possible if the school head, teachers, parents, students and
the community will cooperate in achieving all of these goals.

The Learner’s
and Needs
Learners’ Development Matrix
Record the data you gathered about the learners’ characteristics and needs in this matrix. This will
allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at different levels. The items under
each domain are by no means exhaustive. These are just sample indicators. You may add other
aspects which you have observed
Development Preschooler Elementary High School
Domain Indicate age range Indicate age range Indicate age range
of children of children of children
observed: 5 - 6 observed: 6 -7 observed: 7 – 8

Physical Walking runs runs fast jumps walks by himself

Gross-motor skills without tripping with both feet can runs faster jumps
Fine-motor skills jump in and move body parts higher
maintain balance properly can draw simple
can hold the crayon lines and figures
and pencil

Social answers simple able to speak if teacher to student

Interaction with questions able to asked communicate conversation can
teachers Interaction play cooperatively with others initiate own
with with his/her peers conversation with
classmates/friends his/her friends or
Development Preschooler Elementary High School
Domain Indicate age range Indicate age range Indicate age range
of children of children of children
observed: 5 - 6 observed: 6 -7 observed: 7 – 8

Emotional Cheerful loves jokes energetic impatient always filled with

Moods and impatient short easily distracted curiosity with new
temperament, span of attention things and always
expression of cries easily want to discover
feelings Emotional

Cognitive Listens able to able to understand able to understand

Communication speak words what others tell clearly to what
skills them someone said to
Thinking skills him
The name of the child that I observed is Banjo, a 6 year old learner. He can
walk and run without getting himself tripped, his gross motor skills were
very good for his age. In writing, he can easily hold his pencil and write his
name on a piece of paper. He likes to draw animals; he told me that he likes
farm animals because his families have them. He is very active and talkative
even when
is speaking with people older than him. He loves jokes very much that
sometimes his classmates it gets uncomfortable in his pranks. He is not
moody and I think that was just his nature as a child. The
salient characteristic that I am able to identify through him is that he takes
things for granted and disregards the effects of his actions. He has a strong
character and he is confident of doing things by
himself. He is very expressive about his ideas or thoughts and when he have
done something not wrong he listens to the teacher silently and sits on his
chair to behave.
Level Salient Characteristics
Implications to the
Teaching-Learning Process
Preschool Preschoolers like to move Therefore, the teacher should
remember to use music and
Age range of Learners around a lot. movement activities not just in P.E.
observed 3-4 but in all subject areas.
Therefore, teachers should not
expect preschoolers to stay seated
for a long period of time.

Elementary In this age they tend to A teacher should emphasize the

Age range of learners develop their interests in art importance of writing skills to the
learners. Writing is a form of
observed 6-7 works such as drawing and communication that is essential in
coloring. our everyday life and is necessary
for every learner to learn and
master this skill.

Elementary The learner is doing a lot of Teachers should be able to

Age range of learners talking and listening. They provide many group
interaction activities as much
observed 7-8 are improving their as possible to enable the
communication skills students train their
communication skills in
speaking and listening.
Upon my observations, the three learners, namely; Banjo, Ikay and
Eunice have common similarities in their developments in
physical and social aspects. But it appears that it is the opposite in
intellectual and emotional aspects. Each learner is different and it
is the effect of their environment and the people they are related
and also about how they manage and feel about themselves.
The teaching profession requires lots of patience and each day of
teaching is a pain-staking process by which every teacher has to
pay great attention even up to the smallest details in every learner
that he/she is entrusted to nurture. The biggest challenge that I see
is how a teacher must develop ways to deal with undesirable
behaviors in each child and how to use the positive attitudes of the
learner to put more emphasis that negative attitudes won’t do
something good for them.
1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own
experiences when you were their age? What similarities or
differences do you have with the learners you observed?
I do remember just a pint of it, in particular in my preschool age.
As do I recall how the first day of school was and it was a time
where I am afraid to be alone and meet other people other than my
family and playmates. As time passes by we do learn many things
in Day Care Center together with my teacher. We recited poem,
sang many songs, played games, wrote letters and many more. But
the difference is that they don’t have a para-teacher to assists the
teacher in the classroom while the class is on-going. And they do
have a sound system to use if they want to sing, dance and make
some exercise.
2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons.
How did she/he help you
with your needs (physical, emotional, social, cognitive)? How did it
affect you?
I wouldn’t forget Mrs. Suyod, a teacher who isn’t just focus on the
cognitive domain of her students but also the needs of her students in
terms of emotion is concern. She taught me things that put great emphasis
on my behavior and distinguishing good from bad. She constantly
reminded me what it means to be a good child in our community,
although I have been very naive back then because I was just little. It was
only later when I came to realize what she told me and what she meant. It
served as my guideline up until now and it was a lesson that I’ll treasure
for the rest of my
3. Share your other insights here.
Every individual goes in the stages of development in the same
pattern but not at the same time and rate.
4. Which is your favorite theory of development? How can this
guide you as a future teacher?
The theory of cognitive development by Jean Piaget: Intellectual
and Developmental. It helped me understand the vast differences
of every learner in every aspect in learning. Like what my
professors always tells us that no children is alike. They learn at
their own level, speed and motivation. It also depends on his
personal experiences and the environment which he is exposed.

