Mr. S and MR.S 2K

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Mr. Sir & Mr.


 1. Mr. Sir’s background
 2. Mr. Sir quotes
 3. Mr. Pendaski ’s background
 4. Mr. Pendaski ’s quotes
 5. Mr. Sir & Mr. Pendaski photos
Mr. Sir’s background(1)
 Marion "Mr. Sir" Sevilio is one of the work
ers at Camp Green Lake. He is cruel and bos
sy to everybody at Camp Green Lake. He has
a catchphrase "This isn't no Girl Scout Camp”
 Mr. Sir was once selling stolen goods in the b
ack room of a store in El Paso. He got wind th
at the police were heading his way and drove
off on a motorcycle. He met the Warden of C
amp Green Lake, who hired him to work at th
e camp
Mr.Sir’s background(2)
 Mr. Sir is the first person that Stanley met at Camp G
reen Lake. He told Stanley how things went at the ca
mp and showed him around. While outside, he asked
Stanley to look around and tell him what he sees. He
points out that there are no guard towers, electric fe
nces, or any other means of keeping campers from e
scaping. He says that the reason for this is because t
he camp is the only source of water or food for 100
miles,. so if any campers ran away, they would die q
uickly . “You’ll be buzzard food in 3 days.”
Mr.Sir’s background(3)
 Some time during Stanley's stay at Camp Green Lake
, Mr. Sir is making his rounds with water. When he le
aves the D-Tent boys to dig, one of the boys (Magne
t) reveals he stole a bag of sunflower seeds out of Mr
. Sir's truck. While the group enjoys the sunflower se
eds, one of the boys notices Mr. Sir turn around and
drive back, obviously realizing his sunflower seeds ar
e gone. Zigzag throws the bag to Stanley, who accide
ntly drops it, causing the contents to spill into his hol
e. Mr. Sir catches Stanley with the bag and takes him
to the Warden. T
Mr.Sir’s background(4)
 The Warden asks Stanley to get a suitcase full of ma
keup for her and shows him her nail polish, which sh
e says is made from the, when wet, toxic rattlesnake
venom. She asks Mr. Sir if he believes Stanley was th
e one who stole the seeds. As Mr. Sir begins to state
his doubt that Stanley did not (He believes someone
else did, since the sack was 5 pounds and Stanley cla
ims to have eaten them all), the Warden reaches up
and strikes him across the face with her fingernails,
which are covered in wet nail polish. This causes Mr.
Sir excruciating pain.
 After suffering from the poisonous scratch,
Mr. Sir takes his revenge on S and on
purpose deprive him of his water ration
 He is mean, he pours S’s ration onto the
ground instead of into his container.
 Anyway,S is skeptical about what he puts
in his container and refuses to drink
though he is thirsty.
Mr. Sir comments
 Mr. Sir saves Stanley by shooting a yellow spo
tted lizard and expresses his concern about St
anley (sarcastic). He kills the lizard to save his
own skin. He says he carries a gun for
shooting lizard
 The harsh Warden, Mr. Pendanski and Mr. Sir
who wait for the boys to die from lizard bited.
This shows that Mr. Sir is a cruel man and he
does not care about the lives of others.
Mr. Sir quotes
 She’s going to ask a lot of questions (fears the
 And this time she’ll have the A.G. with her (knows
what’s in store for them)
 There is not nothing down there. We would have
found it by now (realistic)
 I am not on stupid pills! (prefers sunflower seeds to
quit smoking)
 I think I look kinda purty, don't you?
 This is not a girl scout camp! (warning)
 All life begins with water. So think of it this way,
I'm given you life. Say thank you. (threat)
Mr. Pendaski ’s background(1)
 Pendanski is a villain "Holes". He is in charge
of Tent D, Stanley's tent at Camp Green Lake.
He seems to be friendly but really he is just a
s mean as the Warden and Mr. Sir. This is rev
ealed by his constant taunting of Zero and by
his total lack of concern for the safety of Stan
ley and Zero when they are covered in deadly
yellow-spotted lizards. Mr. Pendanski are arre
sted and Camp Green Lake is shut down for g
ood .
Mr. Pendaski ’s Quotes(1)
 D-I-G. What does that spell?
 They all have their little nicknames,
however I prefer to use the names
their parents gave them,the names
society will recognize them by.
 You are here on account of one
person; do you know who that one
person is?
Mr. Pendaski ’s Quotes(2)
 No one cares about Hector Zeroni.
He is a nobody.
 Stanley, if you've got any
questions, just ask Theodore.
Theodore will be your mentor. Got
that, Theodore?
Mr. Sir & Mr. Pendaski photos

 Mr.Sir
Mr. Sir & Mr. Pendaski photos
 Mr. Pendaski
Thanks for:
 Wikipedia

 Holes

 Sparknotes

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