and Learning
Name of the School you Observed: Lucena South 1 Elementary School
Address: Brgy. Cotta Lucena City
Date of Visit: September 5, 2021

During my observation, I encountered different characters of learners in pre-school under Ms. Cynthia
Catapang. Learners at the age of 5 to 6 years old are divided into four major characteristics of development;
Physical (body), social (interaction with peers and adults around him), emotional (feelings) and intellectual
(thinking skills) development. Physical Development concentrates in muscle control. They run, walk and jump.
They begin to make strides in plays like higher jumping and longer jumping and they were very active and
aggressive in their play time activities.
Social and Emotional Development They were very imaginative, they tend to be aggressive when they were
playing with their friends. They act like the boss, they pretend in make-believe plays and often brag about that.
They learn to give and take or share their things. They are very appreciative with their achievements especially
when being praised. Many pre-school learners like getting much attention and use that opportunity to
show-off with everybody. Most of all, they like the feeling that they are loved and they are very important.
Intellectual Development They talk almost all the time, asking so many questions and very curious of many
things. Their language are not yet fully developed as some of them are still having difficulties in speaking
although the majority showed good signs of language use by talking. They are developing interests in
academics although they are still focused on
The number of the learners that I observed is 15 girls and 13 boys
and totaled 28 learners. Some learners showed that they are still not
adjusted in socializing with their peers because they were not that much
active in activities. Most of the learners were the opposite; they would talk
with everybody like they have known them for a long time.
Their attention shifts quickly, regardless with their gender or age. As
they grow, eventually they can focus longer on things. There is one student
in the class whose attention was very short, he would just move and talk
around the whole class. I think of him as a hyper-active child who maybe
were having excessive sugar intake.
In listening, pre-school learners showed that they like when the
teacher reads them stories. They love music and enjoy dancing in their
tunes. But, in conversations, they showed signs of boredom as you longer
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observation.
An Observation Guide for the Learner’s Characteristics
Read the following statements carefully, Then write your observation
report on the provided space.
1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the leraners.
Note their ages.
2. How many boys are there? How many girls?
3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own
4. Can the learners already work independently?
5. Describe the span of attention.
6. Look into their listening skills and ability to concentrate.
There are areas in the classroom for specific purposes such as storage of teaching aids and
books which is located in the left side of the classroom. The rules are not posted and only the
teacher is imposing it verbally and the learners follow it accordingly. The rules are the sole
responsibilities of the students as they are expected to follow these regulations in order for them to
learn respect and obedience. Daily routines include a prayer before and after class, exercises to
warm them up and start their day with energy, recess, activity time, play, and reading stories. The
learners follow the routine and it seems that they like doing it every day.
The characteristics of the learners in my observed class are that they were very active in play
activities. The teacher always reminds them to follow the rules before they play, it serves as a
guideline and a good disciplinary routine without threatening or making the child feel scared as they
behave so that they can play already. The teacher criticizes the bad behavior and not the child; she
would talk with the child nicely and tell her if he/she have done something wrong. It makes the
child feel that doing bad things is not a good behavior and it is to be avoided.
To reinforce positive behaviors, the teacher uses praise to encourage the pleasant behavior
that a child shows. She also gives awards in the form of stars. If a student is obedient and
participates in every activity, the learner’s receives a star mark in his/her hand.
The seating arrangement grouped in the learner’s learning level and behaviors, the teacher
explained that she grouped it this way to avoid quarrels and distractions by a talkative student to a
student who makes activities.
An Observation Guide for the
Classroom Visit
Be guided by these questions as you do your observation of the classroom management. It
also good to ask the teacher for additional information so you can verify your observation.
Write your notes below: and then organize your data in the table that follows.

1.Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes ( storage of teaching aids, books,
belonging, supplies, etc. ).Describe these areas.
- The classroom area are managed and well furnished and complete in educational things.
2. Are there rules and procedures in the rule.
- Yes, the classroom rules are posted on the wall so that the student will always remember it.
3.Did the students participate in making the classroom rules?
- Yes they participate classroom rules because they need it to have a peaceful class.
4. What are the daily routines done by the teacher?(prayer, attendance, assignments of
monitors, warm-up activities etc.) How are they done?
- All of the routines are Flag ceremony in the morning, Checking attendance of the students
etc, All the school routines are done by the teacher
An Observation Guide for the
Classroom Visit
5. Is there seatting arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement?
-Yes, It is alphabetically
6. Observe the noise level of the classroom. How is this managed?
- They are all behave and quiet whenever the teacher is talking and discussing.
7. If a learner is not following instruction or is off-task, what does the teacher do?(behavior
-The teacher ask the student to participate and if they don’t follow they will not have a plus
points in grade.
8. What does the teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors?( behaviors strategies) - The
teacher reinforced the student by motivating the student by a clap whenever they answer a
questions in recitation like
“Very Good let’s have a congratulations clap for her or him”
Aspect of Classroom Management Description Effect on the Learners

1. Specific Areas in the Classroom well organized Conducive to learning and supports
the development of learners

2. Classroom Rules The rules are enforced verbally and The learners are able to develop
students follows it obediently their personal discipline

3.Classroom Procedures Instructional materials and other The learners are able to follow the
supplies are prepared for better procedures well
support in learning
4. Daily Routines The learners have maintained a It promotes attention and keeps the
good routine learners interested in class activities

5. Seating Arrangement Very spacious and comfortable The learners are kept comfortable
and being focused in class

6. Handling misbehavior/ offtask The teacher is calm, composed and The learners are made aware of
behavior very patient in her class misbehaviors and their bad effects
on them
7.Reinforcement of Positive Praises were used by the teacher Through proper motivation and
Behavior which helps keep the learner praise, the learners are apt to
motivated continue doing their good behaviors
1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior?
The more organized that a classroom is, the more effective the learners gain knowledge.
The classroom structure is designed to be beneficial for the children. It has to be well
coordinated and does not promote stagnant atmosphere. It is fun to watch the children as
they learn in this kind of classroom setting.
2. What should the teacher have in mind when he/she designs the classroom organization
routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?
The teacher should always remember the basic principles in classroom management. It is
to be aware of every actions made by the child in activities in the classroom. Always stay
alert in every situation and be able to adjust or respond positively within the class.
3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In
motivating students? Why were they effective?
Reinforcing positive behaviors and minimizing undesirable traits of the learners.
Motivation is a good strategy in supporting the child’s existing abilities and interests of
the learners. The teacher will find it easier to handle and use a wider variety of teaching
methods in this technique. If an approach doesn’t give the desired outcome, the teacher
can always try another until it becomes effective or suitable for the learner.
1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade/year level do you see yourself? What routines and procedures
would you consider for this level? Why?
I think it would be in grade 6. This grade level is more suitable in me rather than in the lower grades as this can reflect my personality and
overall look as a teacher. It is easier to deal with students at this stage because they have more experience in learning rather than in earlier
grade levels. There were many different routines that I can try and explore to handle the class. They can be disciplined verbally and it is
easier to get their attention. I observed this kind of class in my mother’s
class. Though I still also want to try in pre-school because it is my major. It poses a big challenge for me. I want to consider the routines that
emphasize the child’s behavior and build their character in group works and socialization plays and activities. I believe this kind of approach
can help in promoting good working relations in children as well as proper manners inside the class which can result for better learning.
2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose these
Be kind to your fellow classmates, Maintain the surroundings clean, Listen to the teacher, Do
not quarrel with each other and say “I am sorry” if you have done something wrong. I chose these
rules to make each child aware of the basic do’s and don’ts common in a class. They have to
understand that it is for their own well-being and it must serve as a guiding principle that
cleanliness, respect and acceptance is a major component for an effective and friendly school
environment. It is essential to promote good manners to the children because most of them have the
potential that they will carry this kind of behavior for the rest of their lives. It will nurture them as a
good citizen of the school and community if they will continue this as they grow which I hope they
3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?
Yes, the learners should get involved in making class rules because they will feel that they
really have to obey and follow it. They will develop the feeling that they should act upon their own
words because they are the ones who approved and helped make the rules. They will realize that
they are not cooperative students if they are the ones who would disobey the rule
Differences and
Name of the School you Observed: Lucena South 1 Elementary School
Address: Brgy. Cotta Lucena City
Date of Visit: September 5, 2021

Pre-school learners under Ms. Cynthia have 27 students, 14 boys and 13 girls. All learners are
Filipino (Tagalog). Their religion is Roman Catholic. During the class there were much interaction
inside the classroom between the learners and the teacher as well as the learner to another learner.
The students interact by playing with each other and talking to one another. The students interact
with the teacher by answering the questions asked by the teacher or other responses of the learners
to the teacher like body gestures. I observed that if the teacher is in front of the class, the learners at
the back kept talking to themselves and having their own conversations. Some of them listen more
and do what the teacher says but most of them doesn’t pay much attention. The learners cooperate
well with each other, I noticed some students try to assist their fellow classmates if they have
finished their own work, I think that there isn’t much competition between them, or if there is any, it
is in an absolute minimum. The boys are very active in activities, they are quite energetic more than
girls. When a teacher’s question isn’t answered by a particular student, others quickly raises their
hands and makes a loud noise to get the teachers attention. They are not allowed to go outside the
classroom for safety measures so they don’t get much interaction from there except when it’s time
for lunch where their respective guardians came to fetch them. They talk much about their favorite
cartoon shows during their free time
1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and interactions in the classrooms.
What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the leader, a mascot/joker, an
attention seeker, a little teacher, a doubter/pessimist?
I observed, Marc Clarenz Jaranilla, he was like the little boy leader of the class, he is good in
jokes and he always have some of that during class hours. He is quite noisy but the good thing about
him is that he learns fast than the others. When he is finished of his work he walks around the class
like a teacher, from there I noticed that he tries to help some of his classmates who’s having
difficulties. He is a good role player in that class.
2. Are students coming from the minority group accepted or rejected by the others? How is this
Every learner in this class is purely Tagalog, and if there would be any in case, anyone
coming from a minority group, he is well-accepted. The class is friendly and it is good to see that
there isn’t much fight among them not like when I was at their ages.
3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual differences of the
The teacher makes her influence in the class interaction by giving good consideration in every
individual difference of the learners. She keeps in mind the behaviors of every student and uses it in
a way that she can utilize it for a good classroom atmosphere.
4. What factors influence the grouping of learners outside the classroom?
I think that the factors that influence the grouping of learners outside the classroom have
similarities with their groupings inside. The close friends inside the class also is the same groupings
to be found outside, I think this is what they call “the gang age” I recently encountered in
psychology. A certain group would stick together inside/outside the class it is there where they first
have the taste of what we call “barkada.”
1. How did you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or unity among the
learners and between the teacher and the learners?
I felt their acceptance and respect for me, they became very friendly and always smiles back
at me. Yes, the entire class gives the feeling of oneness and it is felt in the classroom atmosphere.
The learners unity is seen together with their teacher as they know how to trust and respect each
2. In the future, how would you want the learners in your classroom to interact? How will you make
this happen?
There are a lot of possible scenarios in the future if I would be teaching in my own class and I
don’t presume to know them all. But, if I would have that opportunity, I can explore many strategies
considering their abilities and interests. As a teacher, I must be sensitive to every classroom situation
and I must act accordingly to that. I want my learners to be cooperative and friendly, I’m idealistic
and I promote friendliness among teaching situations to make students participate and I believe I
can have their respect and attention that way.
3. How will you encourage all learners, regardless of religious, ethnic or racial background, to
interact and participate?
I would never try to force them if they can’t do an activity or work, if they can’t do a task I’ve
given them, I should be the one to adjust to help them learn. Consideration is essential, as a teacher I
have to be very patient and meticulous about my approaches to learners. Every learner learns
through different strategies. They are unique; there is no class that learns the same exact way with
each other. Some learn better by doing, some by listening, some by playing, etc.

To reach your target, do the following task:
• * Select a learner from the class whom you have observed.
• * Conduct a home visit to your selected learner.
• * Describe the family in terms of ( number of siblings, number of
siblings in school)
• * Reflect on how the feelings of belongingness and acceptance
and cooperation are emphasized in the
• play.
• * Interview the parents about:
• > The rules they implement at home concerning their child’s
• > The learner’s activities and behavior while at home.
An Observation/Interview Guide for Home-School Link
The Learner
Make a general observation of the learner. Describe him in each of the domains of development:
Physical-body built and height (thin, chubby, underweight, overweight), level of physical activity (fast,
slow, lethargic, active, etc.)
Social interaction with teachers and classmates (loner, shy, sociable, friendly, gets into fights, liked by
others, etc.)
Emotional moods, temperament, cry easily, losses temper, happy, shows enthusiasm, excited, indifferent,
Cognitive (appears to understand lessons, copes with the lessons, excels, lags behind shows reasoning
skills, turns in assignments and requirements, etc.
Interview the Teacher
What are the most noticeable characteristics of the learner? (emotional disposition, behavior and discipline,
sense of responsibility, study habits, academic performance, relationship with peers, relationship with
adults, social adjustment)
How does the teacher communicate with the parents? How often? What do they discuss? Agree on?
Interview with parents
Conduct a home visit. Once there, observe the home set-up. (Home is orderly, family pictures in the living
2. Use the interview Questions on the next page. Just ask the questions with which you feel comfortable.
Name of the Learner: Banjo M. Vertudez
School: Lucena South I Elementary School
Date of Home Visit: September 24, 2012
Date of Birth: March 27,2021
Grade/Year Level: Preschool Age: 6 years old
Gender: Male
Family Profile
Number of Siblings: 3
Birth Order: 4rth
Mother: Eva M. Vertudez
Occupation: Ladyguard
Father: Billy A. Vertudez
Occupation: Security Company Manager
Physical Development
Social Development
Emotional-Moral Development
Cognitive Development

From my observations, the physical development of Banjo is good because he showed good signs of fine
motor skills and also according to her teacher. The social development of Ikay is also in good shape, she is friendly
although at times he makes his peers irritated to him because of his too much noise and messing around. Her mother
told me that his friendliness is often mistaken as being a bully because she seems to be like a big boss. Banjo
emotional-moral development is built around his moral character, he is not a shy person but when he have problems
ne likes to be alone and he doesn’t talk like the usual Ikya that I know. Ms.Cynthia noticed that Banjo is
easily affected by his emotions and his personality depends much on how he feels. If he is sad, he just sits and stays
silent and if he is happy, he moves around and talks non-stop with his peers. The salient findings that I observed
about him is that he has the ability to learn fast, when he is motivated and interested, he can do things better. The
cognitive development was good, he is an all-around learner and he does things well during class except fidgeting in
seat and like a talk show host, he talks non-stop.
The activeness of a learner like Ikay demonstrates or shows a child’s capability in school to learn
and adapt to his/her environment. It is an important factor for it will chart the future of the child for the coming years
of his life. The learner makes more progress when he is socially interactive and mentally active in participating in
class activities. They can easily express themselves verbally and clearly and they develop faster the skills needed to
cope up with our community and prepare them for the next level of education. I recommend that this kind of leaner
have to be given proper attention and every learner needs to be trained or taught how to socialize because it is a
general need to our community. A child who tends to be isolated and not encouraged by parents or teachers to
express themselves is a big hindrance to his/her progress as a learner.
Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile
will help you answer the questions here

1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting experienced by the learner?
Explain your answer.
Authoritative parenting because the children is respected and given proper care without doing any physical harm if
they committed a mistake; they have a good blend in their family. The family is strongly bonded with love and
affection and does not promote punishment for discipline.
2. Relating your data with what you have learned\ from child development, what family factors do you think
contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in school?
It is the good family relationship which affects greatly the child’s performance in school. He is treated nicely and
he feels secured that is why he is not bothered and his young mind is at ease having only minimal stresses which
can maximize the learning capability of the child.
3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the learner? If yes, what are these effects?
Yes, they can easily identify problems within the child and can provide solutions right away. It helps the child
intact in learning with continuous exchange of information from school and home. This way the child receives the
right amount of attention, enough for the learner to be properly prepared for school.
As a child, I can recall that at first I experienced an authoritarian parenting up until middle elementary. It affected
me greatly, because honestly I developed the sense of hate and loneliness that built up inside of me. I wanted a bit
of freedom that they usually don’t give me. They always made me follow all their rules without complaint and most
of my offenses are met with punishment. My sisters also had their share except my youngest brother because many
things have changed since then. Now, it was totally different, I can do what I want, when I want, where I want. I
only follow my own rule and do what I want without their consent. I’m not rebellious; maybe they have learned
that too much authority is a bad thing. I just turned 24, I know what I should do, and I’m not getting any younger. I
have all the reasons now to change and do things right. I have a great mother who gives me what I need even if at
times I’m doing things the wrong way. My friends who brings up the sun against the stormy days and my teachers
who’s guiding me to the right path that I have missed for so long. And the person who saved me from falling to
pieces, I never regretted anything. If there is any lesson that I learned from my development as a child up to now. It
is “Time is one thing in this world that we cannot recycle, never let the opportunities come and go like the wind,”
grab it, its worth.

As a future teacher, I will talk with the parents and stakeholders with respect and approach them nicely forin
this way will be in the benefit of all especially the learner. If I can establish a good home-school link, I can be able
to work better and help the primary concerns of the parents and learners to the school. I can identify their needs
easily and make the right adjustments best suited to help them and provide sufficient information to the parent
about their child’s progress in school. Without this kind of link in communication or link in school and home, the
child’s improvement can be lessened as well as the effectiveness of my teaching strategies will be held to a
minimum. The child can better be understood if the parents and teachers work together with ease and this will be
the bridge to a child’s success in their performance in school.

7 Physical and Personal Aspect of Classroom Management


How does the voice of the teacher affect
classroom instruction?

The teacher's tone of voice is a powerful

instrument. It sets the tone and environment for
the entire classroom in terms of engagement,
behavior, and rapport with students. ... It contains
some valuable insights from teachers who have
experimented with how their tone of voice affects
the functionality of their classrooms
Classroom setup is an important component in a learning environment because it is
an essential piece of classroom management to support both teaching and learning.
The physical atmosphere of the classroom can help prevent behavior issues as well
as promote and improve learning. The structuring of the learning environment is
essential for teachers and students. The physical arrangement of the classroom can
affect both student and teacher behavior, and a well structured classroom
management plan of design has the ability to improve learning and behavior. In
order to create an inviting, safe, supportive learning environment, using classroom
management for the way you arrange your desks matters. A supportive learning
environment can mean the difference between having a good day and a bad day.

Your classroom arrangement is the physical foundation of where your students will
learn. This means that every square foot of it needs to be used for activities that
support learning. The spatial structure of the classroom, where students will be
seated, how the students will move about the classroom, and the whole classroom
atmosphere needs to be considered, as well as how the classroom will be structured
to address the academic, social, and emotional needs of the students. The physical
arrangement of the classroom should also be reflective of the student body and
must be consistent with the needs of all learners.

My Learning Essentials
• The Depart of Education promotes standards and competency-based teaching with its K to
12 Curriculum Guide. The Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
has been ahead of DepEd and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in the practice
of competency standards-based teaching and assessment. CHED requires all higher
education institutions in the country to go outcomes-based education (OBE) in its CHED
Memo 46, s. 2012. Outcomes-based teaching and learning (OBTL) is OBE applied in the
teaching-learning process. It is equivalent to competency-based and standards-based
teaching and learning.
• When you apply OBTL you see to it that the intended learning outcomes (ILOs) are aligned
to the teaching-learning activities (TLAs) and in turn to the Assessment Tasks (ATs). In
other words, in OBTL you first establish your intended learning outcomes (lesson
objectives). Then you determine which teaching-learning activities (TLAs) you will use and
also the assessment tasks (ATs) you will have to use to find out if you attained your ILOs.
• In lesson planning, the ILOs are our lesson objectives, the TLAs are the activities we use to
teach and the ATs are evaluation part. OBE and OBTL are not entirely new. They are
importantly new. With mastery learning of Benjamin Bloom (1971), we were already doing
1. If the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) and Teaching-Learning Activities (TLA) and
Assessment Task were not aligned, what would the effect on the performance of students?
If the Intended Learning Outcomes and Teaching-Learning Activities and Assessment Task
are not aligned, I think the discussion will be disorganized and the students will be
confused, and their learning goals may not achieved. Students will lead to confusion of the
topic will results to wrong learning where no skills acquired. The teacher’s will also have
some problems in assessing the students, and the students will not have some retention.
2. Are there Teaching-Learning Activities (TLAs) which are more appropriate than what
Teacher used?
For me there is no Teacher –Learning that is more appropriate than what Teacher used
because for me, they are used to make the learning fun and interactive. It will be more
appropriate if TLA and the ILO were aligned because it will not only make the learning fun
and interactive but also the teacher achieve and reach her goals at the end of her lesson.
3. Are there more appropriate assessment tasks that the teacher should have used? If yes,
give examples.
During our observation, Ms. Cynthias group the class for an activity. They were able to
create a speech for public speaking and deliver it in the class. For me, there is no more
appropriate assessment since Ms. Cynthia was able to achieve her ILO. Assessment are
done to attained the goal of a teacher which she presented and its not necessarily a pen-
paper assessment but can also be in a form of group, duo or solo activity.
Curriculum is the heart of my teaching.
That is how essential, valuable and important
curriculum is to me as a future teacher. How can I know
what to teach, how to teach and why to teach if i don't
have the curriculum.
It is my guiding light to lead the learners to the essentials
that they should learn.
Through curriculum, I can know when to give them a
certain lesson, when to let them have the test and exams. I
can know when to give them practical evaluations.
In it, I can evaluate my students and assess them into
which level they have achieved, have been achieving and
will be achieved.
Curriculum is the heart of my teaching.
That is how essential, valuable and important
curriculum is to me as a future teacher. How can I know
what to teach, how to teach and why to teach if i don't
have the curriculum.
It is my guiding light to lead the learners to the essentials
that they should learn.
Through curriculum, I can know when to give them a
certain lesson, when to let them have the test and exams. I
can know when to give them practical evaluations.
In it, I can evaluate my students and assess them into
which level they have achieved, have been achieving and
will be achieved.
My Learning Episode Overview

This Episode Overview

This Episode dwell on types of questions, questioning
and reacting techniques that teachers make use of. The type of
question that teachers ask and their manner of questioning and
reacting to student response has a bearing on class interaction.
My Intended Learning Outcomes
In this Episode, I must be able to:
Identify my Resource Teacher’ questioning and reacting
Select types of questions, questioning and reacting techniques
that promote/ discourage interaction.

Learning is natural, inborn, intuitive, and ongoing. To live is to learn. Learning is not
a means to an end, but an end in itself. And it carries a sense of satisfaction. Learning,
in the words of Gilbert Highet, is: “A feast for the mind and spirit and a source of
lasting joy.” Learning is not just what results from instruction. We learn through our
emotions, our aspirations, and our bodies as well as strictly through our minds. And
we learn best by discovery. We rarely stop to recognize—and wonder at as we should
—how much infants and toddlers learn on their own, without anyone formally
teaching them.

Human life involves many aspects. These aspects are not compartmentalized; they are
without borders, interrelated, and connected. This reality is the basis for the “whole
child” concept. It is not possible to isolate the “student as scholar” and teach that
entity. In an educational activity or experience, for instance, that is centered on the
intellectual aspect; social, emotional, physical, and even aesthetic aspects will come
into play, whether consciously or not. Richard Lipka’s statement that “Cognitive
learning is hard-won by someone whose life is in affective disarray” is telling.


Teaching is a craft, even an art, and it simply cannot be carried out fully and
effectively if its steps are structured in advance. Well-intended efforts to prescribe the
teaching process have resulted in the loss of the ethos of teaching. Fundamentally,
teaching is a matter of guiding human growth and development, especially so at the
middle level. And this task cannot be accomplished by offering any series of carefully
designed lesson plans, but rather by modeling, relating, and, to a degree, simply being
among them over time as incidents in social living are encountered in the ongoing life
of the classroom.

Teachers shape lives less by direct instruction than by what I have called “wayside
teaching”—those small personal, often spontaneous, acts, by probing questions, subtle
reminders, earned commendations, and individual challenges extended. A teacher’s
influence when formally presenting information to a class is certain to pale in
significance when compared to the impact she may have in a 20 or 30 second up-close
and personal conversation with an individual student.

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